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Valpo Zip

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Everything posted by Valpo Zip

  1. I am not saying that we should hate OSU to be zips fans. When OSU is playing on TV and the zips game is at a different time, i find no shame in rooting for the buckeyes. why would i cheer for mich or iowa or northwestern against OSU ?In the same time, OSU is not my team, i do not buy/wear any OSU gear ever. Never did and i will never do it in the future. My shirts, hat, sticker on my car are all zips stuff and yeah, never been in the stadium for an OSU game, only on TV. Because only the zips deserve my money.
  2. That's a no brainer, who the hell on this site can cheer against the zips ?
  3. Dude you're Gooood... I wish i could write a piece like that for my wife.
  4. I am not 100% sure but i guess that this would be the soccer field off brown st.
  5. Couldn't agree more...you're a hero as long as you wear gold and blue. Once you take them off, i don't know you. Totally erased from my memory... so who are thomas, wadell and newhouse ?
  6. Bentley going down is the worst thing that could happen to Frye and the Browns... too bad, nothing ever works out in Cleveand. I am personnally going through one of the most boring summers (thanks to the indians) and now the browns took a hit. I hope Danny Ferry will start shaking things a bit in the Q.
  7. The schedule:9-2-06 - @ Penn State--> L (Nothing unexpected)9-9-06 - @ N.C. State-->L (very close heart breaker)9-16-06 - @ Central Michigan-->W 9-23-06 - North Texas-->W (Win the game and the hearts of the crowd)9-30-06 - @ Can't State-->W (Is that even a game ?)10-7-06 - @ Cincinnati-->W (The beginning of the zips dynasty)10-21-06 - Miami-->W (Very close one but Getsy's leadership and the Def. win it for us)10-28-06 - @ Toledo--> L (first Mac loss)11-4-06 - Bowling Green-->W (sold out rubber bowl despite the cold)11-9-06 - Buffalo-->W (a practice session to entertain the crowd)11-16-06 - @ Ohio--> W (Tough one that is worth driving down south)11-24-06 - Western Michigan-->W (Home finale, sold-out freezing crowd)FINAL 9-3 (7-1) 1st, MAC EastMAC Championship Akron vs. NIU, Garrett Wolf is scaring me already.I cannot expect the outcome of this one.
  8. I think that a 3000 yards for Luke would be an underachievement, the man was on fire at the end of last year... he should be able to destroy most of the deffenses in the Mac with around 500 yards per game against teams like Can't State and Buffalo.Dennis Kennedy also showed a lot of skills last year and he should get the 1000 yards.I am not sure about JA though. I feel that the catches will be distributed to so many players in such a way that no single receiver has a 1000 yards by himself.
  9. I do have it... buut i do not know a good way to electronically send such a huge file. it is almost 18MB.
  10. I talked to him once (2 years ago) and i asked him why he thought that Akron exploits black athletes and his answer was so funny. He said: " the university makes the big bucks and the athletes get nothing but a stingy scholarship."I told him that these are the rules and that the university cannot pay them more because they are student athletes and not pros so then he said: why doesn't the university hire black coaches and administrative people.
  11. I also find it hard to believe that the flushes will finish their hunt @ 7-5, and is Miami that bad ?
  12. You would think that the billboard would have a phone number for people to order tickets or something. Hell no, all it says is on the hunt
  13. Yup, i was surprised too when i saw zips apparatus at the walmart on arlington rd. Time is changing.
  14. I was driving on route 8 north near the Howe avenue exit when i saw the ugliest billboard with the funniest slogan, an all blue poster with 3 people (supposed to be football players) and the slogan says: "On the hunt"I laughed my ass out, on the hunt for what ? a winless season or on the hunt for a 50-0 akron game or maybe a 100-0 minnisoeta ? I guess that after we came out with the fear the roo slogan, the geniuses of Can't State brainstormed for a year and this is the best they could come out with.
  15. Seems like the writer of the article is not very knowledgeable about the zips situation.All his comments are based on last year's results and statistics. He didn't even mention the return of J. Woods or the new super freshman J. Conyers and he thinks that Nate Linhart is a Center.
  16. That is a very good idea... we should definitely do that. Being there to cheer our recruits might help KD's recruiting efforts for the following years.
  17. I never been to PSU, so i might be missing something ! However, I don't exactly understand the urgent need for a hotel in college park. I mean if i am driving overthere, i won't mind staying in a hotel that is 30 minutes drive from the place to save myself paying for 2 nights at maximum rate.
  18. How the hell can some one get that ESPNU ? I have a TW cable and it is not on it !Does any one have it ?May be the athletic department should arrange for a showing in the gardner theater on campus.
  19. I totally agrre with you saying that we should move on and look at the future instead of pissing at the past but at the same time zips fans should cut the crap of being so emotionally attached to departing people. People have to understand that departing personnels took a decision to leave. They got a better chance so they dumped us and took the better chance. It is like your girlfriend dumping you for Brad Pitt or any other guy who happen to be better than yourself, would you blame her? no. But would you still sympathize with her and follow her news and wish her luck and keep telling people what a nice girl she is and all that whiney pathetic stuff ? I think that it is a loyalty issue, we have to understand that we are zips fan, and we support whoever is in zips uniform, the moment they leave, i erase them from my memory, i don't know them whether they are nice or grouchy people does not make any difference. Mike Thomas did a great job ? (Maybe), Mike Wadell is a great guy ( I don't know, he might be) but will i cheer for cincy next year ?Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllll no !Do i give a freaky damn thing if their program at cincy does good and if they get promoted or get fired ?Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllll no !I respect all the opinions posted here but that's how i personally see things...peace out.
  20. Are you serious ? is there any head coach (full time coach), who makes 30K in the U of Akron ?My guess is that you are just throwing that number for the sake of argument right ?If you are talking about coaches who do other stuff and only coach for a couple of hours a day, 30 k sounds like a good deal. But if a head coach is working full time for 30k, then i suggest that they quit their jobs and start flipping burgers at McDonalds.
  21. Giving those coaches a raise and keeping them are 2 different things !You can give them any raise you want, and sign them for as many years as you want and they will still leave when they get called by a BCS school... I am all for giving them raises but no body should think that they will be locked.
  22. I would definitely prefer staying in the MAC rather than going to C-USA. I usually drive with friends to some (drivable) away games, in the mac, we have lots of them... Ohio, Toledo, BG, Can't State, Miami, and buffalo are all within 4 hours drive. If we go C-USA, i am not sure if we will have any fans in the away games.Besides, if we stay in the MAC, we have better chances to keep winning and drawing bigger crowds and establishing the zips dynasty.
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