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Everything posted by FBJunkie

  1. With the current job market, it might be a good time to stay in school at Akron and get an advanced degree. I'll be interested to see how many other D-1A schools are lining up to sign an undersized player with a knee injury that forced him to miss the last game. See you on the field in The Big Dialer next fall Brian. Wow, way to stay classy with one of the Zips' only highlight players, GP1. My post is intended to be neither positive or negative. My personal opinion about Wagner is he is a good player, but he makes too many tackles too far behind the line. Like everyone else on the team, he can be replaced. Since I have to spoon-feed this post, let me start by saying the next statement applies to everyone remaining on the team. If anyone doesn't wan't to come back next year, they shouldn't let the door hit them on the way out. They are a group of players who went 1-11 the last two seasons and only beat one D-1A team and lost to a I-AA team. While Coach I was a problem, there wasn't much effort being put out on the field at the end of the season so they are complicit in the failure as well. There is plenty of guilt to go around when things go as bad as they did. I agree with this - a LOT of his tackles are after at least 4+ yards. He is a great hustler - no doubt about that - but doubt he would even be a starter at a major program much less the NFL.
  2. I think this has to be due to Juwon Chisolm and /or coach Okruch (only guy left). Okruch was the guy who was responsible for getting Juwon and he got him before Juwon was about to enter Hargrave. At least that is my understanding. We need linemen...WELCOME ABOARD!!! Or maybe it was his only D1 offer - that might of played a role - lol
  3. Can't get excited about any of them except Winters. Narduzzi - about 20 years experience but none as head coach - makes me wonder. Winters only person with head coach experience. Getting somebody without head coaching experience is going to be a disaster with on the job training and many mistakes to be made. If it was me making the decision have a person with head coaching experience would be a requirement - I don't won't my new coach to be learning on the job - I would want him to already been through the process and made the mistakes and hopefully learned from those mistakes. I'm not saying a guy with no head coaching experience can't be successful - I just think you increase your odds in choosing the right candidate if you hire one with experience.
  4. Does Akron still have a football team??
  5. awwwwww - were those mean Ohio State boys blitzing you guys. Maybe you can try scheduling Lake Erie College or Baldwin Wallace. Hey now. The context of my quote was that we were trying to figure out what RI was complaining about to LF after the game. Some of your fellow Suckeye fans are even questioning what was going on at the end of the game. It goes beyond the blitzing. He put his starting RB back in the ball game, and started giving him the ball on every carry while we had our bench-clearing defense on the field. I applaud our coach for showing some real fight, and calling him out on it. If you OSWho fans think this behavior is ok, don't you realize that it's doing nothing but adding to your reputation as a bunch of pompous idiots? Haven't you had enough bad publicity in the last 6 months? Oh, that's right, you're THE Ohio State University. You are entitled to do whatever you want. So, how are you enjoying your only legitimate victory in the last two seasons, where you were not cheating by playing ineligible players? I'm not a big Buckeye fan - but I just love how people in this forum like to rip everyone else so they can forget how horrible Akron is - it must make you guys feel pretty good to do so because it's obvious that the play of your football team does nothing for you.
  6. awwwwww - were those mean Ohio State boys blitzing you guys. Maybe you can try scheduling Lake Erie College or Baldwin Wallace.
  7. I love it how peope on this forum rip on the Buckeyes at every opportunity they can. It's hard to find something positive to say about the Zips so they resort to ripping the Buckeyes. It' actually pretty sad.
  8. What does it mean when a post about the coach of another team gets a lot more activity than a post about how spring practice is going?????
  9. Can you give two examples (actual quotes) where anybody on ZN wrote that? I found a couple in the few minutes I looked - didn't want to wast too much of my time!! If USD is early in the year, the newness of the stadium might keep attendance high and filled with people that couldn't get in on the season opener. The biggest boost will come from high school games, where the local community finally sees what we have, which might make them want to come back. i agree completely. I honestly dont see us having much of a problem filling this place up as long as we dont have a major meltdown and lose our first 3 or 4 games. I really do think it will draw better than many might expect in the current economic conditions, and draw some football fans who want to see some action while saving some coin. Poll precting avg attendance for 2009 - 1st year of new stadium: I voted for 20k-30k. The sad thing is, so much depends on the weather. A huge step for Zips football will be when it moves from being something to do when it's nice out to THE thing to do on Sat. (Reply to a Poll for predicting avg attendance for 1st year of new stadium) 20,000 the lack of marketing and advertising has been embarrasing. Everyone should be fully aware of the new stadium by this time and know when the opening game is. What else goes on in this city? People should be chomping at the bit for opening day. I voted 20-30k There will be increased attendance regardless of the performance of the team (within reason of course) because: The placement of this stadium will increase student attendance because it is a well known fact that a majority of the kids who now go to the RB are NOT commuters I think those of you who believe that the Zips won't WAY outdraw what they've pulled at the RB are nuts. It pisses me off. There will be tremendous change in "average Akron Metro area Joe" interest. At least for five years, as I mentioned in previous posts, going to InfoSumma will be "a thing." Ohh yes....a LOT of change will be happening on Exchange with the addition of the INFO I think Info will average 25k per game for the first 5 years
  10. Old news!!! I saw this last week. Way to stay on top of things
  11. For the most part the players can not stand iCoach - so much so that they are willing to forgo scholarships to go somewhere else. As I have been saying all along, education is the most important thing for these kids and being miserable participating in Akron football will not help their mental attitude in the classroom. I heard Shrock may be going to D2 Ashland. What has to happen for everyone to realize that these kids are not responding to iCoaches methods???
  12. Why do you have to talk that way about other programs? Is it because Akron is the worst team in the worst conference in D1 so it makes you feel better? It's a fact that iCoach is driving away players in maas (he even drove away the "Rudy" award winner) - the fact that they won't see the field is not the issue, the issue is why are all these kids leaving. For every kid that leaves, there is probably at least one other kid that wants to leave but can't since they are on scholarship. The kids that left are thinking they can either stay with a program they hate and possibly see their grades suffer, or transfer to a quality school and still play the game they love. Remember, the main reason for going to college is to learn, not play football. The focus should be on education first, not athletics. So when your attitude about the athletics effect your performance in the classsroom, it is time to move on. For over 99% of these players, this will be the last football they play. Wow...don't get your panties all in a bunch there, killer. The fact is, these kids are transferring to lower divisions. Whatever your feelings about the MAC, if they were so good they could still go to Youngstown State, Delaware, Montana, etc. My guess is either THEY realized, the coaches realized or a combination of their and the coaches realization was this= you are not good enough to play FBS football..even in the MAC!!! Believe it or not, some kids choose a school not because they play D1 football but because of other factors - outrageous I know - but it happens. For you to say these kids aren't good enough to play FBS football just shows your ignorance - but we knew that by reading the first line of your reply. I wish more kids would consider more than just football when deciding where to go. They probably have parents like you telling them - "Hey, Akron is D1 football - you have to go there instead of that other school that you like so much". Some kids just want to play football in college and have a better chance contributing for a longer period of time at a level lower even though they are capable of playing at a higher level. Furthermore, the majority of a teams roster is made up of players that will not see significant playing time - you still need these players to contribute in practice. Seems like the kids aren't buying into what iCoach is trying to sell them. I guarantee you Akron will again not have enough players for a traditional spring scrimmage and we will see another offense vs defense scrimmage. I will be curious to see how many will be on the spring roster.
  13. Cochran going to Youngstown State - did he get the boot or did he quit???
  14. Why do you have to talk that way about other programs? Is it because Akron is the worst team in the worst conference in D1 so it makes you feel better? It's a fact that iCoach is driving away players in maas (he even drove away the "Rudy" award winner) - the fact that they won't see the field is not the issue, the issue is why are all these kids leaving. For every kid that leaves, there is probably at least one other kid that wants to leave but can't since they are on scholarship. The kids that left are thinking they can either stay with a program they hate and possibly see their grades suffer, or transfer to a quality school and still play the game they love. Remember, the main reason for going to college is to learn, not play football. The focus should be on education first, not athletics. So when your attitude about the athletics effect your performance in the classsroom, it is time to move on. For over 99% of these players, this will be the last football they play.
  15. does YSU even have a forum? haha Not sure - but I do know they did have 3 wins - 200% more than Akron
  16. Good point. The star system is very flawed and there are a lot of people with their own agendas and favorites. To truly judge a player, as much as you can judge them before they get here, look at his offers. If he has offers from big time schools, he is a player. I am not talking interest from the schools, I am talking an actual offer. Yeah, you mean like Aaron Rodgers who didnt have one....NOT ONE ....D1 offer? This talk about our bad recruiting under Ianello is beyond annoying. There are also players in the NFL that played D3 football - what's your point? But you are probably right, iCoach is probably such a great recruiter and talent evaluator that he can find players that nobody else wanted and convince them to come to Akron. I much rather have that than Toledo's recruiting class full of recruits that were wanted by other D1 programs - I don't know what I was thinking....
  17. Had insomnia this morning so I looked at some details of this years recruiting class - the whole class had a total of 11 offers - with 16 players receiving no other offers except Akron. For a frame of reference, Toledo's class had a total of 58 offers. So we have the best facilities in the MAC and a recruiting genius who could probably recruit Rush Limbaugh to join the democratic party , and this is his first full recruiting class. With the investment made in the facilities as well as what we are paying this coaching staff - I expect a LOT more.... Sorry - not impressed.
  18. Eric Howard?? Last I heard he was going to a JUCO - anybody know the latest?
  19. Finally, a wide receiver with decent height. Welcome Tyrell. Is this kid a receiver or QB? Not rated by Rivals or Scout - seems like we are grasping at straws. OK all you ICoach supporter - point out one recruit where Akron was chosen over a quality BCS team? A person that is going to AKron because he was impressed by ICoach. So far I am not impressed
  20. Wellll..... Old Dominion did be GW - something Akron failed to do!!
  21. We are actually overachieving. Ball St. proved to be the better team because they beat us on the field. Yet, we beat them in attendance! Great!!! Looks like our $60 million dollars stadium was money well spent!! Maybe if we spend another $60 million we can bump that attendance figure up by another couple thousand - maybe we can crack the top 100 ( I can dream can't I ??)
  22. It's amazing that a post about "The" Ohio State football team generates 8 pages of responses on an Akron Zips sport forum. Guess not much to discuss about the Zips, huh?
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