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Odd Corner Owner Miffed at UA


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The several hundred gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexual students at UA will miss a few guest speakers over the next few decades....but our stadium won't have a head shop next to the main entrance. I'm ok with that.

He said he shifted his endowment because he was unhappy that UA pursued eminent domain against his store, which had anchored the corner of Union and East Exchange streets for 35 years.
"Anchored?" I would have used the term "blighted," but...whatever...
Eventually, UA and Jackson agreed out of court on a price — $443,460 for the property, lost profits and moving expenses, among other things.
So he agreed to it...and now he's throwing a fit? Nice.I refuse to buy any new bongs from him when his new store opens. I'm traveling to K.e.n.t. for all my Head Shop needs. Will anyone else join me in the boycott? :D
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I just saw the story in the ABJ. It's page A-1 front & center. This Harry Jackson, owner of the Odd Corner, must be an honest-to-God first class tool. I haven't been into the Odd Corner in years, but the last time I was in there, in addition to your wide-ranging selection of hash pipes and bongs, they also had quite a lovely assortment of sex toys as well. You should have seen the shelf lined with dildos the size of bedposts! Yeah, the Odd Corner "anchored" Exchange Street. What a classy establishement it truly is! And to think that this disgrace of an opperation was going to be located right outside the main gate of The Info?! This is as absurd and hilarious as a half-hour sitcom plot, but it's gotten so painfully old that I just can't laugh anymore. Now I'll have to walk down the street for my one-stop-shopping for drug paraphenalia, kinky sex toys and pornography. Too bad all the fathers bringing their sons to future Zips games at The Info won't get to walk their boys past The Odd Corner. This is so absurd it's surreal. What a freaking sit-com.

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Why doesn't the stupid hippie just move his shop out to Summit St.? He'd do more business there anyway, and if he starts selling leather pants and Birkenstocks, he can probably recoup the two million dollars he plans to dump into upping Can't's gay population within a matter of months. What an asshat.

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Could the Reakin have thrown up a bigger softball? The jokes relating to Can't just write themselves! :lol: Anyone notice the creative angle of the photos showing the stadium sign? Even better is the one showing the Sean Hannity sign...wonder what he thinks of the target audience of this shop and scholarships?

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I just saw the story in the ABJ. It's page A-1 front & center. This Harry Jackson, owner of the Odd Corner, must be an honest-to-God first class tool. I haven't been into the Odd Corner in years, but the last time I was in there, in addition to your wide-ranging selection of hash pipes and bongs, they also had quite a lovely assortment of sex toys as well. You should have seen the shelf lined with dildos the size of bedposts! Yeah, the Odd Corner "anchored" Exchange Street. What a classy establishement it truly is! And to think that this disgrace of an opperation was going to be located right outside the main gate of The Info?! This is as absurd and hilarious as a half-hour sitcom plot, but it's gotten so painfully old that I just can't laugh anymore. Now I'll have to walk down the street for my one-stop-shopping for drug paraphenalia, kinky sex toys and pornography. Too bad all the fathers bringing their sons to future Zips games at The Info won't get to walk their boys past The Odd Corner. This is so absurd it's surreal. What a freaking sit-com.
i believe in the story they tastefully called the sex toys erotica. :lol: overall the move will be good for him. one of the workers was telling me that one of the reasons they burned so much incense in there was to cover the cat piss smell from the tenants above.
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Eminent Domain is a hot button issue and these guys are, IMO, doing an excellent job of taking advantage of it to promote their buisnesses. Though it sucks to get pushed out of a location you've occupied for years, it sounds like both will be moving to locations very close to where they already are and they got pretty good deals from UA. If anything, the new stadium will improve their buisness, so from my vantage point, they are just taking advantage of the spotlight and trying to capitalize on it. Personally, I'm OK with it, actually, more power to these guys! U of A did what they had to do to get the stadium. Everyone knew it would ruffle feathers. News is slow, they get front page, ABJ gets people riled up, UofA is horrible, that damn commuter school on the hill, these poor owners, bla, bla, bla....... 17 months from now we will be reading, New Stadium is the best thing to happen to Akron, UofA is a wonderful institution, buisness is booming, Odd Corner to open franchises in Can't and Columbus, bla, bla, bla. :rolleyes:

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zipsrilfe you are 100% correct.they need to fill the pages with something so they do a story on this.once the new stadium is build they will say how great the new stadium is,and how much business the games will bring to people that have shops around the stadium.they will say how great u of a admin is to make this happen.

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Well if his 2 mil was only going to go towards giving scholarships to "gays, lesbians, and transgendered" students, then I can't exactly say I'm disappointed that all those scholarships will now be going to Can't. Something tells me those kids would fit in a lot better there anyways...

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he probably started making more $ after arizona mining company closed.... I mean, where you gonna buy less mainstream, less-commericalized items?hmm, if he's such a douche and he's making so much loot.... *hatches plan to open up a head shop next to his to break his monopoly* :rolltide:

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he probably started making more $ after arizona mining company closed.... I mean, where you gonna buy less mainstream, less-commericalized items?hmm, if he's such a douche and he's making so much loot.... *hatches plan to open up a head shop next to his to break his monopoly* :rolltide:
:lol: there is competition. some other head shop (called therapy i think) opened up not too long ago where the old heaven and hell tattoo place was.
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Eminent Domain is a hot button issue and these guys are, IMO, doing an excellent job of taking advantage of it to promote their buisnesses. Though it sucks to get pushed out of a location you've occupied for years, it sounds like both will be moving to locations very close to where they already are and they got pretty good deals from UA. If anything, the new stadium will improve their buisness, so from my vantage point, they are just taking advantage of the spotlight and trying to capitalize on it. Personally, I'm OK with it, actually, more power to these guys! U of A did what they had to do to get the stadium. Everyone knew it would ruffle feathers. News is slow, they get front page, ABJ gets people riled up, UofA is horrible, that damn commuter school on the hill, these poor owners, bla, bla, bla....... 17 months from now we will be reading, New Stadium is the best thing to happen to Akron, UofA is a wonderful institution, buisness is booming, Odd Corner to open franchises in Can't and Columbus, bla, bla, bla. :rolleyes:
I agree. More power to them. Nothing wrong with people making the best of any situation they are in.Eminent Domain is an interesting issue depending on who is going to benefit from it. Personally, I am a strong proponent of personal property rights. UofA could make this guys life miserable to the point that he had to sell. There is no need yet to go down the eminent domain road.Rasor had an interesting point about eminent domain in his blog. Interesting that it took him only one semester of law school to turn into a RINO.
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Personally, I am a strong proponent of personal property rights.
I am as well. However, I am opposed to how eminent domain is used as an issue.When it comes to this case, I am of course for the university taking advantage of it.Heh, call it it hypocritical (and you could well be right) but as long as eminent domain is as it is, why should the UofA be the only one's not to use it.
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I have no issue with eminent domain, if used the way it was intended. The Supreme Court has ruled you can't use eninent domain to take property for private development such as retail or commerical. The stadium and the dorms are public development and eminent domain can be used. UofA has been more then generous on all the offers and in my opinion no one including Jackson or the Nemer have a gripe given they're all getting far more then their dump of properties are worth. The so called march for Manny yesterday shows how much his business has fallen and IMO, UofA if giving him more lost business revenues then he'd make at the rate he's currently going for his dump Manny Pub. The chopstix and aroma as well. We're talking UofA area and downtown Akron. If, Jackson can set up shot for less then half a million across the street. Then Manny sure can get his busines going for 1.05 mil in the area as well. I don't see an issue with the way eminent domain has been used in this case.

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Well, the eminent domain issue isn't so clear cut in my mind. I don't like the idea of someone who has a home, or has built a buisness in a location being kicked off their land. What if the land has been in your family for 200 years? Why does someone else have the right to the land you've put your life into? On the other hand, the rustbelt cities are in bad shape, and reinvestment in the cities is crucial to reviving our urban centers. In addition, I despise urban sprawl! So how do you make land available for re-development if one person doesn't want to sell? Complicated issue, and I have many more thoughts on this topic that are not well suited to this forum. I can't even say if I think eminent domin in this case was appropriate, but again my thoughts don't matter. I'm glad there is a new stadium and I think that everyone has gotten an appropriate deal and I'll leave it at that.

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Well, the eminent domain issue isn't so clear cut in my mind. I don't like the idea of someone who has a home, or has built a buisness in a location being kicked off their land. What if the land has been in your family for 200 years? Why does someone else have the right to the land you've put your life into? On the other hand, the rustbelt cities are in bad shape, and reinvestment in the cities is crucial to reviving our urban centers. In addition, I despise urban sprawl! So how do you make land available for re-development if one person doesn't want to sell? Complicated issue, and I have many more thoughts on this topic that are not well suited to this forum. I can't even say if I think eminent domin in this case was appropriate, but again my thoughts don't matter. I'm glad there is a new stadium and I think that everyone has gotten an appropriate deal and I'll leave it at that.
I hear what you're saying. But, you have too look it case by case and this case we're not talking a guy who been 200 years. We're talking business making monies putting as little as possible back into the business. Manny Pub is sorely in need of renovations. The Sun Grill was bad looking back in the early 1980's My nephem tells me it hasn't changed all that much over the years, which tell me it another candidate for eminent domain. The uses of eminent domain are what you just said. A good usage is rustbelt cities in bad shape. But, I would take issues if APS wanted to use eminent domain to take Perkins Mansion, John Brown House or Stan Hywet Hall for new school. That would be an abuse of eminent domain. Not taking the bars and businesses on the old Zip strip while offering the owners mega dollars for their dumps.
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