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About hafner4430

  • Birthday 04/06/1995

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  1. Everytime you type out k e n t (but with no spaces) it changes it to Can't. I do not seem to understand why no one will type out "KentState". I don't see the big deal behind it. Everyone comes up with their creative spelling such as k-ent, k-e-n-t, ken+, k.e.n.t, and can't. This can be rather annoying to read. Sorry if I offend anyone, just would like an explanation. Go Zips!
  2. This thread was just a joke to see what everyones reaction would be. Some good came out of it though as we now have a great idea to throw off WVU!!!
  3. I saw Zeke Marshall on campus yesterday and he was walking with a limp. I am very concerned
  4. That articles from over a month ago. Michigan has one scholarship remaining and has offered it to Peoria (IL) big man Max Bielfeldt. So if Max signs with Michigan, it looks like we got a good chance at getting him
  5. Dambrot said today on the radio that he thinks Nik is leaning toward staying. where is that scholarship coming from then? Are one of our other players leaving? Maybe Egner? 1 - Rico 2 - McClanahan 3 - Diggs 4 - Cvetinovic 5 - Zeke 6 - Walsh 7 - Gilliam 8 - Harney 9 - Treadwell 10 - Egner 11 - Justice 12 - Ibitayo 13 - Green You're right. If Nik plays one more year, that would put us over our 13 scholly limit. Maybe KD's going to require one of the non-qualifiers to pay for school for one more season, much like the Darryl Roberts situation? Hmm, GoZips is MUCH closer to the program than I and recently posted that he had heard Green was really coming along in practice. But still, I think my shot in the dark would be that Green is considering a move like Euton and transferring down a level. That would make the most sense. But how do u determine which one has to pay? Are they allowed to split scholarships like in soccer?
  6. Dambrot said today on the radio that he thinks Nik is leaning toward staying. where is that scholarship coming from then? Are one of our other players leaving? Maybe Egner?
  7. Like Cap'n said. The Zips have no grey shirts (at least none in basketball). Two thoughts come to my mind. First is does Dakota have the will to do the required work? Second, no matter how much work he does he can not vastly improve his foot speed. D-I ball may be just to fast for Dakota. All the best to him. I thought Harney and Tree were gray shirts?
  8. I would take that as Nik leaving then. I got to see Nance play about a month ago, and he absolutely dominated. He had 2 dunks that were absolutely absurd. He was a great passer as well
  9. Personally, I think he is leaving If that happens, who is going to step up and take on his role for the team next season?
  10. It was a hyperbole. His situation seems a lot like Swiech's was last season
  11. I heard from a semi-reliable source that Euton will be forced to transfer out if Nik doesn't leave.
  12. Ive seen Harney tear it up at the REC in Akron if that counts for anything
  13. Good one. All i was trying to illustrate was that if Akron lost Friday, their side of the bracket could potentially be filled with better matchups, that's all. No need to be an asshole, we're all on the same side here. I agree with UAZip here, now that we're going to be on the other side of the bracket it helps our team quite a bit. Hopefully OU gets knocked out, because we just cannot match up with them. And its people like Zippy5 that ruin this blog and scare away other people. I would argue that its people saying losing to our rival is good for us, and also proposing to trade zeke might scare away people. But I digress. Just quit talking please... +1
  14. Good one. All i was trying to illustrate was that if Akron lost Friday, their side of the bracket could potentially be filled with better matchups, that's all. No need to be an asshole, we're all on the same side here. I agree with UAZip here, now that we're going to be on the other side of the bracket it helps our team quite a bit. Hopefully OU gets knocked out, because we just cannot match up with them. And its people like Zippy5 that ruin this blog and scare away other people.
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