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Everything posted by taxpayer

  1. August 15th; Has it sold out yet? Who's attending?
  2. AKZipper - 4000 is small but UA has a small fan base. $ is a problem so like all of us, build what is needed not your dream home. In a previous post, I suggested that UA needs to build a practice facility or reconfigure some existing courts so the bball teams have a practice facility while the JAR is given a makeover.. UA doesn't have the cash, the city and county doesn't either. Forget the state. So the alternatives are continue to play in the JAR and make no changes or do the most cost efficient option. Reconfigure/renovate or whatever you want to describe taking the worst arena in the MAC and come up with a more suitable seating configuration that can handle the Zips 3-4000 fans who show up routinely. If done correctly, it would be a small but classy facility that would provide an upgraded recruiting tool to KD, an financially feasible option to the new university President and increase season tickey sales since KD's team wins and the objection of sitting on bleachers and not being able to see over/under or through the track railing will be eliminated. Someday, if the Zips sell out every game for a few years and the UA continues to increase student enrollment and they actually care how their bball teams do, a need for a larger seating capacity might materialize. Until then, let the renovations begin by having a bon fire of the old bleachers, unless some high school wants them for their gym.
  3. Install basketball court in indoor football/track facility. Put up bleachers (it's what makes Akron Akron) surrounding court that will allow a crowd of no more than 2500. Build practice facility to be used by MBB, WBB and WVB next to JAR so no need for offices or lockerrooms. Renovate JAR by removing all seating. Install permanent chair back seating with capacity of 4000 with seats closer to floor and at a steeper angle. Forget the new arena; OHIO is broke, the County is broke, the City is broke and UA is broke. UA needs a better facility to aid in recruitment. Be different, bigger isn't always better. I'd add new JAR entrances that spiral fans in and out via ramps, put one at each corner of the JAR with rounded glass exteriors. Hire someone to design the main lobby so we feel like we entered an arena as opposed to a coal mine. My third cousin, who knows an architect, thinks this all costs $15 million tops. Renovations take 1yr if State of Ohio is barred from oversight position. I'm sure football coaches and track coaches won't mind since we are all a team here.
  4. What's the first impressions of all you UA insiders of this hire?
  5. Definitely a long distance analysis; I speculate that the Zips finish significantly higher than the #124 ranking and will go out on a limb and barring any significant injuries, play in the MAC Championship game. The big IF's are, PG becomes a strength (Robotham starting by beginning of MAC), Tree shares the ball and the Zips get 12 pts, 10 rebounds per game from the 5. I think this team can become a dominant defensive group if they are willing to embrace the concept and will be similar to the Zips squad of 2-3 years ago where they could rotate players and wear teams down and dominate the final 6 or 7 minutes of games. The Zips won't ever be pretty on Offense but like all KD teams will win with defense. I also trust they are shooting 200 foul shots a day minimum.....all of them.
  6. GP1 - maintain 20 wins per year but schedule more difficult and highly regarded opponents; that is the challenge in a nut shell. I believe this years team will be populated by a couple freshman and sophmores earning some significant minutes but that's another topic/thread. I do see the wisdom in scheduling an exhibition game and then an easier d1 opponent to begin the season but I'd be all for a roadie against a top 25 team as the Zips 3rd game of the season. Yes, we will be inexperienced (pg & 2,3) and KD will be experimenting with lineups but so will our opponent. I think trading a home win over an overwhelmed opponent and a small crowd is trumped by getting a roadie against a tradional top 25 program with some money thrown in to cover the Zips travel, lodging and loss of a home game revenue. I believe some top 20 teams would be interested in such an arrangement. Add a preseason made for TV tournament and the Zips will have 3 or 4 quality opponents. To be honest, I do not see a top 25 program coming to the JAR. Why would they? They might get beat, the payday would be small (5000 attendance) and they can stay home, play some patsy and sellout their arena due to season tickets. Not much incentive there. Unfortunately, the JAR will only see the MTSU and Detroit's of the hoop world. I would love to see the Zips begin playing some A10 teams like St. Joe's, Xavier, St. Bonnie, Dayton, or Duquesne. The travel would be much easier than heading out west and all those teams have higher profiles than the Zips with the exception of St. Bonaventure and I believe the Zips can hold their own against them. I guess it comes down to this.....is a 20 win season preferable to a 19 win season but one with a victory or two over top programs. The MAC isn't going to be a two bid league consistently which I think is obvious. So I would be willing to sacrifice the 20 wins as long as I was confident that the Zips will play in the MAC championship game almost every year; which thanks to KD's efforts, is occuring.
  7. Balsy - not sure why UA doesn't have an intern program designed to handle such duties. I'd think creating a full time GA position so this effort is one of quality for bball, soccer, etc. The improvements I believe necessary, new arena or not is addressing the lousy student attendance and even worse seating. The UA student spirit leaves a lot to be desired, it's as big a problem as the "track" and bleachers. I'm not sure what UA's master plan has in the future for the JAR if a new arena is built but making changes to provide more floor seating (move media/table to track corner) for boosters (2 or 3 rows)opposite the team benches is where I would start. Students in both end zones with the band (at least 20-25 members) back down near the opponents bench is step two. Step three is investigating why students aren't attending games in larger numbers; besides crappy seating (location and bleachers).
  8. Zippyrulz - I disagree, if the voters approve the new arena project at the ballot box KD and the Zips are probably 4 years away from actually playing a game in the new facility. KD has laid a good foundation and despite last years disappointing results, has some momentum built up. Akron can't afford to sit still with the status quo....there are several improvments that need to be made whether a new facility is approved and especially if it fails at the ballot box. I'm not sure why you'd even consider "downgrading" the JAR when a new facility is still so far away. KD and the Zips last 4 of 5 years have given them some regional and national visibility and UA has to continue with some JAR upgrades as this process moves forward. To stop improving is to begin declining. I'm pretty sure the JAR won't be torn down and the improvements that should and could be made won't break the bank and I'm referring primarily to seating and the unfortunate track.
  9. A new university President is at the controls, summer sessions are ongoing, the BBall staff are working with the 2014-2015 edition of the Zips and planning their recruiting schedules and the football boys are prepping for what we all hope will be an over .500 season and this board is quiet. That means it's summer. I'm a little starved for some basketball conversation so can anyone inform us what the UA brain trust is doing to upgrade the JAR this off season? I've seen the other thread with the new arena talk but that's years away right now. The Zips have stability with KD, an enviable recent history in the MAC and the desire to do better. This isn't the time to not improve the programs' weakest selling point the JAR. Any news?
  10. Isn't this why it's so important that the football team become competitive which results in more interest and attendance as well as more income? Same situation for the men's basketball team to win the MAC and get to the NCAA tourney? .
  11. Nick had/has lots of potential and obviously issues. I hope this change of scenery will eliminate those issues and he can reach his true potential as a player and a young man. Best of luck to him!
  12. Congrats to Coach Rem and the team on a strong MAC Tourney!
  13. For What It's Worth.......KD gets a mention but not a ranking http://espn.go.com/ncb/notebook/_/page/top50coaches50-25/top-50-coaches Mods...I'm not sure how to set up a link could you help me out?
  14. Nothing better than NE Ohio apathy! Maybe this will pass; just need to identify the 57 souls who still care enough to vote and present them with forum facts.
  15. Even though a new arena is desperately needed for Akron mens & womens basketball teams for recruiting purposes and by the University (better gameday revenue) if you are a believer in the "if you build it, they will come" argument, I don't see it happening for the next 7 or 8 years. Most taxpayers are at a point that any additional taxes, no matter how small, aren't acceptable. I believe taxpayers have the same response to proposed taxes: Tighten up your belt like the rest of us have. With that said, the JAR's status quo isn't acceptable either. It will always be a less than desirable facility but it's possible to change it's grade from D to at least C+. A renovation plan is necessary. The lack of a temporary "home court" dictates performing improvements over at least two years and maybe three if you'd like to tackle the obvious exterior warts as well. The type of and the configuration of seating is public enemy #1. Followed by pathetic entrances, lobby and concessions. I believe it feasible to remove all the bleachers, install steeper stairs and chairback seating with fan entrances coming from under/behind the new seating structure. Add several restrooms and concession areas under the new seating system as well. I will continue my continual request to remove the media tables from courtside so boo$ter$ can occupy prime real estate. Dedicate a section of seating for students only. I liked the idea of several players visiting dorms and student groups to speak with students and requesting they attend games as part of the Akron experience as students. I'll leave the problem of lack of student community & involvement to others. KD is keeping up his side of the equation, if you want to get to the next level this needs to happen now.
  16. Renderings would help; I'm assuming the South Main St would be the main entrance but would the playing surface be below, at or above street level to see if the powers that be have designed some space for commercial or retail tenants. I'd also suggest a presentation of revenue streams anticipated. I'm from out of town and think it's feasible to turn the area into a destination for entertainment; meaning restaurants, bars, small shops and sports but some free or very cheap parking is a necessity. Would adding another parking garage to this project be worth the cost to build such a structure?
  17. Some things I think I think as a observer from afar...... Think Bigger Starts at home, not with a change of conference. Start with developing community or more of a campus feel to U of A. With the exception of mens soccer, student attendance (interest?) is pathetic. No other way to say it. My son's high school home basketball games had more students in attendance. Made more noise too! Pep band is good, did I say students are apathetic? Make the "student" welcome. No more seperate entrance no more seats above the track unless they come late. Until students are filling up 2,000+ seats in the JAR there will never be a financial incentive for a replacement. Joe Akron isn't showing up until another win streak reaches 20 in a row and he doesn't have to sit on bleachers, above a track trying to see through a rail. Really? . Some how KD gets 20 wins and almost always into the MAC finals at the Q. If you'd travel to other universities other than the one 15 miles away you'd realize what a terrible facility the JAR is. Recruits are underwhelmed when they see it. Locker and weight room improvements are a help. The MAC is a bus travel league. Buy a bus or two (girls) and customize it. Passenger load of 25 at most. Ever see a 6'5+ kid ride 5 hours in a typical bus seat? Put a small kitchen in it. That's one way to seperate yourself from the crowd. Yeah, we bus but come at our bus! Relocate all "media" to mid level seating at best. I want students and high rollers down low in segregated seating sections. Got to start somewhere if you want things to change.....
  18. Saw Coach Peters after the game and all I can say is he exhibits grace under fire. Praying for a return to health Coach.
  19. Was at the game. I've read this chain of comments. I was at the game and was shocked and surprised to see Coach Peters on the bench which I thought would add some fire and determination to this group of players. What I saw was no leadership and no heart. Toledo played with a chip on their shoulders.....unfortunately no one on the Zip side seemed to care to knock the chip off their shoulder. Last years group had guts galore and the mental toughness to overcome some significant adversity.....I just don't see it this year. What I do see is players acting like babies when they get removed from a game and showing up the coach, their teammate coming in. Otherwise I didn't detect anyone getting upset over the beating I witnessed Saturday.....other than the coaches.
  20. Some things I think I think: This years' Zips team is soft in all aspects: mentally, emotionally and physically KD put Carmelo into the doghouse way too early. we really need CB to be the pg. NOW Our guards can't guard. Last year we had tremendous defensive pressure and significant rebounding from the 2, not the case now I DO NOT see a competitive fighting spirit in this group. Player leadership is non-existent KD needs to bring in an assistant to design an offensive game plan for him. He's an excellent defensive coach, offense......not so much Tree needs to learn how to handle adversity and stop pouting Harney needs to learn how to handle adversity and actually play defense and rebound Nyles is a two not a pg. Nyles can't defend very well or isn't interested Pat needs to find a chip and put it on his shoulder....now Reggie and Jake have to defend and rebound better....now Q needs to call a players only meeting and run tapes of the past two games second halves and then show this years team tapes of last years team play cant and ou at cleveland. It's called WILL TO WIN, GUTS AND SACRIFICE. which we currently have NONE of. To those of you who state this years team is better than last years.........based upon what?
  21. Zips fans, enough of running CB down. He is a sophomore and we the most important part of our season ahead of us. The young man has obviously lost his confidence but regain it very quickly with some success. I for one, believe he is competent and capable splitting time at the pg position. He is a very good defensive player. I recognize why his minutes are currently down and recognize he has to minimize his TO's. I'm sure he is more aware of these issues than we are. Give the kid some mercy and root for his improvement.
  22. Good job Q! After all, an education lasts a life time while an athletic career has a limited time frame. Glad to see the Zips continuing to graduate their players!
  23. Coach Peters is a classy guy; I suggest mailing him a Christmas card/get well note; I'm sure he and his family and the Zips staff & players would love seeing a big bag of mail for him to read through. A few prayers are requested as well. The University of Akron Department of Intercollegiate Athletics Coach Dan Peters - Mens Basketball James A. Rhodes Arena Akron, OH 44325
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