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Everything posted by infofan

  1. at gametime............Tuzzi out, torrence questionable, waller questionable, wagner ill. How bad can this get???
  2. I think we all would love to see a new multi-purpose arena constructed but keep in mind a big difference of on campus vs off campus Jake. Alcohol! Im not advocating that beer/alcohol are a necessity but what is a necessity is feasibility of such a project. Theres a big difference between a facility used 40 dates ( mens BB, womens BB, womens VB) and a facility used 200+ days (BB, hockey, sports shows, car shows, garden shows, circus, concerts , etc.) You know what Jake- they aint going to a facility with no liquor. Check out regional sports facilities: Lucas county arena, Fifth third field,Hara arena, Canal Park,Eastwood stadium,Cavelli center, Nationwide arena, Quick loans, csu convo, Tulio arena (Erie), Wesbanco Arena ( Wheeling). All sell beer. Guess what- decision was made for better or worse at INFO to not sell alcohol and the same would go for arena on campus. Just my two cents. And one has to wonder why Jake is so adamant about this point. You werent even on this board 5 months ago. some of us have been zip fans/area residents for 40+years!!
  3. I see on our gozips schedule link that saturdays game is being broadcast on Time warner cable. Does that mean its available in greater Buffalo only or here in northeast ohio?? Great opportunity for our marketing dept to put their money to good use. If game is being produced bt TWC in Buffalo ( as was the UB/UA basketball game last season), couldnt we pay the cost of uplinking the signal to a satelite and airing it on the local cable 23?? In a different topic, have you all seen that Nov 27 we have both a football game and a basketball game scheduled at home?? Both are down as time TBA . Lets hope the powers that be have the sense to split them up so we can attend both ( and French/Dunn can still broadcast).
  4. Why is coaching staff so tight lipped about injuries. We were misled last year to believe Bain had an injury when in fact he had eligibility/drug issues. This year we could go on and on about our players injuries but never hear their status. Dale Martin, Bain, Torrence, Alex Allen, Almondo Sewell,Matt Rogers now, etc. It goes on and on.... We who are into the Zips want to know their status but we hear NOTHING!!!!!!!!! What is the secrecy? The coaches seem to have an agenda which exludes the fans.
  5. Im convinced that we NEED a coaching change. That being said, JD is still the head coach and deserves repect from his players. Following the Indiana game coach Brookhart was asked about our inability to rush the ball by Joe Dunn. He said something to the effect of Joe Tuzzi gave it 100% but Devoe chose to ignore the play call and he tried to bounce it outside every time he rushed. Hes a very talented kid but he obviously has no discipline. If the play is called off tackle or up the middle thats where you go! Failure to listen to the coaching staff is not and should not be rewarded with increased playing time. We gave Devoe a 2nd chance when few schools would touch him and Im a supporter of his but the kid has to respect his coaches!
  6. Rodgers was starting to play better. Doesn't mean he was good. Just a step above absolute crap. Nicely was a pleasant suprise and I look forward to the next 3.5 years with him.' Lets give Matt Rogers a break. Hes running a play the incredibly uncreative offensive coordinator called. Were it up to him i believe he'd have been running much more 3 games ago. Is/was he our future?- no. But the pressure on a 19yr old given little protection took its toll and gave him zero confidence. He was starting to get some late in first half but in trying to do too much he cost us a score and himself a torn ACL. That being said Nicely appears to have greater poise and reading abilities than either Jacq or Rogers. Hes still an 18yr old so a year of maturity would have been a great luxury if we could have afforded it. But at this point all we can do is be patient and hope for the best from Nicely.
  7. I believe Reno to be a very honorable and loyal guy. But his ultimate loyalty is to his wife and kids. Isnt it possible that he sees the handwriting on the wall that a coaching change is coming ( possibly following season). And hes just removing himself from a bad situation and taking some of the heat off others. In turn he is free to pursue his next career move. In no way am I saying hes running away from situation. But NCAA would look favorably on a pro-active stance which it appears we have .
  8. Look guys- no arguments are wanted here. I dont have a stake in where or IF a convocation center/Arena is built. Im just saying that the ties between Plusquellic and Alexander are tighter than Alexander and Proenza. And after Proenza bought Quaker square without consulting the city I think they made an agreement in principle that it would go there. If it goes on site of central hower in 5 years or so fantastic. my point is youre gong to need very creative financing to accomplish this. Neither the city nor UA can do it alone. Ohio is so much in the red that regents aint gonna give zip to zips. And the bed tax is somewhat tied to the city and JSK center so I dont see them building it on campus. If Im wrong fine. But lets stop the infighting here. Cant we agree to disagree?? Im just glad Tom is pursuing it!
  9. While I agree that UA would have a hard time funding another new facility of this magnitude by itself, I don't understand why you think 1st Energy or other sponsors wouldn't consider backing an on-campus facility in the same way that the on-campus football stadium was financially supported by InfoCision, Summa, FirstMerit, etc.I don't know whether or not the city and county would come onboard with any support if the facility was built in a location right on the border of the campus and the city, but they might.firstenergy ceo Tony Alexander and Mayor P are very close and we all know plusquellic wants the arena downtown. Plusquellic just enabled firstenergy to build their 20+million operations center on white pond drive and if UA bucks Plusquellic I doubt that theyll go over his head to assist in funding. On other note........From the 1/18/07 Blade:LUCAS COUNTYHotel-motel tax going up to 10% to fund arenaBy ERICA BLAKEBLADE SATFF WRITERLucas County commissioners yesterday put in motion the funding necessary to build a multipurpose arena - leaving them with the responsibility of building it and then filling it.Commissioners voted unanimously to raise the county's hotel-motel tax by 2 percentage-points.The increase, which will take effect March 1, raises the tax from 8 percent to 10 percent and will help fund more than half of the approximately $80 million project.
  10. I love it. Something like this definitely needs to go on the actual UA campus near the stadium and not downtown. The rest of the Summit County/NE Ohio region will have no problem being served by such a great campus facility. The on-campus stadium is good for downtown and so will an on-campus arena be. To quote the ABJ in a story on InfoCision Stadium, "the community is supporting the on-campus venue". It's a win/win with an on-campus arena. As the mayor stated at the opening of InfoCision, "being on campus gives the facility that campus atmosphere that everyone loves and is attracted to."I think we are close to having a brand new, state-of-the-art, multi-purpose, true on-campus arena. First Energy will be a great financial backer for another superb campus facility adjacent to a superb on-campus football stadium. It 's great to read how one of its reps accompanied campus representatives (NOTE: not city or county representatives) on this field trip.If they build it on campus UA wont get a dime from 1st energy, summit county, or Akron. Lets get real here. Im not opposed to on campus but finding another 70Million or so for an arena will be awful hard for Dr P to justify!! If its going to happen it WILL be downtown (possibly on Quaker site on campus), whether Jake likes it or not.
  11. Renovating Knight center as an arena is absolutely NOT possible. Ceilings arent high enough, amenities ( rest rooms, concessions)nowhere near what a maximum 5000 seats would demand. And it would probably cost 4 million or so just to add telescoping seating with JARrish sightlines. Plus the biggest obstacle is the fact JSK already holds @ 240 events a year ( as of 2008). I think theyre happy with their status quo. My question is how in the hell does Toledo finance a 70million baseball stadium (vs canal parks 31Mill), much larger Seagate center ( as compared to Knight center) and now a $105million dollar arena. All with tax money. No university funds or private funds. Sure- Toledo citizens wanted to recall their mayor too but he/she sure got some results!
  12. Try this link, if you werent there weds night Here's what I got from the NCAA Rule Book:3.5 Re-entry Conditions, Restrictions, Exceptions3.5.1 Field Players. With reference to periods of play, substitutions are permitted as follows: First half: no re-entry. Second half: one re-entry. First overtime period: no re-entry. Second overtime period: no re-entry.3.5.2 Goalkeepers. With reference to periods of play, substitutions are permitted as follows: First half: one re-entry. Second half: one re-entry. First overtime period: one re-entry. Second overtime period: one re-entry.Reference: NCAA Rules - Page 22With these and the interpretations that follow, I presume it means that you cannot re-insert a player in the same half they were substituted for in, unless it is the second half.
  13. Im just wondering if anyone has heard any plans for the start of basketball season?? My understanding is practice begins on October 15th but as usual we tend to forgo the actual "midnight" time for a dedicated 3 hour 1st practice. Im still optomistic that we can make something of the football season but its hard to not be eagerly anxious of the new season for the roundball zips and an expected return to the NCAA tournament.
  14. Now that the 72 or so hours from hell are over, and have sunk in, lets hope a little reality surfaces. As far as CJ goes, if he had gone down with a torn ACL would everyone be throwing in the towell?? Losing a QB is a common thing ( through other channels obviously). As for Reno, Im hoping this is all an over reaction. Hes a standup guy and hes well aware of the rules. I find it hard to believe he would risk it. Finally, concerning attendance. Yes it was disappointing to see 18400 in our new palace. But consider this, we still outdrew CMU ( the league favorite!), OU, and Can't ( where they were charging 5$ a ticket.) If we want to be a D1 power yes well have to get the revenue but at this point is 20$ for your cheapest seat going to cut it in this economy?? Most of us on here are willing to pay but Joe average isnt willing to plop down 120bucks (4x20, $5 to park, 4 cokes $14, 20 for 4 burgers). I say get them in the house for a reasonable price andif they enjoy the experience theyll be back.
  15. No real allegiance here for this game but Im planning on going to take in the sights of a night game at the INFO!! As well as seeing the score of the IU/UA soccer game across street. If im on the spot Ill say Im rooting for the blue and gold (Hoban). Oh and FYI, the game is on FSOhio tonight !!
  16. THE EXTENDED AKRON ZIPS ISP SPORTS NETWORK: For about 20 minutes before college football kickoff on Saturday, the Akron Zips ISP Sports Network accidentally gained a station...and the Can't State Golden flushes ISP Sports Network lost its only station.from about 1 PM to 1:20 PM on Saturday, the Akron Zips' pre-game show feed was also airing on Media-Com talk WNIR/100.1 "The Talk of Akron", with Akron Sports Radio Icon/Superstar/Occasional OMW Reader Steve French being heard on the station which employs him (separately) as morning sports anchor.That, of course, would also mean that for the first 20 minutes, the pre-game show for the Can't State contest with Boston College was being heard by...only the people in the radio booth, and at ISP headquarters in Winston-Salem NC, as the one-station "Can't State ISP Sports Network" consists only of WNIR.Things were apparently fixed 20 minutes later. Both games kicked off later, at 2 PM. Too bad Can't fans couldnt keep listening to Akron football!
  17. The 30,000 is max capacity, SRO, I believe.Officially, I believe the game is a sell out if all seats are sold, which they were.I think this is the third time I've asked this -- and I don't think I've gotten an answer yet: How many seats are there? And does it include the loges, club seats, etc. or just the regular tickets?27,000 SEATS...That's capacity bleachers, GA, Reserved, Loge, and Club seats. They can (not sure why they didn't Saturday) sell 3,000 more Standing room/Berm seating tickets.Per Steve french on monday- all seats were sold and disparity between 27881 and 30000 was no shows (primarily students.)As for loca tv Ifor one dn want home games televised- let peopeget of their butts nd omewn to the Info to see it. That being said friday night's game bteen St V/M and ABHoban is the fso game of the week on tv. And of course the UA/IU game is on espnU.
  18. I did hear a couple spots on 97.5 WONE for Zip footall but nowhere near the sturation we heard in recent weeks. Does anyone know what Indianas version of Zipsnation is?? Id like to see what they are saying about Ackrun!
  19. Zach...when I first read this, I have to be honest, I thought you were joking about what he said.That is just unimaginable...and not the first time he's said something that's made me shake my head.Like I've always said about this guy....if it quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck.....it's a duck.Zach is correct! To quote Coach Douggie "...if this kid doesnt (get a 6th yr), everybody in Can't should storm the NCA and we should burn the place down!"we may not have our starting QB and we dont have our starting RB. But I dont care. I guarantee every Can't state fan (all 14) rght now this is gon to be a winnin football team nd this footbll team is going to be in a bowl game!"A few thoughts...... perhaps Coach Martin and Indians Eric Wedge can find new employment after their seasons are over in positive public speaking. How can a D1 coach even in frustration joke about violence. I have no doubt that the players on Can't State remaining work as hard as anyone and for them I feel for their misfortune. While its true Eugene Jarvis jilted us at Akron I hope for the best for him and wish him luck getting a 6th yr ( as did Alex Allen). How does Can't State's honorable and well respected AD continue to supprt Mr Martin?? And how do the fans feel about this??
  20. I dont mean to be petty and maybe this doesnt bother anyone else but wear your ips stuff guys!! The majority of us were wearing Zips blue or neutral stuff but I really get sick of seeing Red OSU jerseys and Georgetown or NC hats on our own so called fans. If you dont have any Zips wear go buy some or just wear jeans and a neutral shirt. I wont debate that there are OSU fans and Im ok with that but Geez!! Cant you wear blue and gold to our game and change ?? Especially this saturday with IU I dont want to see red on OUR fans!!! Opinions???
  21. Just wondered who bothered to cover this insignificant ( to them) 61.5 million dollar stadium we opened today. I just watched 3 channels at 11 and @ 1140 (following nasar on 5 and tennis on 19). Only ch. 3 at 11 covered the stadium. Eric Mansfield did a nice job and Ch. 3 lead their 11pm news with a 3 minute story on the INFO, followed by highlights on sports. However Ch 5 had no news, just sports , and while they mentioned the new scoreboard and the 41-0 score they didnt even have a highlight video. Same goes for Ch. 19. No story- no highlights. If I missed something I apologize but its insulting that we open this new facility to a sellout crowd and these stations dont bother to cover it! Again I salute ch. 3!
  22. Heres a salute to Captain Kangaroo drinking on Ch. 3 at 11 for all to see!!! I salute you and all other 28000 who made the day a success.
  23. Yes- just saw the fireworks going off behind/over east stands. Lets hope there are other surprises!!
  24. Torrence was not in uniform at Penn St. for a reason unknown to us fans. Does anyone have any news on his status?? What happened or was it a one game thing?? We need his depth, unless its another Harvey scenario.
  25. Aside from the obvious disappointment in our O-line , I have to ask why so conservative on the play calling?? Yes in 1st half field position played a factor but the predictable run on first down was destined to fail and was a waste of a down. Also- not sure if you guys Knew it but Joe Dunn said Devoe Torrence was NOT dressed- coaches decision. Anyone know what thats about and will he be back next week? Im afraid we know the answer to when Bain will return. To steal a phrase from Mike Waddell- lets move Onward and Upward from here!
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