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Everything posted by Z.I.P.

  1. I'm still waiting for the article on the new OC.
  2. Wow! A gentleman and a wordsmith! OK - maybe the first, but his name is not Smith. I know that for a fact. I have a friend who says he knows GoZips (don't call me a namedropper, cause I'm not referring to any BE BB coaches!) , and he is a VERY heavy contributor to the JAR Arena. Well, at least the refreshment stands.
  3. orrr we could just chop them down and mulch them....my god do you go to Can't state or something?!? We're not tree huggers here LOL! Do you suppose we could set the board, so that when a comment this stupid is made, it automatically inserts a the same way it changes K-E-N-T to CANT?
  4. So I can save my money! Unless I want to go just to boo the Browns' QB.
  5. Monday's Honolulu Advertiser has story on Hawai'i's three new verbals from the weekend (UH doesn't start seriously recruiting till the season is over -- and the new coach came on board three wks ago -- and has just 12 verbals thus far). One is Jeremy Bryant, 5-9, 177 CB from Los Angeles Harbor College (same JC as a previous UA WR recruit). It said that Bryant visited Akron (and Wash St I think).Maybe they are still looking for another CB to sign.A short comment about Hawaii: They made it to a BCS bowl with arguably the worst facilities in all of D1-A (the Track and Field teams have no track!) . Imagine what Akron can do with their New Landscape for Learning/Competing.
  6. Take THAT WAC! Boise St. and Hawai'i were the only others to offer, I believe (no other MAC offers?). Now who was it said he would never turn down the Paradise of the Pacific? He turned down June Jones' offer of a visit, which was to be the weekend of the UH-BSU game.
  7. WOW! A great get. Is this the first new coach hired by Mack for a team sport (other than the golf coach)?The new facility coming on line (but when?) had to make an impression to the coaching fraternity, and of course the ability of the women's team to piggyback on the success of the men. Coach Phau coming from Evansville -- a very similar situation, where the men's program is a national power and the women not nearly as strong -- makes him a good fit for Akron. AND, probably most importantly -- it looks like they had to offer him a real package, with $$ that must have far exceeded what Coach Byrne received.I've said this before, but like so many others, UA entered D1 and the MAC without the financial commitment to excel or even to compete at this level. And we entered women's football/soccer in the same way. I hope that when additional sports are added, that they will not be done without a firm decision to budget for success. There's no reason to compete if you can't compete.I know one family whose kids play Football/soccer at Princeton and were recruited by Phau, and may have further info to add to what we already know about our new coach.
  8. Pardon my Alzheimers, but is this not the highest Akron has ever been in the poll?
  9. Thank you ladies and germs. That's Go Zips, The King of Satire.
  10. I know next to nothing about the guy, but at the start he couldn't figure out why the Rowdies were all over Bubba. I call that "failing to do your homework". I give him a C-, which is at least a point higher than his running mate -- was that George Wallace?
  11. Nate Schuler is from Springfield Local, which is in the Youngstown area.I just emailed my old pal, Homer Simpson, who confirmed the facts. Yes! Nate's from Springfield. He lives next to Comic Book Guy.
  12. Probably the best decision ToS (and the doctor) ever made. Repeating from other thread: Will Singletary miss the Akron game because of his ejection? That would be a shame!
  13. With his ejection, doesn't Singletary miss the next game? Is that us? Looked like he was tripped while he was on the floor, and got up and shoved/slapped the miscreant. Yes, they always get the second one! Too bad.
  14. Regarding the shot by Walther at the end of Thursday's game...If that game were being played in Athens, I believe Bubba would have gotten 3 free throws to win the game. Not sure who it was he got his legs tangled with, but UA was fortunate to have gotten away without a foul call.
  15. Please save the ha, ha, has. Bubba is out with a concussion suffered at the end on Thursday.But, what do you think -- how many points per game is that worth for OU? Whittington is three-for-three on three-pointers in the early going. Bubbaless Cats went on a 14-2 run for a 16-9 lead, but this one should go down to the buzzer. Well, hopefully OU does better at home. Does Chones know where he's at today? Thursday nite he said, "Akron's gotta be careful with missed free throws on the road". Where did they dredge these two up from anywhere?
  16. I was watching on TV, and heard that guy get on the PA and start pumpin up the crowd. Who WAS he? I thought the background music was great in terms of timing/selection. You could really feel that this was an event -- unlike it ever used to be at the JAR. You guys made this old Zipper proud to have been part from 5000 mi away.As far as Bubba's finish, you might not have noticed just what happened on his shot. When he threw up that final shot, he got tangled with the defender (Nees, Nate??), and hit the back of his head on the floor -- hard. He sat up and started rubbiing his head. After he stood up, he may have still been hurting, even woozy.In any case, I hope he hits about 10 threes on Saturday vs that school we love like no other -- game is on ESPN Classic nationally.
  17. That's the same time in Hawaii that it began in Akron (9PM). I gotta cook dinner now, but I'll be back for Round II.
  18. If the teams on the floor had been Akron and Miami, everyone would have said, "What a great battle between two great defensive ballclubs. That Charlie Coles sure can coach!"Akron was able to hang in against an Ohio team that may have played their best game of the year -- Bubba notwithstanding, and win a crucial game to keep the win-streak intact. Man, that was about all the TV guys could talk about. Didn't even mention LBJ!
  19. ?Que? ?Que? Digame uno tiempo mas, por favor.
  20. HOLY COW! What a Linhart put-back. Did Wood's shot hit the rim? Anyway, it looked like Nate could have grabbed and shot that one -- he was wide open alone on the right after the double-down on J-W.In the end, Bubba COULD have beaten his old buddies in Roo Town. A great steal on the baseline pass, however he threw up the final shot, and hit his head on the floor. I hope he's good enough to beat our pals from Can't State, the Golden flushes, next up. We need an OU win! How did Chones and Reghi not know why the Rowdies were on Bubba all night??? Well, WE got it!
  21. Bubba makes one of his first five three-pointers. Rowdies makin' like da Blues Brothers, with Cab Calloway! How much practice did THAT take? You're tooooo much. We've made 8 of our last 12 treys -- if you can believe Michael Reggae. Roberts just made his second straight. THANK YOU ESPNU DEVILS!!!
  22. Sorry Cap'n. The 58 (not 52) Zips in Paradise want to say: ESPNU @ 4 o'Clock Thursday. Be at Eastside Grill, and you'll have a thrill! :wave:Z.I.P. (don't call me Pat, it's Ex-Pat)
  23. USAIR1493,Did you get that name from your wingspan?We're watching your development. Keep workin' and the faithfull with be behind you brother.
  24. Dude! If Jason Taylor sees that, he's gonna have the ASPCA all over your ass! And PETA!
  25. This is a VERY strange story and situation. If he's truly one of the best JC receivers in the nation -- and that position is as coveted as one would presume -- then what is he doing taking recruiting visits only to Akron and Stonybrook (a name the author can't even spell correctly, much less point to on a map)? San Jose State has pathetic -- largely non-existent facilities. It could be a dangerous game of chicken if Akron makes a threat of 'sign now or we'll sign someone else'. But, only if the possibility of a BCS school offering him is serious.
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