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Everything posted by zipper

  1. Here is today's EA article on Dambrot: http://www.cleveland.com/sports/plaindeale...24549263820.xml You know, he KNOWS the truth about that racial epithet thing but just can't bring himself to print it. He makes it look as bad as he can. But...looks to me like he thinks we might have a winner and he doesn't want to get stuck standing on the sidelines.
  2. CK - did you have your own radio OFF before calling? I heard it, too, and it sounded like that was the problem. Tommy G should have asked you to turn it off before letting you ask the question, assuming he could hear the reverb, as well. Unfortunately, I learned this from experience. When is the spring game? Are they doing a social event like the bbq again? I am up for this year, but not so much for the W-L record as the CHANGE. Change in focus, change in intensity, change in attitude. We play a much tougher schedule this year so the future might not be reflected in our final record...yet. I will be looking forward to improved defense, solid offense, and getting another recruiting class or two under JD's belt. If they surprise us this year once or twice...great! Go Zippers!
  3. I bet I had a dozen or more conversations today about the new hire and man were people excited - people I didn't even think paid attention to Zips BB were talking about KD and that they think he'll seal the deal. I've gone from being glad the season was over to thinking it's too many months until the next one.
  4. You're right I'm sure. He had to have a lot of different scenarios running through his head as possibilities by the end of the season. By the time it actually had to happen he probably had a very good idea of where he wanted things to go. I think the U already stuck their neck out three seasons ago in hiring KD. If hiring him was a problem it would have been an issue then. And Captain, I'm surprized you're not playing hooky and going to the press conference for everyone else here.
  5. You're right, Captain. Why even bring up the stuff that went on at Ashland if Dambrot was vindicated? He just wants to discredit anything Akron U does - look at his "take" on the change in football. In JD and KD we trust! Go Zips!
  6. I have to say - much as I'd like us to be no. 1, I am a little comforted by the fact that one of our military academies is better.
  7. Come forward and identify yourself, our new Rat Fink! Thou sounds quite bitter. Thy post is clever, yet enigmatic. Art thou an inside foe or an outside enemy? And if from the outside, which other school do thee hail to and pledge thy allegiances?
  8. You are too young and don't have the history. We've sang your song before. It's always "next year". Even Wood isn't playing with the spark he had at the beginning of the season. And Dambrot gets the credit for these last two excellent recruiting classes, not Hipsher.
  9. Z-P, I sure hope the boss doesn't look at only the end of this season but rather at DH's entire tenure. It's a whole picture, not a snapshot.
  10. One thing's true kflusher - I'm hoping that those 20 kids who rushed the floor would come to more than the Can't game. And hoping they had fun and they'll tell their friends. Can't fans are great, I'll admit it, but were they that great before you guys started winning? I mean, I've been to football games where I could count the people in the stands.
  11. I think it is a sign that you are one true Zips fan that you examined the ticket book that closely! I didn't notice, but it is observant and actually a good point, but it is funny that you had the time to find that. jk though.
  12. Guys - gotta help me out here but not sure I'll even see the response. This a.m. there were MANY more posts on the basketball board, but tonight I can only get posts from yesterday (the 24th). I can't find a post I made this morning asking for help. I can't hit the "back" button without having to refresh constantly. Hope this message gets to you....feel like I'm in a Star Trek episode!
  13. This is probably just me or my computer, but I can't use the "back" button on my computer without having to hit "refresh" to get the current board. I have to hit refresh several times when using the board. Any advice?
  14. House, can you post the schedule? Is the schedule firm?
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