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Posts posted by a-zip

  1. hey guys, in my opinion JIMOND IVEY will be one of the leading scorers in the MAC this season. HE played 14 minutes and had 12 points easy, he picked up two fouls early and had to sit most of first half. THIS guy is going to be special!

    I agree. I realize Ivey does not fit in to this thread necessarily because he was not with us last year but I think this kid will graduate as one of the most electric/entertaining players EVER!

  2. ...getting this topic back to Scarborough and UA...

    A-Zip: SeeTeeZip's point isn't that tough decisions aren't necessary, or need to be made. His point is that it appears that the Scarborough may have been not so transparent (which has been a criticism that I and many others levied against his leadership since he became president) when it came to the cuts and the situation of the cuts. His arguement is valid, especially when we consider the wonderful research/writing of DiG.

    When this "Debt Crisis" (as it's become known at the ABJ) first became public, it was trumpeted as a $60-million shortfall that needed to be closed immidiately. The ABJ reported it that way originally, which was direcly from information released to them by UA. UA never issued any corrections, as they did when it came to cutting 200 positions.

    Later, through reporting, it was revealed that it wasn't a $60-million shortfall that existed (as it had been painted) but was actually $20-million, with other $40-million being for future program developments and initiatives. This is where SeeTeeZip comes from with his arguement that Scarborough's administration has "manufactured" a budget crisis in order to inact new sweeping policies. And you've got to admit a-zip...he has a point. These are straight facts, without bias attached. The ABJ didn't make this up, it was instead the slow release of information by this administration. Any bias that the ABJ had was in their constant focus on the issue. An issue, that it appears the administration wasn't so forth-right in discussing.

    Unless you're advocating that the ABJ willing fabricated information, than you've got to, at the very least, admit that there is some level of credibility to his position. The administration was in no hurry to "correct the record" on the reporting of a $60-million shortfall; which makes it either deliberate or a poor leadership.

    This is getting beyond ridiculous. I am not debating you Balsy or SeeTee although you guys keep trying to bring politics and other things into my comment. Your quote above actually supports what I am saying and that is to not believe everything you read in the media......do research before forming an opinion - PERIOD. You specifically say the ABJ originally reported the $60M shortfall incorrectly. Regardless of whether they got the incorrect information from UA, it was published all the same and people formed opinions based on what they read. You guys then immediately jump to the conclusion that Scarborough intentionally misled the ABJ. I cannot confirm or deny that is true.......I am more inclined to believe the people at the ABJ are too stupid to understand the information given to them. After all, wasn't it the PD that clarified the numbers in the end?

    If you can't understand my bringing up the Republican debate as and "example" of media bias, there is not point in continuing this with you. Seriously wasting time asking presidential candidates about their fantasy football teams? You don't see it?

    Oh, SeeTee - I will answer a few of your questions. YES, I do believe negative media would affect donations. It is kinda the same as losing season resulting in 3,500 coming to a football game. People generally will not jump on or invest in a ship they view to be sinking. Do I believe Scarborough is responsible for information going out to the public - SURE but if those reporting can't understand what is being given to them and publish whatever they want....you fight the fights that are worth fighting. Am I happy people got fired - NO but if it enables more modern/efficient initiatives towards online courses - I think that is a smart move. Do I like that the baseball program was eliminated - NO but if it frees up money for sports programs that have more of a chance of elevating UA nationally, it makes sense. Am I your crazy homeless preacher? Since I know the response I want to give will be edited....I will simply say no you idiot.

    As LAZipfan pointed out.......you all seem to cherish negativity and controversy. Right here on this very thread you are taking a very simple comment I made....you start reading between the lines and completely twist it into a debate over something I did not even bring up.

    ZNO has become downright depressing. FIRE EVERYONE!! Fire the soccer coach because he lost a game early. Fire TB (which means we lose Amato too!) Fire the president! Fire Marketing....Fire the AD. Thank god you guys are not the ones making decisions. Just reading what you guys seem to thrive on I guess I can't blame the ABJ or the devilsite for giving you guys what you want.

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  3. A-Zip, I don't understand your arguments at all, probably because you don't actually argue anything beyond, generally, that the media is biased and that there's more to the story about UA than we know. I've asked you at least twice to respond to specifics, or provide specifics, but you fail to answer.

    The commercial media is mostly corporate-owned these days. Also, the debate you referred to was hosted by CNBC, a business news network ultimately owned by GE, hardly a bastion of liberalism. What exactly is your point about the media and what does that point have to do with ABJ's coverage of UA? Does media bias explain why donations to UA are way down? Does the ABJ run UA? Is Scarborough responsible, at least in part, for the UA narrative in the public sphere? Do you think it was cool to fire bunches of people under the guise of fiscal crisis and then immediately shift into spending mode?

    Institutions are responsible for the ways they are perceived, not the media nor the readers of the paper. Is Scar unhappy with the narrative so far? It's his job to change it, to get in front of it.

    There is nothing for me to argue or debate SeeTee. I made a statement basically saying that I hope people do research before they make judgements or decisions because the media can be biased.

    My statement was not proScarboruogh, not proRepublican, not proDemocrat.....so relax!

    I was simply saying educate yourself and don't believe everything you read. Look at ALL the facts. Read the Devilswhateverseeteereads, the National Enquirer, CNBC, CNN, Jon Stewart, Rush Limbaugh - read the bills being proposed, see where social security money is being stolen, look at the debt our university has, the debt our country has. Tough and unpopular decisions have to be made my friend.

    If you want to argue that is not sound guidance you will hear crickets from me dude.

  4. No...neither have I...but I'm pretty sure you've called me of a Libby Lib on some of the other topics. ;) I think we can all read between the lines based upon some of our examples and can see that some members lean right, while some lean left. :thumb:

    But it's all irrelavent. Is Scarborough doing enough? Despite the ABJ staying on a rather negative narrative, what evidence do we have to rewrite that narrative? We should be skeptical, but that skepticism doesn't just apply to the ABJ, it also should apply to Scarborough's Administration.

    So you are essentially publishing information on me that is not necessarily accurate and you are forming a judgement on me by "reading between the lines" ;) hmmmm

  5. You do realize that your post makes oblique political statements yes? Also, most here (probably all) are well-versed in all of the things you describe. I have also read all of what's out there regarding goings-on at UA since Scar took over. Have you read the articles on thedevilstrip.com? How about the latest about the "success coach" outfit? Are you close enough to know how well UA is doing with donations since Scar took over?

    Let's agree that all who post here are sincere and care about the long term success of UA, but if you're prepared to defend Scar based on actual fact and detail, please offer up something that might persuade your fellow posters. I would love to learn that he's actually a wonderful visionary who is simply misunderstood and that UA is on the cusp of magical greatness. Convince us.

    No SeeTee I have not read articles on the devilstrip but I have now. Thanks for guiding me there because it illustrates exactly what I have been saying. It is fairly obvious that those on the devilstrip have an incredibly biased opinion.....I am not sure I saw a single positive article written so if that is what you subscribe to I am not surprised you would have anything positive to say about anything UA. My post was not about politics nor was it to defend Dr. S.

  6. Thank you Balsy. I am not trying to persuade anyone on their political beliefs. I was using an example of something I think hit a lot of Americans right between the eyes during the Republican debate this week and that is the media has incredible amount of power to influence people.

    They can choose to spend time talking about fantasy football and olive jars or they can talk about irresponsible spending, deficits and breaches of national security.

    Olive Jars, Donald Trump and controversy increases ratings. Unfortunately most of us are too busy and too lazy to dig into details...

    • Like 1
  7. I've had to restrain myself from posting (which I know makes a lot of people happy). I just want to encourage all of you to not take everything you read at face value. Before you form your opinions and make judgements on something that is important to you.....do some research and question the information you are reading. There are so many people that have control of the media that have hidden agendas.

    Last nights Republican debate was a crystal clear example of MEDIA (and whoever owns it) trying to manipulate public opinion for their own agenda.

    I have said this many times before but I believe somebody at ohio.com (ABJ) has an agenda against THE University of Akron. Don't get caught up too much on olive jars...check the facts.

    • Like 1
  8. While I am as disappointed as everyone else, the reality is we have lost to some really good teams (and teams that have beaten some really good teams and had narrow losses against really good teams).

    • Oklahoma #17 ranked – beat Tennessee, Tulsa, West Virginia, pounded Kansas State, choked against Texas
    • Pitt #25 ranked – Virginia, Virginia Tech and Georgia Tech (lost to undefeated # 12 ranked Iowa by 3)
    • Ohio beat – Marshall, lost to Minnesota by 3 - only loss Marshall has is to Ohio
    • Bowling Green – beat Maryland pretty bad and also beat Purdue

    At the beginning of the season I had all of these as challenges to get a W. Oklahoma was a payday, hoped for no injuries and don't get embarrassed. Expectations on Pitt were high because of last year but by the #25 ranking, they are a different team (I would also add that I would like to replay that game with TW at QB ;-) Ohio, we should have won but they are still good. Bowling Green is a really good team but I'm really disappointed we took such a beatdown.

    Sooooo, the barometer to me is how are we faring against the MAC. Currently, we are 1-2. My expectation is we we run the table although CMU is going to be another REALLY tough one. A-Zip remainder of schedule visual;

    • Run the table - we would be 6-2 in the MAC, 8-4 overall.....bowl eligible. I say :rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::cheers:
    • If we lose to CMU and then run the table (which is likely) - we would be 5-3 in the MAC, 7-5 overall....bowl eligible. I say :rock::rock::rock::cheers:
    • Anything outside of that......I say :nono::nono::nono:
    • A loss to Can't :gun::mad_flame:

    Toledo is ranked #19....dayum, I didn't know that.

  9. TW made some impressive throws. One in particular....rolling to his left and then throwing across his body. The first TD slant was drilled perfectly.

    If we can show up on ALL SIDES of the ball in the same game, we can beat anyone in the MAC. Seems like when the D is on, O is off ...special teams is all over the place but they were on yesterday with punt block, solid returns, and fumble recover on kickoff.

  10. RPI and rankings always piss me off when it comes to the NCAA and Zips soccer. It seems like no matter how high we are ranked in either of these categories, we get screwed by that miserable, corrupt, lazy, good for nothing POS governing body known as the NCAA. I get the whole big conference/big school bias but the fact is our schedule is consistently one of the most difficult in the country and I would argue we are one of the biggest draws in college soccer. It would seem to me that after years of consistently being in the top 10, we would finally get some respect.

  11. What I find interesting about the ABJ is not as much the lack of coverage or the timeliness of coverage of our sports teams BUT the speed, frequency and placement of the negative things around UA. They have even published things that are completely unsubstantiated and emotional. I am painfully aware of OSU being a priority but I believe the hometown paper has a responsibility to promote the GOOD as well as the bad around the hometown University. I also understand bad new sells more than good news but why would a student or a top athlete consider a school when they read the faculty is unhappy, the attendance is the lowest in the NCAA, they are in financial trouble, enrollment is down.....etc....etc. There are GOOD things happening.

    To me the whole issue around UA making a jump nationally is a chicken and egg dilemma;

    In order to get people to come to games and support, we need wins

    In order to get wins, we need top players

    In order to get top players, they want to go to a program that is well supported

    In order to get support, the program needs to be promoted (ABJ could help)

    If support increases, hits on UA news goes up

    I am not blaming the ABJ but I do believe someone there has a hidden agenda. At a minimum, they do appear to be supportive of their local University's success.

    Seriously, I want to read more about Cody Grice, Jerome Lane, Tommy Woodson now, Jatavis Brown..

  12. Holy mobile quarterback!!! Very impressed with TW last night. One thing in particular I liked is the ball was passed all over the field, not just those stupid long throws to the sideline. He recognized blitzes and threw some nice touch throws, throws to the back shoulder and on target slants. Oh yea, one of the best QB running games by a Zip in a while. He seems to have a "gunslinger" mentality....which I like. To me that means he will throw some silly INTS but also make some spectacular plays......I WILL GLADLY LIVE WITH IT. Much more fun to watch, a hell of a lot harder to defend AND give our beast defense a break. Oh BTW - I like the all white uniforms, the white helmet with glowing gold Z looks cool (sorry A-Roo fans).

    Now would be a really nice opportunity for the ABJ to write about and PUBLICIZE this win and try to generate some excitement for homecoming against OHIO :chair:

  13. Hell maybe UA should consider going to the corners at Buchtel, Spicer ETC, and grab those homeless folks, buy em a beer and a hot dog and let them watch the game LOL . Doesn't add to the sales numbers, but at least the butts would be in the seats and it would look like more attendance............... Just sayin

    Any programs with the local schools, churches, ETC ? Don't attack me, just curious LOL

    Jrship - your question is kinda why I asked. Seriously, paid attendance is kinda BS right now because we all know schools can get around it by paying for tickets and either offering to alumni or just eating them.

    My question had more to do with gauging the interest in the fan base. I'm telling you folks.......recruits don't give a s*%t about paid attendance......they care about if there is going to be a full (or half filled) stadium to see them play. If TB is going to get the recruits we need, he needs "butts in seats". At this point, if they are homeless....so be it.....give them something to look forward to ;-)

    Oh BTW Skip - what is your point in attacking/questioning Louisiana Saint about their attendance?

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