I guess Can't decided for "don't bother". Remember when Lee Owens was let go, many on the Blue Board said, "They waited a year too late." ?Well, if things go as I fear, and we finish 4-8 or 5-7 this season, and next year shows little or not improvement (like 6-6 and out of the MAC race for example), I can just feel the same comments coming.Now, I agree that JD is the best coach Akron has had in DI-A, at least it appears that way from his recruiting classes. I still have confidence that this guy is capable of creating a sustained winner in Akron -- Tressel took five years to turn YSU around. However, I doubt many of us will be interested in giving JD a sixth year if there's no evidence of a turn-around. My patience is already almost worn out.Now, as far as the AD's office goes, there are a lot more problems there, I'm told than has come to light on this board. I won't spill the beans, but the truth will come out in the budget and ticket (and PSL) prices.Thank God Akron has a top-caliber soccer team!