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You want to know how to beat Can't


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Go take a look at what UNLV is doing to them right now. Pressuring them the entire way up the court and forcing Can't into turnovers and sloppy offensive sets. It's exactly what I said we should do on Sat. and the Sun. before that. If you let Can't run their offense they will kill you. If you get up and pressure them, they turn the ball over like its their job.

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I notice UNLV is making their shots from behind the 3 point line too. That seems to help.
They've missed quite a few of them. I think to this point they've only hit 2 of them. Can't has at least 8 turnovers already and we are only halfway through the first half. Thats the kind of defensive pressure you have to put on Can't in order to beat them.
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I notice UNLV is making their shots from behind the 3 point line too. That seems to help.
I think to this point they've only hit 2 of them.
We were 1 for 12 from three point land in the first half of our second game. 3-23 overall.
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Can't is down 19 late in the first half. They've got 6 points so far and haven't even come really that close to scoring any more. UNLV is putting on a clinic on the defensive end. Can't is forcing everything, taking horrible shots and turning the ball over. Not a good day for Can't or the MAC.

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This is horrible! UNLV doesn't even look that good - Can't just looks absolutely HORRIBLE! What on earth?! they've really let UNLV get comfortable in this game. They'd better tighten things up real quick, 'cause this is making us and the rest of the MAC look pathetic.
How did we lose to this team three times?? Haha Can't state ties the record for the fewest points at the half
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Bill Needle on the radio at about the 10-minute mark of the half and Can't State with 6 points on the board: "I don't think Can't State can play any worse."Uh, Bill, yes they can. They scored all of 4 points the rest of the half.Someone needs to bottle this mess and sell it ... "Eau de :screwks: "

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...so 31-10 at HALFTIME...HALFTIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...are you kidding me...cant even had a 10 second violation called against one of their dumbass guards...a 10 second violation...i wonder when the last time one of those was called in an NCAA tournament...those fuckers...UNLV has caused 15 turnovers...and are ahead by 21 points...all you ppl who said it would be good for the MAC if cant made it to the tourny, might wanna rethink that...theyre getting blown out...how is this helping us at all...granted it is halftime, and cant could come back...but i highly doubt it...now enough about those fuckers...i hope theyre watching the game and feeling like shit, those idiots...anyway akron...scary game the other night...the rebounding definitely improved some...free throws need to be drastically changed if we want a chance at winning on saturday

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