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Odd Cornor SOLD


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http://www.ohio.com/news/top_stories/15430421.htmlSettled out of court for $443,460. The building they're moving into cost $400,000. He made a $43,460 profit. Absolutely nobody should feel sorry for this guy. Funnny thing is, he got the same amount that was offered months ago, but he just dragged it out too long in hopes of more money, and will now likely have legal fees to pay for because of his greed.
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http://www.ohio.com/news/top_stories/15430421.htmlSettled out of court for $443,460. The building they're moving into cost $400,000. He made a $43,460 profit. Absolutely nobody should feel sorry for this guy. Funnny thing is, he got the same amount that was offered months ago, but he just dragged it out too long in hopes of more money, and will now likely have legal fees to pay for because of his greed.
:rolleyes:Yeah, the guy has been there for decades, but he really didn't want to stay there... he was just staying there to be greedy!:lol:Why do some people have to vilify everyone that they don't agree with?Cripes!I want the fukkin stadium too. I'm just so sick of everyone's freaking righteousness
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http://www.ohio.com/news/top_stories/15430421.htmlSettled out of court for $443,460. The building they're moving into cost $400,000. He made a $43,460 profit. Absolutely nobody should feel sorry for this guy. Funnny thing is, he got the same amount that was offered months ago, but he just dragged it out too long in hopes of more money, and will now likely have legal fees to pay for because of his greed.
:rolleyes:You must be a mind reader. You somehow KNOW that the guy didn't care about staying, he was just being greedy.I mean, he's been there for decades, but he really wanted to move, but didn't move because he knew they wanted to build a stadium there so he held out.:lol:
He had that "Moving across the street" sign up for a month now, and just recently settled. If he was already moving why would he hold out for a month longer, accumulating legal fees the whole time, if he was just going to accept the offer that was already on the table?
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You're right. They shouldn't be considered the bad guy. But, I think we have let these businesses slide on their responsibilty to the neighborhoods and markets they serve. Clearly the University and community need this new stadium for continued growth and overall pride. These businesses have been offered fair value for their properties as well as ample time to secure alternate locations. While I'm sure the city and University were not the most helpful in finding relocation spots for bars, tatoo parlors, and a head shop, they have been very upfront and straight forward about the stadium plans.What I would hope the city would do is declare the plasma center a neighborhood nusiance and move them out allowing Manny and The Sun to move their places and construct a new multi-use complex there. Both bars, the coffee shop, a restuarant or 2, maybe some shops.

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Here's a long read about what UA, Summa, and the city may have in mind for the area. I don't know how old the document is (2-3 yrs?), but it's got some interesting things in it.UPA Design Charrette
It's interesting, but sometimes I get the idea that the people who plan 'revitalization' stuff only want to include themselves, their associates, and those who want to buy their way in as insiders.In other words, existing business owners should get pushed out, despite their years of serving the market, even if they would be willing to cooperate with planning of how things should be shaped and developed, and current residents are just obstructions despite their years of paying taxes and living where others might not choose to.
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Don't worry I found his "u". Evidently the Leakin' Urinal is using it. Here is an excerpt from today on a story on the Browns titled "Cleveland Browns: Success Breeds Greed??"Hold on there, big guy. I don't think so. One decent season, does not a five-year contract make. Not buy a long shot. Mind you, after the Browns dispensed with Charlie Frye after the home opener debacle against the Steelers way back in September, Anderson showed that he had some skills at the QB position.

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I really don't care where the Odd Corner moves. As long as I can still by a bong and some nudie magazines at the same store, I'll be okay.
BLEACHER, Bleacher, bleacher :nono: ... ... that's "BUY," not "by!"
Pass the dutchie! It subtracts "u"s from words. I swear to god I was sober when I wrote that first one....now....not so much......
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I really don't care where the Odd Corner moves. As long as I can still by a bong and some nudie magazines at the same store, I'll be okay.
yeah, go blaze it up and look at some porn...You're a solid piece of life :rolleyes:The Odd Corner is not the kind of business that we should want around the University or in it's vicinity... I don't know why anyone would feel sorry for a guy who makes a profit off of ruining people's minds and lives.
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I really don't care where the Odd Corner moves. As long as I can still by a bong and some nudie magazines at the same store, I'll be okay.
yeah, go blaze it up and look at some porn...You're a solid piece of life :rolleyes:The Odd Corner is not the kind of business that we should want around the University or in it's vicinity... I don't know why anyone would feel sorry for a guy who makes a profit off of ruining people's minds and lives.
lol, I suspect Bleacher Bum's post was half in jest, but you gotta love people beating their drums of morality.What's next, no booze?No dancing? LOL, get ye back devils!!!
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