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Everything posted by infofan

  1. Sorry I cant add any pics but Im just back from a visit to the INFO.............Some observations........ Scoreboard is being enclosed on sides, and banner onexchange side is now flat/rigid. Looks much better. Audio and video both playing. Those 5 speakers put out some serious sound!!Concrete walkways/sidewalk in front of stadium by ticket windows/team shop is partially in. Multiple armed guards are patrolling facility- tho several ways to get in were still open. Scaffolding is up behind East stands between the brick encased supports. Perhaps glass going in there?? Decorative ironwork is in between brick posts, though not all posts have had lights installed yet ( just exposed wiring). Team ( offense) was practicing last night on Schrank field. Some kind of party/gathering was being held on endzone plaza ( between the worlds most expensive stairwells). I wonder how many accidents have occured with gawkers watching stadium and not the car in front of them.
  2. Does anyone have any info on the status of Bain's back, Alex Allen, Jeremy Bruce, Martin, Will Fleming?? I know some players probably browse these pages, how bought some clarifications??
  3. I hear ya Captain. I compare this to political campaigns. Everyone has a right to their opinion but were all zip fans- lets try to be positive about what matters- not always negative about the trivial stuff. If youre a fan youll be in the INFO sitting down to watch the games. What do we really care about the outside of scoreboard or the lightpoles or the sod. I want to know if Bains back is OK, Martin's acl is healed, whos doing the kicking, etc.
  4. 22'X39' Full video capability. I can't wait.as a point of reference, Dick's stadium scoreboard at Can't has an HD- X Daktronics videoboard measuring approx. 36feet by 20 feet. So yes ours will be slightly larger though the content resolution may not be better. I hope it is but I plan on watching the action on the field. Can't also has a 60 ft LED "ribbon" at the bottom. I dont know the specs of ours but we have a similar ribbon board on bottom ( above the Summa field sign) and across most of east upper deck facing. That is going to be very imprssive! Lets hope they have some better cameras than what they utilize at Rhodes arena for replays and closed circuit feed.
  5. Another cost cut. Exchange side of scoreboard is just a billboard, though it will have the oval roo logo on top. It says lanscap for champions.//www.uakron.edu/information/stadium/
  6. I'm confused...Why do you ask a question about who we are playing, then say we are not playing some team. Is this some sort of test?Haha. I'm trying to find out who we're actually playing next year. Michigan State is booked for 2010, and none of the gaems are against Akron.Checking Michigan State's Schedule they are indeed scheduled to play UA on Sept 4th.
  7. My understanding is there will be endzone seating for students on the grass and standing room in north endzone. How about a new tradition of having the Rowdies in endzone cheering against opponent/for zips and switching sides when teams are driving. Having been at Can't last year I can attest that mass of zip fans in the face of Can't really was intimidating to them- and it pumped up our guys!! Just a thought. I think those guys deserve a good vantage point!
  8. Where are the radio stations going to be? Just in the regular parking lots or something? They will be at BW-3's. Bw-3 has secured some extra parking areas to accomodate the crowds they hope come for pre and post game partying.OH NO!!! This could be like Hineygate!! Protect the woman and children!While I dont know for a fact I have to doubt this rumor. WKDD is clearchannel(as is foxsports 1350). WAKR and WQMX are rubber city radio. Those two companies hate each other with a passion and NEVER EVER do any remotes or special events together. Thats not to say that WKDD wouldnt be doing something- possibly with BDubbs but AKR and QMX aredoubtful. They dont do UA games on radio and its more likely their sister station (or brother station)WONE would do a tailgate party. I like the idea of someone hooking up bith OBC or Barleyhouse on the street in front of Info. The lot at BW3 is pretty small and has more craters than the moon.
  9. Well traveled Dan Peters, lately the assoc dir of b-ball operations at Ohio State ( Rick McFaddens current gig here) is reportedly taking vacant assistant coaching position at UA. A former head coach at YSU as well as other schools . One must wonder- is he coming as an assistant coach or to replace McFadden who would then take over Boals responsibilities??
  10. There will be a video strip/ribbon running on the facing of east upper deck. Of course the main scoreboard in south end of stadium. And a small, auxilliary scoreboard in north endzone ( with score and clock only).
  11. Yep, I got mine Friday. Says I go at 12:45pm on Tuesday the 16th of June. Good thing I work right downtown and can take a later lunch to hit that time. It's gonna undoubtedly upset some people that can't make the trip on a weird weekday time. I had a friend luck out and get 5:45PM on the 10th.I got mine on saturday. It appears that there will be 3 more open houses- the intent to seek out the vantage point you would like. Problem with that is west upper deck will not be done so access wont be possible everywhere. Those 3 open houses are weds june 3, saturday june 6, and sunday the 7th. Then selections begin in Tommy Evans lounge on Monday. Mine is tuesday the 9th at 755pm. Keep in mind only 4500 or so have been sold and not a bad seat in house so you cant go wrong with any seat. But if you cant attend your appointed time you can assign a proxy or call ticket office to select seats.
  12. A real loss is felt. Barb wasnt just a fan, she lived, breathed , and bled blue and gold. As much of a fan as I am, I pale in comparison. Just goes to show how fragile and short life is. I wasnt fortunate enough to make the Portland trip but I did recall seeing her at the Q on championship night. Ill remember her with that smile as she walked the court post game. We're all better for having known her. Too bad she couldnt experience the Info stadium.
  13. rough grading going on on field. also- did anyone else notice the excavation being done in south endzone- site of scoreboard. Im surprised the sccoreboard skelestructure hasnt been erected yet, but still time. Great news this week about Hoban St V/M game going to INFO. Thats some rabid fans we can introduce to stadium/campus.
  14. Heres my 2 cents worth, to add to everyones comments on saturday. Concerning the game, Nadir came to play, very surprised. Bronco looks to have taken lead in kicking battle, although we saw no kickoffs. We absolutely have to improve there!! Was Jeremy Bruce injured in that hit against the "Waller" ? BJ said he may have broken clavicle. Keep in mind of the 25 or so injured players not too many were hurt in spring ( yes some were- such as Bowser , Martin, and Torrence- who did play some) but the majority were rehabbing from last year so it may be a plus. Let freshies get some playing time. Im also hearing Bain may be done- lets hope not.Concerning the stadium, we got our answer on bleacher backs, and more can be added in future, though they seemed a bit flimsy. Soccer is NOT an option. It was considered but would have moved seats back significantly and reduced seating. Plus a great crowd of 5k would be lost in there. scoreboard is 22 ft by 40 ft, with a ribbon board running the width of the scoreboard below it. Also- a 130 ft ( and expandable) ribbon board ( that is what the Q has all the way around ) will be on facing of upper deck on east stands only- to enhance the home side experience. 2 team shops- one on each side. Joe Dunn said the wind in INFO is going to be substantial and variable- just like the RB. Capacity will be 30k, with expansion to 44k in plans ( but 1st things 1st!!)
  15. I just got home from the spring game/stadium festivities and received an invoice for my season tickets in mail. So far so good. However I purchased reserved seats last year for two years - in order to reserve a brick in stadium. Todays invoice shows my seats already assigned in section GA3, seats 3,4. Am I missing something or did everyone get the same invoice? I ssumed I would select seats at a later date. Im hoping this is just an oversight at UA ticket office.
  16. Obviously with the name INFOfan Im pretty into the stadium. Renditions Ive seen show the alternating dark green/light green turf but no indication of type. Looking forward to tour on saturday. Hope to see a lot of you at the Field house .
  17. Have any of you seen this cg animation?? If not its pretty neat!!!
  18. A couple thoughts.............One is old memorial hall. What is it used for and is it expendable?? Combined with the land between the Jar and MH thats certainly larger than the Jar's footprint. I know the pool (which was where I swam on UA mens team in mid 80's) has been closed for years and intramurals could be relocated to Jar and Rec.Another point- and many will disagree with me. I think the downtown/across from Canal park site is the only realistic location for several reasons. Besides empty(or close to empty space available)land shovel ready (hint hint Barrack!), the semi off campus site would allow beverage sales . A 8-10k facility will cost 45-60million and UA cant do that without some city/county help. Help which wont come unless its close to main street. And as much as we all want a new bldg can we really justify it for just 32 (18men-14 womens games)events a year?? Look at Chevy center in Ytown. Its used about 120 days a year and that many events would beg to be closer to town/bars/restaurants/parking. Lets hope the momentum weve built this year geting to the dance isnt lost- like it was following Motor city bowl. I cant help but woder why we havent been pushing ticket sales this past week like the cavs do during/after playoffs. All of us diehards would probably be ok sitting on dirt, but more casual fans need amenities. Padded Theater seats, close by parking, more concession choices. Thats the area where we lag behind the Daytons, Toledos, Cleveland states. We didnt do too bad with what weve got ( The JAR)and we can appreciate that!GO ZIPS!!!!!!!!!
  19. Is there a Zips Live show this week??? weds or thurs??? Obviously not from winking lizard ar 7 but just wondered. Id like to hear from KD and the gang.
  20. good atmosphere and company- Im in. will be there in my superstition fearing MAC outfit, hoping to surprise the basketball world with a zip upset!!
  21. I know you won't like this answer but AMTRAK can get you out and back for $193 (before taxes I think) each way. 45 HOURS to do it each way so you'd probably have to be on the 3:45AM train that leaves in about 8 hours. Haven't checked Greyhound .$576 Roundtrip on United Akron to Portland if you can leave on weds and stay till monday. I wont be able to make it but I know some blue and gold will be in the house!!! By the way- anyone interested in watching together at OBC or anywhere else thursday?
  22. My guess is............maybe. 65 teams in NCAA, 36 in NIT. 18 in CBA. CIT invites another 18. Thats 137 teams. Im not sure how many 20 win teams there are and we all know they dont go by RPI so lets just hope.......
  23. everything goes against us today. Can you say worst case scenario....... I guess we play tuesday.
  24. Watching sweaters vs canadians on UBvideo. Miami U up 59-57. 37 sec to go
  25. Farewell and thanks to Nate... A guy who reminded me of a former player by the name of Jackubic. Nate- with the wild (now tamed hair), unorthodox shot, and never ending support. To the opposition what a pest he has been. He was out there with swollen shut eye, broken fingers, stitches, always sacrificing for the team. Not the most skilled kid but one without whom these 20win seasons would be just a fantasy. Lets keep this season going for Nate's sake at least through saturday the 14th.
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