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If you are going to be upset with a stadium like Chattanooga's, it's your loss. I've been there two times and I admit, I am jealous of how well each side is developed in comparison to Stambaugh.Search for the PDF of renderings of the stadium and tell me it does not look just like that!

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i for one am very optimistic! everything the university has built in the past 10 years has turned out great! as for some of the eminent domain talk here's a really good article that explains what has been going on recently with state/city law. click me i am not from the toledo area but came across the article and found it to be very informative. :screwks:

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Eminent domain is tough. I support bills that outlaw tearing down a bunch of occupied housing and giving it to for profit corporations. I'm not too worried about slum lords losing their rentals to eminent domain, we all have seen how bad some of these places are, but I don't like the idea of kicking out private residents. I saw the TV spot posted here on the stadium, and apparently UofA can't pay more for a property than it's appraised value. I think it should be some % over that, say 10% over the appraised. For someone losing their property, they should get something above and beyond for being forced out. I guess I could see the same for Buisnesses and Slum Lords. As for stadium design, I'm with ZFF. Build it with character! Make it the Camden Yards of College Football (Though I think it will take more than $60 million to get us Camden yards). I'd like to see 30,000 seats, but could live with less. I would rather the team play in a smaller, nearly sold out stadium than a huge, 25% full stadium. PLAN for future expansion so that any additions fit seamlessly into the stadium. I like the enclosed endzone with grass seating idea. For big games, it's packed and looks like regular seating, or maybe they could put up some portable bleachers. For other games, it just looks good!. I would like to see a scoreboard at least as nice as Miami's right off of Exchange street. It would be cool to be able to see the street from inside the stadium, and it would be cool to drive by during a game too! They are building those Condo's on the Zip Strip too, so maybe people could sit on their roofs and see into the stadium.

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And for the hell of it I will post the king of all kings in I-AA: Montana Washington Grizzly Stadium. If you guys built a stadium like this: ALL THE PRAISES TO YOU!grizstadiumfromabovefy7.jpgO Ya they are expanding to make it 26,000 seats!wa-griz-expansion.gif
Now you're talking Cowboy.That stadium looks like it seats more than 26,000, which goes to show you can look big time without a 50,000 seat stadium.
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If you are going to be upset with a stadium like Chattanooga's, it's your loss. I've been there two times and I admit, I am jealous of how well each side is developed in comparison to Stambaugh.Search for the PDF of renderings of the stadium and tell me it does not look just like that!
Yes, it looks like the drawings...but they were only conceptual...not a proposed design...I hope.
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If you are going to be upset with a stadium like Chattanooga's, it's your loss. I've been there two times and I admit, I am jealous of how well each side is developed in comparison to Stambaugh.Search for the PDF of renderings of the stadium and tell me it does not look just like that!
Yes, it looks like the drawings...but they were only conceptual...not a proposed design...I hope.
Thanks for the verification.
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Didn't Ohio St only seat 10-20k when the 80k horseshoe was first built? Now they sell out over 100k. I'm not saying aim as ohio st did, but if Akron made a -good- 50-60k stadium, I don't have a doubt in my mind we would see it sold out at least a few times in a decade. And if Brookhart actually gets that team settled and wins more championships, there will be a need to add on to it.

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Didn't Ohio St only seat 10-20k when the 80k horseshoe was first built? Now they sell out over 100k. I'm not saying aim as ohio st did, but if Akron made a -good- 50-60k stadium, I don't have a doubt in my mind we would see it sold out at least a few times in a decade. And if Brookhart actually gets that team settled and wins more championships, there will be a need to add on to it.
You're joking right? :unsure::unsure::unsure:
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I know that some of our athltic administrators were in Kansas City last week meeting with the architects. They were tweeking the plans and making adjustments and trying trying to make it fit into the cost range of $55mil.There should be an announcement coming sometime in August. I was also told that the stadium will fit into the the current surroundings on campus. Meaning brick and probably something similar to the color of the field house. :cheers:

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I know that some of our athltic administrators were in Kansas City last week meeting with the architects. They were tweeking the plans and making adjustments and trying trying to make it fit into the cost range of $55mil.There should be an announcement coming sometime in August. I was also told that the stadium will fit into the the current surroundings on campus. Meaning brick and probably something similar to the color of the field house. :cheers:
55 million is good, because that is all it cost to build that nice bowl that UCF has. Maybe im crazy but i just like the feel of a Bowl alot more then i do that of a large scale High School stadium. The bowl makes it look and feel like college football........ the 2 seperate sides (like the pictures shown) is nothin more then Hoban HS witha few more visitor seats.
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reminds me a bit of Cuyahoga Falls HS stadium except with curved seats and a better visitor side...
So what your saying then is that the stadium looks nothing like Cuyahoga Falls
I'm a Falls grad and couldn't make the connection...sorry.
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Why do you guys think the U is holding the plans back so long? Wouldn't you think they would want to get plans posted asap just to try and stir up as much excitement and publicity as possible, and then ride the stadium wave of enthusiasm as long as possible? Even if the plans are preliminary, with much tweeking to be done, I would still think they'd want to publicize this more than they have. Especially on GoZips.com.

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Why do you guys think the U is holding the plans back so long? Wouldn't you think they would want to get plans posted asap just to try and stir up as much excitement and publicity as possible, and then ride the stadium wave of enthusiasm as long as possible? Even if the plans are preliminary, with much tweeking to be done, I would still think they'd want to publicize this more than they have. Especially on GoZips.com.
A 55 million dollar stadium is a pretty major deal. And the eminent domain issues add some legal complexities. A premature announcement could jeopardize the Sept 2009 opening and also add some costs. The announcement will be made in August. By then everything should be finalized.
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The Capt. is right. This is a major building project. Why should the U release preliminary plans, when things might change. That only tends to make people complain.We only have another 4-6 weeks b/4 they make the big announcement. Let's have them tweek it all they want to just to make sure it is done right and not slapped together like the JAR.

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speaking of the JAR, wouldn't it be cool to have a kick-off party for the new stadium there (or in the fieldhouse) that was open to the public and show fly-thru images of the new stadium on the big screen? They could also have a place set up to make donations towards it.
You make too much sense ziptrumpet87! lol That is a great idea. :thumb:
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speaking of the JAR, wouldn't it be cool to have a kick-off party for the new stadium there (or in the fieldhouse) that was open to the public and show fly-thru images of the new stadium on the big screen? They could also have a place set up to make donations towards it.
They should do this at the Patriot Bowl! THAT would be cool and be sure to land us some time on the Cleveland News!
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From the proposal for Financing and Design and Build Services:2.0 PROPOSALS 2.1 SCOPE OF PROPOSALS A. The University of Akron is requesting financing proposals from qualified organizations for the following planned projects listed below. Proposed debt vehicles, may or may not be used in combination with the University’s ability to issue tax-exempt debt.On-Campus Stadium25,000 seats (expandable to 30,000) including support facilitiesSchedule:The University intends to commence construction of the new on-campus stadium no later than September 15, 2007. The dates for commencing construction of the parking deck and optional residence hall facility have yet to be determined.

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