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Akron can't sell OSU tickets....


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According to Rivals.com, they posted on the OSU forum that a limited number of tickets will be available Saturday for the OSU-Akron game. Akron returned a portion of their alloted tickets because they went unsold.Absolutely pathetic. Not enough people care to watch this team even when they are playing the Buckeyes.

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You can attribute the lack of ticket sales for the game to three things. 1) No one wants to deal with a bunch of crappy OSU fans.2) The ticket alotment that the great university was so kind to share with our poor selves did not allow for people to buy 4 seats together. They were spread throughout the stadium in a very random pattern.3) Cost, why should a season ticket holder pay $50 for one game, when he spent $75 for every Akron game?Don't chalk this up as "lack of support" or "pathetic" it's a simple matter of Apathy. If you go to OSU who are you really supporting sitting in the upper deck with 100,000 other people there to root for the home team? It's not like OSU offers a single section that can end up being a wall of Blue in a sea of red. They purposely spread the visiting crowd out. The only team you are supporting is OSU because they just got $10,000 or more from Akron fans, alumni, and students that would have been better donated to the Z-Fund.

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I personally witnessed the "pathetic" lack of support at Cleveland Browns Stadium last weekend. ONLY about 13,000 Zips fans decided to spend a Sunday of their Labor Day weekend in town so they could watch the Zips play one of the worst teams in the nation.I thought the Akron area folks were a bunch of rabid OSU fans? Why didn't these local OSU fans buy the extra tickets? They must not have thought it was worth the drive?It heartens me to see that Akron-area residents aren't such Buckeye lemmings.

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I know the Browns can't win but I would still go support them!! That's fine I look at it as they are just gonna miss the greatest upset in buckeye history.
great point!I think this illustrates the difference certain types of fans, and why some of us bitch about the local rag not covering the zips very well.Some teams build up a............ I can't find a single word for it, but........ air of importance, or a sense of history or destiny. Hell, even when the browns are doing poorly, people still want to be associated with them, and participate with them.It's why people sold out all of those regular season games at jacobs field, even at the start of the season when no one knew for sure how they would perform that year. It's because, people wanted to participate in a product that they thought everyone wanted to participate in. Despite if they won or lost that day, they could still say "I was there"Are they true sports fans? No. Not in the purest sense. Most of them are not. Pure sports fans are truely rare, and even many of them who like the game for the game would rather just grab a bag of chips and watch a game of television rather than drag their ass out to the park/arena/stadium.But, those people, the bandwagon types, they are the majority of ticket buyers. They want to go to see a winner. They wont have a good time if they don't. They want to be associated with a winner. They want to tell their friends "I was at the game" when someone mentions their winning ways.but deeper than the momentary band wagon is that 'sense of importance/history' bandwagon I was talking about. Those people are not necessarily true sports fans either. They go to the browns games when the browns aren't winning.Nobody around here (except some of us, lol) have any sense of investment in the zips. They would only go to see a winner. They would not go to 'support' them.Now, if the zips beat the buckeyes this weekend, something tells me it would be a lot harder to get tickets for the akron/Can't game
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I'm not going Saturday so I didn't even look into it, but wasn't the OSU game tied into buying season tickets somehow? I'd like to know how much Akron received out of the the OSU tickets they sold.My understanding is between Akron, Army and the Cleveland Sports Commission, only 10,000 tickets were sold for Saturday. Not good. I'm very concerned that having a new stadium is not going to be enough to sell a lot of tickets in a couple of years. For decades, people around Akron have never spent their own money on Zips tickets. Why will they start in two years?

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In regards to g-mann's #2 about the tickets being spread out: I have heard this same thing from people at other schools when they travel to the BCS schools. I watched the Mich/App St game, and at least on TV it appeared that their fans were spread out, with a handful here and there amongst a sea of Mich fans. Don't think for a minute that these type of things aren't done on purpose. I for one won't be surprised if we do the same thing at the new stadium!

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That's weird, When I went up the the jar to find out about the OSU tickets, there were only 10 left, that was last Friday. Are you sure Rivals knows what they're talking about? You also have to have one student ID for each student so it was hard for students to buy tickets in the bunches without their friends student IDs.

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wait a second... regular tickets were only $50 when i paid $60 for my student ticket?!
I think to get the ability to buy a 'regular' ticket you had to buy a $65+ season ticket. Correct me if i'm wrong... And dang I'd love to be there, but working retail I have to pick my battles on which weekends I work. Fair trade to avoid the 4 hours of driving and the $60 ticket to get the 22nd off. We'll be there pre-dawn. Breakfast on the grill folks! :screwks::screwks::screwks::screwks::screwks::screwks:
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I think to get the ability to buy a 'regular' ticket you had to buy a $65+ season ticket. Correct me if i'm wrong... And dang I'd love to be there, but working retail I have to pick my battles on which weekends I work. Fair trade to avoid the 4 hours of driving and the $60 ticket to get the 22nd off. We'll be there pre-dawn
I bought $65 season tickets and the OSU tickets were $60 each.I didn't want to go sit with a bunch of OSU fans myself. Besides that money all goes to OSU and they have enough money in their athletic coffers.
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I am not going to attend the game in Columbus, as I have a commitment for Saturday evening. However why should I drive two and a half hours to Columbus, fight the traffic and crowd, walk sixteen and a half miles from where I park to sit three thousand yards from the field, again fight the traffic and crowd, then drive two and a half hours back home. I can just sit down in front of my DISH Network, order wings and a pizza, drink some beer, and enjoy the game. But then maybe I'm just not a fan. :thumb::thumb::thumb:

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I personally witnessed the "pathetic" lack of support at Cleveland Browns Stadium last weekend. ONLY about 13,000 Zips fans decided to spend a Sunday of their Labor Day weekend in town so they could watch the Zips play one of the worst teams in the nation.I thought the Akron area folks were a bunch of rabid OSU fans? Why didn't these local OSU fans buy the extra tickets? They must not have thought it was worth the drive?It heartens me to see that Akron-area residents aren't such Buckeye lemmings.
Way to spin poor fan support into Akron fans not being a "Buckeye lemming"...priceless. The fan base not getting out to the game today is absolutely inexcusable. Also inexcusable is Akron's Athletic Department making people buy season tickets AND a game ticket for today's matchup. In a game with such National and state exposure, we should've done everything possible to get as many students/fans down to the Shoe. Instead, it'll just look like nobody gives a shit about Akron - something we all know isn't true. First the Nevada basketball game BS, now this...boy do I miss the last AD/regime. :wall:
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I personally witnessed the "pathetic" lack of support at Cleveland Browns Stadium last weekend. ONLY about 13,000 Zips fans decided to spend a Sunday of their Labor Day weekend in town so they could watch the Zips play one of the worst teams in the nation.I thought the Akron area folks were a bunch of rabid OSU fans? Why didn't these local OSU fans buy the extra tickets? They must not have thought it was worth the drive?It heartens me to see that Akron-area residents aren't such Buckeye lemmings.
Way to spin poor fan support into Akron fans not being a "Buckeye lemming"...priceless. The fan base not getting out to the game today is absolutely inexcusable. Also inexcusable is Akron's Athletic Department making people buy season tickets AND a game ticket for today's matchup. In a game with such National and state exposure, we should've done everything possible to get as many students/fans down to the Shoe. Instead, it'll just look like nobody gives a shit about Akron - something we all know isn't true. First the Nevada basketball game BS, now this...boy do I miss the last AD/regime. :wall:
The Athletic Dept. should have eaten the cost. How many homes game do we have this year? Four? Use the money you save from not operating the Rubber Bowl to give your most faithful fans good seats to a game they are willing to travel to. Get your student section a block of seats at one of our "home games" instead of scattering them around behind the endzone. Hello! Anybody there? :wave:Also, why the hell can't the band travel to OSU? Because they were charging attendance to get into a stadium that would be sold out either way? Pay for them.
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