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Everything posted by ZachTheZip

  1. The back up RB spot will most likely go to Alex Allen, since he is the most experienced RB no the team behind Kennedy. Aaris Reed could challenge Allen though, and could possibly even start next season in a two-back set if he proves himself. Bryant McMillon and Joe McDaniel will round out the position.
  2. Remember "Bottle Day" at Browns Statium? There is a strong possibility that an incident like that could happen at the RB if there is just one controversial call that favors the other team. We need that new stadium built soon, before it gets ugly.
  3. I hope to see everyone there. This serves as both the Media day and Fan day. Looks like fun.
  4. They have us ranked #18 overall , but their ranking in general are kind of screwy . I really don't know who HFN is, but it was posted HERE. It is a cash-advance website. Weird, but respect is respect, and I'm glad someone respects the Zips so much. I'll take a complement like that any day!
  5. Campbell is a better QB than Dorsey and Anderson combined, and I've felt that way since camp started. Dorsey can't feel the pressure, and gets sacked every time someone breaks through the O-line. Anderson just can't throw. Frye should be Starter with Campbell as his immediate back-up. Oh yeah, before I forget, the Browns have the WORST offensive coordinator in all of football (NFL, CFL, College, Highschool, ect.) in Mo Carthon.
  6. That depends on the time of day. The Rubber Bowl faces north, and because of our latitude only the endzone seating is guaranteed to never face the sun. Even the reserved seats can face the sun if the game is early, like at 1:00 PM
  7. I look foward to reading your column, "mrelegazna".
  8. Awesome! We are at 95 members and growing! There are even some people from Can't State in the group. They must realize that .
  9. I beleive I heard coach Crennel say Frye would play about 1 Quarter so the backups could get as much time as possible.
  10. That is a great idea, RowdyZip. It can spread the word, and be a sort-of meeting point for those of us who are already members.
  11. If I were in Vegas right now, I would take:Akron -- no brainerNorthwestern -- will suprise everyone and blow Miami awayBoston College -- just because I canBuffalo -- Temple must REALLY be badMinnesota -- Toledo -- they underestimate the MAC on this oneNorthern Illinois -- Wolfe will tear apart that new OSU defense, but NIU will still loseWisconsin -- looks like a fair betWestern Michigan -- I'm tempted to think WMU will win this one.Akron will have a fun time and a much needed break at the Rubber Bowl against North Texas.Go Zips!
  12. How, exactly, does this favor the underdog? I think this favors whoever is losing near the end of a game. What if the underdog is winning near the end? wouldn't that mean it hurts the underdog then?
  13. I would have to agree with you about cheering for Mich or Iowa. I have no reason to root against OSU, except for next year when Akron plays them. I don't like very many OSU fans because the ones I have met either seem like frontrunners, or they totally bash any school other than their precious Buckeyes. Rooting for Northwestern is a different story though. I root for them no matter what happens because a friend (someone I graduated from high school next to) is their star player and a Heisman candidate. But that is different than rooting for other schools that I have no connection to.
  14. They had us losing to the Golden Flushes and Beefalo last year. Hmm... Here's to your predictions, Collegefootballnews.com...
  15. I was kinda hoping they would have 20 free student busses or something, like in the Championship or the Bowl game.
  16. http://collegefootballnews.com/mac/2006_Pr...ron_preview.htmThey say we lose to Penn St., NC State, Cincy, Miami, and Toledo. I doubt we will lose to Cincy, but the rest seems reasonable. Oh yeah... they have Getsy as the SECOND team all-MAC QB, with NIU's QB on the first team.
  17. If we win at Penn State and NC State, I can see that giving us enough confidence to go undefeated in the regular season. Will it happen? Probably not. Is it possible? Absolutely!
  18. Read this. It has all of that info.
  19. I saw this on another forum :blink: This is insane! Some A&M fan posted about the Oklahoma scandal involving QB Rhett Bomar 6 months ago! The guy got ripped on and no one beleived him, until now when it proved to be completely true a few days ago. read it here.
  20. I understang Zippy has a pouch, but the Ohio State Nut has a face, arms, and legs. That must mean it is an animal, not a nut; that could also mean Brutus is a girl with a guy's name. Zippy is a mascot, and mascots are almost always innacurate, or a distortion of the real life things they say they are. Anyways, I brought this topic up because I always refered to as Zippy "he".
  21. OK, so I was browsing through Wikipedia, and on the University of Akron page, it says that Zippy is only one of two female college mascots. Is this true? I was pretty sure Zippy was a guy up until I read that. I can't figure out where they got it from either. Read it here.
  22. I'll have to personally thank LeBron on behalf of Akron U, as soon as I can call in a few favors from some people I know who are friends of his from high school.
  23. I also heard that the game against the Least in the East is included as well. I can't say for sure where I heard it though. I certainly hope Akron doesn't go to the bowl in Toronto, because that means we don't win the MAC.
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