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I'm posting this here because repeated attempts to post it on Bobcatattack fail AND repeated requests to the board admins go unanswered (I wonder why? :rolleyes: )Ya know, this is typical of an OU fan. You dish the crap out on your board and countless others, and then we come a huntin' for revenge, you try to twist it into something ignorant.You didn't lose last night. You were p0wned!!! You got your asses kicked. Every prediction most of you made was wrong and you now realize that your team isn't what you expected. If you dish the crap out in the truck loads that you do, then you can expect a hand full of us to come by and shove it back down your throats. Since your board moves so slow, and many times when we've tried to make posts in the past they are returned with error messages, I will take full advantage of this space (if it works!):Since you all feel the OU athletic program is the pinnacle of all college programs, then explain this:http://www.uofazips.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=28893Bobcat said: "We have one thing going for us - We are not Akron." Yeah, thank God you're not Akron. I would have to move to get away from your ignorance.Bobcat Dragon's post and sig:Akron fans showing once again why they're the best in the MAC. Thanks, we appreciate that!I am an Ohio University Bobcat. - More like Pussycat."Akron fans don't take baths."- Mike Coleman's son Yep, we take showers. Bathing is for women and babies."We are gonna scoreboard you so hard."- GoCats21 Um, 79 - 48."We are the least classiest fans in the MAC, and I intend to keep it that way!"- Bleacher Bum on Zipsnation.org Bleacher Bum is guilty of plagiarism. He should have given credit to these OU fans who taught us this behavior.It's the O Zone. Not O-Zone, ozone, Oh Zone, O! Zone, or anything else. O Zone.This one's my favorite! Kinda like "small-man syndrome". Face it, you are not Ohio State University, you are a University in the State of Ohio. You will always be in the shadow of the team from the north. Accept it......or change your name!Medler:Bless this dear Akron fan and his need to gloat.Now...as long as they don't piss down their legs come March (like every Akron team the past 10 years), maybe I will remove them from their Div II status.Gloating just like an OU fan on every day of their life. Oh, and update your calendar. We've been D-1 since 1991.El Gato Robert:they're still in Akron.Thank heavens! Much better than Podunk, OhioJeff McKinney The sad thing is, the dude is basically right to a degree. Holy crap! Intelligence! Jeff, get out! Save yourself while you still have a chance!Diamond CatI am still getting killed over it I speak to them.I am not as think as you dumb I am from Athens.Alan SwankOf course I'm a bit biased considering I grew up in Akron and went to public school there, but there are times living here in Athens when I wished I lived in Akron. Like:When I want to play a round of golf on an 18 hole courseWhen I want to go out for a really good mealWhen I want to fly somewhereWhen I want to go to a pro sporting eventWhen I want to buy a suit and have a choiceI think you get my drift. That said, we just got hammered by 31 so they have every right to gloat. Get over it an move on instead of resorting to name calling about their town and university.To sum up, when you want to have a life, you go to Akron.Thanks for letting me vent. Now go focus on New Mexico and try not to embarrass the MAC!!!

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FeartheRoo,1) Nothing is wrong with the Bobcat board technically. It's on your end. It is not slow and you can post freely.2) On the BCA messageboard many of the posts before the game, including medler's, were tounge-in-cheek, and in some ways hopefull. As you see on BCA after the game, a lot of bobcat posters are pessimistic about the game.3) I read this board often, but rarely post. I did post today because I noticed some of the trash talking back and forth between BCA and this board. I don't like a lot of trash talk, and when I do post often remind people that basketball seasons are marathon's, not sprints. Don't get too high and don't get too low.So, I apologize if my post sounded like I was being a downer to the Zips win over the bobcats (it was a total domination--except maybe the way Leon Williams played). My point was only that there is still a number of games to be played and bragging rights are going to come down to who ever wins the tournament. Everything else will be mute.Akron has a good team, but nobody has separated themselves in the league yet. Every team is about the same--really good at home, so-so on the road. In fact there hasn't been one big road win in the league yet---who is going to get the first.

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2) On the BCA messageboard many of the posts before the game, including medler's, were tounge-in-cheek, and in some ways hopefull. As you see on BCA after the game, a lot of bobcat posters are pessimistic about the game.
So we were "trash talking" but their comments were "tongue-in-cheek"??? Gimme a break...
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Bobcat Dragon's post and sig:Akron fans showing once again why they're the best in the MAC. Thanks, we appreciate that!I am an Ohio University Bobcat. - More like Pussycat.(1)"Akron fans don't take baths."- Mike Coleman's son Yep, we take showers. Bathing is for women and babies.(2)"We are gonna scoreboard you so hard."- GoCats21 Um, 79 - 48.(3)"We are the least classiest fans in the MAC, and I intend to keep it that way!"- Bleacher Bum on Zipsnation.org Bleacher Bum is guilty of plagiarism. He should have given credit to these OU fans who taught us this behavior.(4)It's the O Zone. Not O-Zone, ozone, Oh Zone, O! Zone, or anything else. O Zone.This one's my favorite! Kinda like "small-man syndrome". Face it, you are not Ohio State University, you are a University in the State of Ohio. You will always be in the shadow of the team from the north. Accept it......or change your name!
OK, since you took my signature, I'll answer point by point:1. It was a statement from a five-year-old that I found funny. Whatever.2. That's part of my signature. I don't change it from game to game. I'm fully aware of the spanking last night. You're taking this all too literally.3. I'm not sure what your point is here. Are you saying that you modeled yourselves based on us or that you're plagiarists?4. You completely missed the point. It has nothing to do with Ohio State University, and I don't know how you construed it to be so. A lot of people don't spell O Zone correctly, and because I'm a spelling nazi, I put that in there. And please, spare me the "OU people can't spell" line. Bad spelling is a problem across the country no matter what school you went to.
Well, this was my first post on BobcatAttack.com:"Hey guys, Akron fan here. It appears that the game is still on for tonight although the University did cancel any classes after 3 PM. I just got home and let me tell you, the roads are B-A-D and it's quite dangerous to be driving anywhere. I'll be there tonight, but I'm not expecting many to join me...it's that bad."
My mistake. I'm sorry. Medler is... irritable, a pot stirrer. It was certainly not the best reply possible, you're right.
You were p0wned!!!
Come on, it's pwn3d. And once again, the problem is not with the site, it's with you. Nobody is trying to bar you from posting.So far as the smack talking in relation to the win goes... I'm not going to pursue the point further. We'll just go in circles. Beat the Peay shooters.
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NO! The point is that in general, not everyone, but many of you talk smack like your chit doesn't smell. Then when it comes back at you, you can't take it....in general. Sure, most of that was tongue in cheek. As for the board problems, trust me, it's not on my end. I think I know a bit about this. I tried three different browsers (four if you count IE 6 and 7) and three different computers, and two different internet connections (Road runner and VZW broadband). All produce the same error. It is probably in the account setup. Probably corrupt. However, no contact from any board admin after a few requests. Oh, and it is ALSO p0wned: clickey

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Akron has a good team, but nobody has separated themselves in the league yet. Every team is about the same--really good at home, so-so on the road. In fact there hasn't been one big road win in the league yet---who is going to get the first.
Lets see you beat us by 5 at your place and we win by 31 at our place but the top teams haven't seperated yet? :rolleyes:
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sgm--I never said you were trash talking and BCA was only tounge and cheek, just some of medler's posts. They were so outrageous that he was exagerating for affect.hilltopper--That statement wasn't just about OU and Akron, it was about the top 5 teams in the MAC, Toledo, Akron, Can't, Miami, and OU. None of those teams has won on the other teams home floor...so far. My point was that, until someone does that, nothing has really been separated, at least in my opinion. It is relatively easy to win at home in the MAC, winning on the road separates the prentenders from the contenders--I think I've read Dambront say the same thing.For example, early on OU lost at Can't and Miami by a combined 6 points, both games going to overtime, but then gets demolished by Akron. Akron loses to Toledo and OU on the road. Toledo loses at Can't and at OU. Miami lost at Akron and at Toledo....That is what is going to make these last couple of weeks interesting. Can't and Miami play tonight at Can't, and then both still have to play at OU. Akron still has to play at Can't and at Miami. Any of those teams win those games, they'll have a leg up.

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In reading all this, I am amazed by how silly it is. Are there obnoxious OU fans? Yes. But there are also obnoxious Miami Fans, and Buffalo fans, etc... But anyone who doesnt think there are the same kind of Zips fans needs to lay off the crack. I was at a game in the rubber bowl, sitting on the opposing side with a friend who used to play offensive line for the opponent, and some Akron fans decided to come over and rub it in my friends face. It happens.Why judge the lot by a few bad apples? Both schools are passionate about their programs. Let's move on...

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Poor OU fan... Things are not going well in Athens all around...* OU is in the hole $ 11 million next year* The football team went over budget and they had to drop 4 sports* Their president made the school open admissions, so the academic superior arguement now can not be used by bobcat fan* A few scandals involving the football team thrown in regarding discipline.* Basketball team is now choking on a regular basis* Also got blown out by arch rival Miami in basketballIs there any wonder they are spinning in their tracks and attacking one another on their board.

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Poor OU fan... Things are not going well in Athens all around...* OU is in the hole $ 11 million next year* The football team went over budget and they had to drop 4 sports* Their president made the school open admissions, so the academic superior arguement now can not be used by bobcat fan* A few scandals involving the football team thrown in regarding discipline.* Basketball team is now choking on a regular basis* Also got blown out by arch rival Miami in basketballIs there any wonder they are spinning in their tracks and attacking one another on their board.
You're just a friggin liar:OU isn't $11 million in the hole -- they are just planning for the contingency of a large budge deficit (as Akron is as well) if Gov. Strickland cuts the higher education subsidy, which he has indicated he might have to do given the state's financial condition.OU cut four sports not because the football team went over budget, but because the school had more sports than most other schools, but a flat athletic budget. Therefore, they did what any large organization should do -- focus there resources where they can earn higher returns. We have several sports Akron doesn't have, and vice versa.OU is not open admissions by any stretch of the imagination. It has selective admissions. The president did decide to increase the overall undergraduate student population by up to 1,000 over a 4-year period. Not a huge issue in terms of student quality when you receive 13,000 applications for admission.I respect Akron -- it has many good programs. But don't lie about other schools to make yourself feel better.
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Before you start calling people liars... you might want to check your facts....OU is NOW OPEN ADMISSIONS! I know people that work in the field of Admissions at OU... they have told me THAT MCDAVIS asked them to admit everyone the past 2 years. My understanding this was a definite change in policy from the Glidden years. Why would people from the OU Admissions Office lie? The Presidents plan was to increase enrollment, and reduce the deficit by having more bodies. However, I don't believe OU has dumbed down classes, so thus you end up hurting your retention rate and academic reputation. Football not over budget huh? Hmmmm... Not what I heard from some other OU friends. Sounds like you are buying into the Kirby spin. I have heard some first rate overspending stories from friends connected. Frank seems to think he has the Nebraska budget and not the OU budget.In regards to the deficit, interesting view. I have heard nothing of the sort of Akron facing a deficit of 11 million or higher then a few million based on projections. I would agree that ALL Ohio MAC schools are getting hurt in funding from the state. There is some hope with Strickland, but the problem is with the legislators in Columbus, idiots as a whole from both side of the aisle.

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