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Posts posted by a-zip

  1. This situation we are in is exactly why too much transparency and leaks are not good. I have said this before and I will say it again….in situations like we are in right now leadership has to keep things under wraps until they are ready to explain the who, what, when, why and how a change is being made.

    I have been in leadership positions with companies primed for acquisition and/or restructuring. When rumors fly and information gets out…..it can become a mess. You know what, in most cases the rumors and information that get out are generally always negative…..it is human nature. People get distracted, start updating resumes, morale goes down and all the work that has been done to make you a prime candidate for acquisition goes down the tubes.

    I am not saying challenging authority is bad and leadership should not be held accountable but going to the media and spreading rumors without actual FACTS is devastating. Our hiring and GREAT athletic director has never been so important to UA-OPU and the top candidates are withdrawing. NOT GOOD!!

  2. Kathy Liszka, a computer science professor at the University of Akron, said she knows about the existing freshman success seminar “The Akron Experience,” because she’s taught it.

    “The faculty and staff are trained and the experts on assisting students to navigate the university and college experience, everything from how to take quizzes, the different types of learning styles, to how to study and juggle a social life … tell me how we’re not helping our students succeed,” Liszka said.

    Ms. Liska, the University of Akron has only 14 percent of the students graduate in four years. • Only 38 percent graduate in six years. Hmm, I think it is time to take a different approach :P

    With regards to the "outsourcing" aspect of bringing in Trust Navigator, I think this seems to be a prudent move and a likely trend. We have already seen this with the outsourcing of the food services. Akron runs its own dining services and has done since the university was founded in 1870. Per the report, Akron food services employs some 80 full- and part-time food, catering and retail workers, not including students. Now, following a tightening budget, due in part to declining enrollment, the decision to outsource dining services has come to the forefront.

    Outsourcing is a common practice today. I work in technology, when businesses outsource their IT initiatives to us (because we are experts) they are allowed to focus their efforts on their core competencies. It provides tremendous cost saving since you are not having to employ and pay benefits to your own IT staff - and allows you to continue with growth and innovation.

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  3. What deserves emphasis amid all the criticism, and yes, many things could have been handled better, is that Scott Scarborough arrived a year ago with an item at the top of the agenda: Fix the university’s sorry finances. Put another way, he didn’t create the problem. Others did, most notably, the university trustees, inviting a whole other discussion about how these largely political appointments are made in Ohio.

    The new president deserves to be assessed on the way the budget process has been conducted. It has been more inclusive than many admit, with the participation of faculty leadership, including the union representing faculty members. Colleges have engaged in strategic planning, as part of setting priorities and a foundation upon which to build.

    What the University of Akron finally has is a clear and responsible framework for spending. That is a real accomplishment. For many, it may not seem so, but it offers a sustainable way to get better.

    Finally something positive :rock:

  4. The current one. I think it would have done a lot for SS's image and future plans if it looked like he "gave a damn". Even if nothing really can be done, even if what needs to be done is insurmountable...it looks a lot better to be ahead of it, and in an open and transparent matter. Being frank, but ultimately leaving the public/supporters to decide (as in rallying to save it or not). That, IMO, is what a good leader does. Never underestimate people who "give a damn" and are given the opportunity to act.

    But it is the former administration that caused this holocaust!! If UA is going to get back on track….things need to change, cuts need to be made!!

    Balsy, you continuously criticize the cuts and changes SS is making. What would you suggest he do? The $60M deficit is not going away on its own! If the community wants to save EJ Thomas or the baseball team……..DO SOMETHING as Spin pointed out!!

    You support the teachers going to the media about cutting back the football program. Do you have any idea the damage they have done? In my opinion they made themselves look like fools and they sabotaged the efforts TB and staff are putting forth to build the program back up. It is going to be nearly impossible to recruit and I wouldn't be surprised if current players look to transfer. They took a stance….made a statement and provided nothing of substance to support their position and to anyone that did any digging on the subject - cutting back to D 1aa makes absolutely no sense. They did not do what teachers are supposed to do - RESEARCH!

  5. To me it's the product of poor leadership. What and how was the administration engaging the public about these hardships? There are other options...engaging the people who 'give a damn' about it.

    One of my mother's favorite stories of NEO is that of Playhouse Square in Cleveland. It was scheduled to be torndown and made into parking garages in the 70's, a thought today that is almost unthinkable. The reason it's still there became a thriving seed for the revitalization of downtown Cleveland is because of a small group of people who gave a damn, and fought to keep it (and raised the money to do so). I have hope that a similar movement might save EJ.

    My concern is the lack of leadership. This is something the administration could have speerheaded themselves by engaging the public, those whom are passionate about it, in an open and transparent manner. I fear this administration is alienating the few people who might give a damn.

    Which administration are you referring to?

  6. TB interview on with Baskin & Phelps.

    TB is the BOMB!! Dag Gummit Akron….get on board!! The cards have been dealt….the daggum stadium has been built…the campus is beautiful….the facilities are in place to get top recruits….the football team needs support to become an asset/beacon….something to rally around. It's time to pay the tab for everything that has been built and our football program's success or failure is going to dictate THE University of Akron's (Ohio Tech's) future. The investments will wind up being an avalanche that destroys or a snowball that grows in to something better than we have ever seen.

    • Like 1
  7. Now talk about getting off topic. You guys are a riot…...

    1. Depth Chart is posted
    2. There are depth chart surprises (which turns in to)
    3. We are changing the offense (which turns in to)
    4. We are running the flex bone (which turns in to)
    5. The staff must be really high on Travon Chapman because they are designing an offense around him (which turns in to)
    6. Us having a great advantage going in to the season because there are no game films for anyone to study

    All from the depth chart being posted. Have fun studying the flex bone guys :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

  8. Put the shoe on another foot: What if a white-man, practicing his 2nd amendment rights, was stopped by police., llegally searched and seized without probable cause; arrested and than subsequently killed on transport to the police station. You're telling me we shouldn't be outraged? We should be. The fact is, this doesn't happen to white people as often as it does to other racial minorities. That's a fact. And that's the reason for this movement. And that's why #AllLivesMatter is a rather ignorant and dismissive white-wash of a very real issue.

    What you site above DOES happen. The media does not make it a headline and cities are not destroyed in protest when it does happen. How often does an officer killed in the line of duty make headlines when killed by a criminal (white or black). NEVER!!! Why…..Because it does not serve the sympathetic liberal media.

  9. You're right. He had a criminal past. However, nothing in his past nor the actions of the moment were death penalty worthy, particularly with the cop making the spur of the moment decision to be his judge, jury and executioner.

    Just the incidents that I can remember off the top of my head in Chicago. We've had cops working as hit men for The Outfit. We've had cops confiscating guns and drugs from one gang and selling them to another. We had a drunk cop jump the bar and beat the shit out of a female bartender. We had a group of off-duty cops decide to beat the shit out of some commodity traders and when the on-duty cops showed up, they didn't break the fight up but shooed the civilians away so the beating could continue. We had a cop drink all night including multiple shots and then go kill a family on the highway. The cops who showed up on the scene whisked him back to the precinct and let him sleep in a cell for several hours before giving him a BAC. We had a multi-year, organized torture ring of cops that has cost the city tens of millions of dollars in settlements. In 2013 alone, taxpayers had to pay $84M because of police brutality. People are sick of it. These guys are NOT heroes. They're guys who do a job for a salary that few of them would ever be able to get near in the private sector. Nothing more.

    And the same thing happens to white people….it just does not make the headlines and people do not destroy their own city protesting. BTW - the police officers (who are both white and african american I might add) have not had THEIR day in court yet. The only thing we know at this point is what the media is putting out.

  10. That's a statement that completely white-washes the issue, which is why it's become a movement. It completely ignores the actions of overzealous police officials, over zealous escalation and the lack of dignity and respect given to a group of people due to the color of their skin. It also ignores institutional policies, like arrest quotas, that are inherently applied against one group of people rather than another. THAT's what this movement is about. These are all issues of which current members of law enforcement, as well as former members of law enforcement, have spoken about. It's not just one or two police officers, it's many who have spoken on this issue.

    What's really unfortunate is that there are people seriously trying to deny that there is a problem.

    No what it skip's comment speaks to is exactly what I said earlier. What has been "white-washed" in the media is that Freddie Gray was a perpetual criminal. The cops confronted him for a reason. What is "white washed" is that 90% of african american homicides were carried out by african americans (not the police).

  11. I am not really that wrapped up because I take Cardale for what he is - an immature young athlete who will soon become a multimillionaire and now has a platform to tease the Zips and then speak about serious things as a teenager might do. Now that he has a BIG microphone and he wants to speak…..he is going to get challenged ;-) He needs to deal with it. I realize he is exaggerating but the point he appears to be trying to make is a bit hypocritical in my opinion.

    Even though I hate the Buckeyes, I actually liked him and rooted for him when he was simply a 3rd string quarterback. The world is right again and I now have a reason to hate the buckeyes even more.

  12. Balsy, DIG we are talking about two separate things.

    1- The issue I take exception to is his comment about the only one's dien are african americans. That is totally inaccurate and I find it disrespectful to other people (of all races) that die every day unjustly and/or for a good cause.


    blacklivesmatter - I understand what it is all about, why it was started and I am not debating it. I think people generally get the respect they deserve or should I say EARN (any race). Are there still issues, yes.

    If you want to talk about what is going on in the streets today. I would like Cardale to explain the whole Freddy Gray debacle to me. Baltimore rioted and destroyed its own community over Freddie Gray. This was done before ANY of the facts of the arrest came out. Did any of these people give a damn about anyone's lives?


    The fact is Freddie Gray was a criminal…he sold drugs…..likely sold drugs to kids and teenagers. Did he care about the lives of the people assaulted and sold drugs to?

    • March 20, 2015: Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance
    • March 13, 2015: Malicious destruction of property, second-degree assault
    • January 20, 2015: Fourth-degree burglary, trespassing
    • January 14, 2015: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute
    • December 31, 2014: Possession of narcotics with intent to distribute
    • December 14, 2014: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance
    • August 31, 2014: Illegal gambling, trespassing
    • January 25, 2014: Possession of marijuana
    • September 28, 2013: Distribution of narcotics, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, second-degree assault, second-degree escape
    • April 13, 2012: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, violation of probation
    • July 16, 2008: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession with intent to distribute
    • March 28, 2008: Unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance
    • March 14, 2008: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to manufacture and distribute
    • February 11, 2008: Unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession of a controlled dangerous substance
    • August 29, 2007: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, violation of probation
    • August 28, 2007: Possession of marijuana
    • August 23, 2007: False statement to a peace officer, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance
    • July 16, 2007: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance (2 counts)
  13. #AllLivesMatter 1f630.pngwhy is it that the only ones getting beaten, killed when unarmed, & mysteriously dien in custody are African American

    Cardale has his opinion and his right to freedom of speech BUT this comment I find offensive and ridiculous :nono::laugh_up:

    African American's are NOT the only one's getting "beaten, killed and mysteriously dien"

    There are plenty of people of all races dying, to include police officers and soldiers who are trying to protect us - unfortunately all of there stories don't make headlines.

    OH, and regarding the "African American's dien" 90 percent of African American homicides are committed by African Americans.


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