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egregiousbob last won the day on August 4 2024

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  1. I think this is the year he takes one more swing at the "big time" and then retires with millions if it doesn't pan out. Dustin Ford is the next HC.
  2. Zips have had some issues with practice violence as well, of course. Not too long ago.
  3. No way OU beats Toledo without a healthy AJ Brown.
  4. I don't think this is true. Many schools have recovered pretty well.
  5. They had 6,700+ and the crowd was very loud. Not sure what you were watching.
  6. Cut first, think second. Seems to be the norm in our nation right now. Wait until Social Security and tax refund checks don't show up in citizen's bank accounts on time. Then the impact of these decisions will begin to hit home.
  7. I think it depends on how much voters resent the influence of Bud Wentz's checkbook. I think some will resent it very much.
  8. Are fans to assume Akron didn't sign a single recruit during last week's signing day? Not even mentioned on the GoZips.com page last I checked.
  9. OU starters Aidan Hadaway and AJ Clayton both out, likely for season. It's gonna get ugly.
  10. Let's face it, the zips success this year is almost entirely due to bud Wentz's checkbook.
  11. He was not a successful HC at Xavier. Never had a winning conference record...and was fired.
  12. In citing Athens, Oxford and (historically) BG, you are criticizing three of the most successful programs and cultures in the league. They apparently don't have any problem getting players to walk across campus to morning workouts.
  13. Interesting process by which Tim Albin ended up going to a program he did not want to lead. It should be a lesson on how not to advance your career. His first contract at Ohio was for $500K, with automatic bumps every time he won 8 games. His first year was a disaster, 3-9, although that could be partly blamed on the fact that Frank Solich didn't retire until late July. He initially had a five-year deal with "outs" after years one and two. Ohio's AD wasn't thrilled with being trapped into giving him the job due to Solich's strategically late announcement. Ohio stuck with him through year one, found more money for assistants' salaries in year 2 and urged him to replace some of the "buddies of Frank" that were still on the staff. With those changes, including the hiring of Brian Smith as OC, they won 10 games and made the MACC in year 2. He got another bonus. In the middle of year three, the AD boosted his pay to ~$730,000 and retained all the bonuses already built into his contract. He ended up winning 10 games again but lost a couple of key games (including Miami at home) that kept the Bobcats from the MACC. Here's where it gets interesting. The AD agreed to begin another renegotiation at the end of year three...with Albin's agent pointing to Jason Candle of Toledo ($1M+) as the benchmark. Of course, Albin hadn't won a MACC yet, so the AD told him that seemed high. Unfortunately for both parties, 40+ players went for $$$ in the portal after the 2023 season. Suddenly 80% of offensive production was gone. Given this fact, the AD delayed renegotiation until she could determine if the program could maintain its trajectory. You don't give a guy a $1M deal in the midst of a downturn. When Albin and team started out slow in 2024 - losing to Syracuse, badly to KY and also badly at Miami - the AD said let's wait until the end of the season, but promised a new and better deal. At this point, Albin and his agent got scared. They figured 2024 would be mediocre and that they'd better play the "2 straight 10-win seasons" card while they could. They reached out to several programs. UNCC (Charlotte) expressed interest. But as Ohio started to string together wins in October and November, UNCC told Albin take it or leave it. He played it safe and accepted their first offer...without telling his employers in Athens. Heading into the MACC, Ohio's AD offered him a deal of around $1.3M plus incentives. He hemmed and hawed...but still didn't tell them he had signed the UNCC deal. Ohio wins the MACC, Albin gets on one of the team buses back from Detroit and then sees on Twitter that UNCC is telling people that he is their new coach. At this point, he panicked, asked the bus driver to pull over, and got into his wife's car (behind the bus) - still without telling players or staff that he was leaving. He skips the game night celebration in Athens. He does not address the team until 2 days later. In essence, Albin bet against himself and his team by signing the UNCC deal under the gun. He would have ended up making more in Athens (and money goes a lot farther there than in Charlotte). By many accounts, he was heartsick he had to leave. But he and his agent had trapped themselves. Ohio fans are angry at how he pursued the new contract but thrilled with his replacement, Brian Smith. The AD is now upping assistant pay again to try to retain most of the staff. The Charlotte program is a mess. It will be a multi-year rebuild, so not sure how attractive it will be for his former assistants. We'll see.
  14. I disagree. Over the years the U has gobbled up empty buildings seemingly without a long-term plan for them. Old Central-Hower High School for one. But the ultimate example is Quaker Square. The fact that University architect Ted Curtis was part owner of that complex should have triggered many alarms at the city and state levels.
  15. Could have said the same about AJ Oulette, a walk-on at OU who was toughness personified. Now a very successful running back in the CFL. In the MAC, toughness often trumps breakaway speed.
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