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Zip JD

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Zip JD last won the day on June 23 2024

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  1. Didn't they let Northwestern off the hook in an NIT game they should of won?
  2. They beat Miss State by 10 in 2011-12. I realize it was a LONG time ago but it was a nationally televised and the Zips were the better team all night.
  3. I love Trib but he could barely make a 3 footer when he showed up (running floater excluded). He worked as hard as any Zip we have had.
  4. 100%. I remember when Groce couldn't play Tavari b/c of him being such a liability on defense (reminds me of Young). Tavari just had the biggest stop of the MACC.
  5. Glad to see this. I thought his lack of PT against good teams would have him looking. Unless he was on fire from 3, JG couldn't play him due to his defensive and rebounding issues. I will say he increased the intensity on the defensive side of the court as the season progressed and I think he can be a real contributor next year.
  6. At least go back to where they have to sit a year or show hardship after the first or even second transfer. Four schools in four years is bad for the game and the players.
  7. Agree on both, esecially Johnson. He's Big Dog 2.0 and I have no desire to see the ball go down to him 8 trips in a row in crunch time.
  8. The self titled "Ivy League of the Midwest" just likes everyone thinking they are private.
  9. Groce has mentioned Evan wants to get into coaching and speaks very highly of him. As my kids yell anytime the Zips are up by 10 or more, “WE WANT WILSON!” He’s been a fantastic teammate and has to be All American in the bench bunch category.
  10. "For the love of all that is holy, BOX OUT!" comes to mind.
  11. I love watching Nate play but he seems good for one or two crazy passes or dumb fouls every game. I’m glad he’s on our side but I hope he cleans it up before Cleveland.
  12. It was a rough season but in no way do I view it as a disaster. They got beat down early and often in the money games but never quit (unlike the ICoach teams). They were in 7 games this year and won 4 of them which is the most competitive this program has been in 6 years. A diaster would have been rolling over and quiting on a cold November evening right before the holiday. They fought all the way to the end. The question is can they build on this?
  13. Enough with the Bowden bromance. He’s long gone and coaching high school ball. Let him go and move on with your life (or at least post on the ULM page).
  14. Plus a motion penalty pushing us back 5 yards for a missed FG that gave WMU time to get a FG. 5 miscues give the Broncs 31 pts and we still are in the game. You can’t make this stuff up (except in Akron).
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