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Wood to Return Saturday for Bracketbuster


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Wow. Incredible if he can pull it off. He was hinting at returning sooner than expected, but this is almost too good to be true!I hope he's not pushing himself too hard. I'd rather have a 100% healthy Jeremiah Wood in the tournament than a J. Wood that is still trying to recover from surgury a month later because he hurt himself by coming back too soon.

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Wow, unbelievable. I agree with the sentiment that the braketbuster maybe isn't necessary to get back for. At this point our at-large chances are next to none. I'd rather have him back for OU, Can't and the tournament to make a run there. Either way. With the way Chris McKnight has been stepping up of late and with Nate playing stellar ball, Cedrick seems to be finding his rythm a bit. Maybe our luck is starting to turn a bit.

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Agree with everyone that the VCU game doesn't mean much in the whole scheme of things BUT it is on national TV against a higher-ranked (for whatever the RPI is worth) opponent AT OUR PLACE. Hard to set the here-and-now aside in favor of the big picture. Would imagine that Wood and KD both want the VCU game, especially given our record against higher-ranked opponents the last few years (not good). Lookin' forward to Saturday that much more. Just having Wood back in uniform and on the bench has got to be that much more inspiring for the rest of the guys.

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In my opinion, let him travel to Miami (he wasn't at the BG game, unless he was in the stands), but not dress. Let him dress for the VCU game, go through warmups, etc, but not play. Then they have all next week off. Play him a little bit for the Buffalo on 3/1, with the intentions for having him back for the OU and Can't game and the tourney.

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I believe that KD has done a great job as coach, but if he lets Wood play in the VCU game, he is absolutely OUT OF HIS MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I see this talk about RPI, FORGET IT!!!!!!!! Some years ago, Can't had a great RPI number and did not get in!!!!!!WE NEED A HEALTHY WOOD FOR THE MAC TOURNAMENT PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but after the surgery, rest alone does not rehab the injury.What better exercise to get into game shape for the tournament than an actual game?They wouldn't let him play if he was in danger of re-injuring it, so as long as hes say, 75%, he's better than most forwards.I'll take 15 minutes of J-Wood at any percent.

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the thought of wood out there this early is scary.if he does play it should 5-10 min each half amolst.i towuld be good for condiation.you cannot simulate game speed in pcatice.still the thought of only hope to win the mac tourney out there this soon conecerns me.

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i agree with the 15-20 min mark vs. vcu. guys n gals, it is a miniscus (sp?) injury. it is a 2 week injury at tops these days. and most often less. not only would it be good for him to get game min, but good for the team. our style has changed a little bit without him in the lineup and it will allow us to adjust back in time for the MAC tourny.

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with all the injuries we have had,and where we are in the mac right now the vcu game does not mean as much.you play to win every game ,but we need everybody healthy at tourney time.plus we need the mac victories to get a bye.i dont see how a win veruses vcu would help if we have tp play aonther mac game.i still think it's a uge risk to play jw in this game.if he goes down our season is over.

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I believe that some one (me) posted this yesterday ... ahem ... !!!!
Woods is out? Woods wont play in the VCU game? You got to be kidding me. This is all a set up to suck VCU in. Woods plays, maybe 10-15 minutes.
It's always nice to see someone pat themselves on the back, but you were clearly talking about some guy named Woods, not Wood.
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I believe that some one (me) posted this yesterday ... ahem ... !!!!
Woods is out? Woods wont play in the VCU game? You got to be kidding me. This is all a set up to suck VCU in. Woods plays, maybe 10-15 minutes.
It's always nice to see someone pat themselves on the back, but you were clearly talking about some guy named Woods, not Wood.
Woods DEFINITELY will play. Nick Dial told me so.
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I believe that some one (me) posted this yesterday ... ahem ... !!!!
Woods is out? Woods wont play in the VCU game? You got to be kidding me. This is all a set up to suck VCU in. Woods plays, maybe 10-15 minutes.
It's always nice to see someone pat themselves on the back, but you were clearly talking about some guy named Woods, not Wood.
Woods DEFINITELY will play. Nick Dial told me so.
LOL. Nice.
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