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Everything posted by Reslife4Life

  1. His touch needs some work too, in a year or two he could be dominant. I just hope he doesn't get too hard on himself after some of these mistakes
  2. Alright get this stop here and cut the deficit to 2 at half okay maybe not
  3. Love to see Garvin and Mikey making the most of their time on the floor right now. Hopefully this will stick with them
  4. They are capable of tying this up before half, they just need to believe in their defense to buckle down. The shots will come
  5. Anyone have a picture of the crowd? This turnout looks awful on TV
  6. Enrique is gonna get his revenge on Mballa for last years DPOY title, calling it right now
  7. So this is a result of the MAC, not teams covid issues? Trying to wrap my head around it
  8. This makes me wonder, what happens to the student(s) that tested positive. They were already out in Vegas and they were letting them just fly right home separately from Vegas for Christmas. Do the players just quarantine at some Vegas hotel while the rest of the team goes on home? Very odd and unfortunate circumstances for something that would have been a very cool event for the program
  9. Game has been postponed due to Covid in our team
  10. Game leading rebounders: Enrique and........Garvin Clarke
  11. Whoever designed that stupid rail definitely didn't finish their engineering degree 😂
  12. I really want to know what their average attendance is because that place is huge for a Horizon league team
  13. He's third in the nation for rebounding for a reason! Great board by Enrique to keep it alive
  14. He seems to be more of a radio commentator narrating every pass basically
  15. I love seeing Evan Wilson being actively into the game on the bench. Really good "teamism" as Groce would say
  16. Aziz starting with Greg out, very interesting how this is gonna play out
  17. Winter break REALLY put a damper on some momentum I thought we might have with attendance. Students seem to be pretty excited about this season, so I'd imagine that once we get back from break there will be a solid student section at most games. They really need to do a better job at reaching the general community though
  18. I still believe that Tribble is capable of making at least ONE three pointer this year. According to his Instagram and Groce's comments, he has really worked hard at getting his shot down. All it takes is one game where they guard him loosely behind the arc, like Garvin last game, and maybe he could get some confidence. I would love to see both Enrique and Aziz reach double figures tomorrow, hopefully they worked on some free throws this week.
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