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Bring the "Moving 'A'" Logo Back!

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It was ironic that another post had begun moving in this direction, because I was considering starting this conversation a few days ago. I'll start it afresh here so it has it's own heading...I miss the moving A logo too! I don't really like the new kangaroo head logo! The new logo is too busy, and doesn't stand out on uniforms. It's also just kinda confussing because the "A" doesn't look like an A and the Kangaroo head doesn't look like a kangaroo! It looks like a freakin' DONKEY! I think the old cartoonish Zippy logo was great! I love the FEAR THE ROO slogan, that's gotta stay. But the most recent A-with-kangaroo-head is just kinda dumb.That's my opinion. What do you guys think?

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I don't like the moving A. It looks outdated. The new one is much better.
:iws::thumb: You think you'd see as many kids (10-16 as well as college students) walking around with Zips apparrel if we still had just that outdated 80s looking thing? Sure, it's kinda cool for some throwback stuff but the new logos are MUCH better.
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The moving A goes back to the Faust era. The logo was changed to distinquish Akron, from ever other colleges that begins with an A, i.e. Arizona, Arkansas,, excetra, excetra, and so on and so forth!I think the new logo is great. I don't like it with the oval, everthing gets lost, but just the A and Roo head is great. I does not look like a donkey, if anything, more like the Penn State animal.

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It was ironic that another post had begun moving in this direction, because I was considering starting this conversation a few days ago. I'll start it afresh here so it has it's own heading...I miss the moving A logo too! I don't really like the new kangaroo head logo! The new logo is too busy, and doesn't stand out on uniforms. It's also just kinda confussing because the "A" doesn't look like an A and the Kangaroo head doesn't look like a kangaroo! It looks like a freakin' DONKEY! I think the old cartoonish Zippy logo was great! I love the FEAR THE ROO slogan, that's gotta stay. But the most recent A-with-kangaroo-head is just kinda dumb.That's my opinion. What do you guys think?
I disagree so much with your post I simply cannot fathom that you are being serious. I am going to assume you are trolling. lolno way in hell the plain old A is better than the new stylized roo logo.Busy? Sure, just about ANYTHING would be busier than an 'A'heheYou must be bored today
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Ouch! Okay, okay! Well, how's about the old school moving A from the Faust era, remember, it kinda had lines running through it?Or how about a stylish A somewhat like what either Alabama or the Atlanta Braves use? Just something, ANYTHING, on the side of our helmet that actually, from a distance, looks like an "A"?

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Personally, I like the Kangaroo A Head logo that Akron has now. It looks much better than anything we had when I was at UA. And, "Fear the Roo" is awesome! Just wish the marketing dept was so inept (or non-existent) in using it.

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Ouch! Okay, okay! Well, how's about the old school moving A from the Faust era, remember, it kinda had lines running through it?Or how about a stylish A somewhat like what either Alabama or the Atlanta Braves use? Just something, ANYTHING, on the side of our helmet that actually, from a distance, looks like an "A"?
8ish years ago, the baseball team used the script A like the Braves have for their hats. While it was a clean and simple design solution, straight up, it was dumb as hell. I would wear my Akron hat with that A on it around and everyone was like "Oh I hate the Braves." then I would tell them it was an akron hat, which they would always respond "oh, sorry ... why the hell would you wear an AKron hat?"people suck.personally I'm a fan of the Z. The baseball team has the hats with a giant Z on them. they are sharp.
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The new logo is much, much better than what we've had in the past, and it's a totally unique college logo. What I don't like so much is the boring gold helmet. It seems so derivative and tired like a wannabe Navy, Army, Notre Dame. I'd like to see, if even only once or twice a year, a crisp white helmet with blue stripes and the roo logo, or even a blue helmet and reverse the roo logo to gold. The uniforms could also be toned down and clean up the lines. The uni's look like something the St. Louis Rams may have considered and abandoned 7 years ago.

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personally I'm a fan of the Z. The baseball team has the hats with a giant Z on them. they are sharp.
Dude, I think the Z is pretty sweet too! They could utilize that more often, as far as I'm concerned. I think it is currently on the neck of the football jerseys, if I'm not mistaken. I remember one poster saying it reminded them too much of Zorro. But I doubt Zorro would be the first thing to come to most peoples' minds when they'd see the Z. But anyway, I agree, the Z is both sharp and cool!I also think they should clean up the football uni's a bit too. make them simpler. More classic. But I do like the gold helmet. I think it's classy. But, as mcperp suggested, a white helmet w/ gold accents may be really cool once in a while!But one thing I really wish they'd do, for basketball, is wear the GOLD uni's more often. For every home game, in fact! I love those gold basketball uni's - totally cool!
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Dude, there are friggin tons of schools with the capital A. If we are stupid enough to go back to that I'm killing myself, seriously.Several years ago every sport had their own logo. Now THAT was a mess. They don't have the freedom to just go out and get their own stuff anymore, which is good. When someone sees the logo now, they know who it is - Akron!

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