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Everything posted by PAZipsFan

  1. As frightening and strange as it seems, Buffalo is looking really good this year, as well. I wouldn't discount the possibility of the Bulls winning the East Division. What were the odds of that before the season started?!
  2. Great job everybody! If somebody had told me that Zippy would be head and shoulders above the rest after three weeks, I would have never believed it. It is only going to get harder now because everybody will be voting against us trying to get their mascots to the top. Vote early and OFTEN!!!
  3. Kudos to C.J. for that. A player that actually realizes how much of their souls the fans put into following this team and acknowledging it. That's really refreshing to hear.
  4. I guess that's one of the perks of living in Pennsylvania. I think I would have smashed my cable box with a sledgehammer if they cut away to the Columbus State game. As it turns out, I was surprised that the game was on here to begin with.I was really impressed by the Can't kicker when he nailed that 40+ yarder in the fourth quarter... so you can imagine what it was like to see Igor one-up him on the next drive. That was when I thought that this game might actually bounce our way. At least until Can't got the ball back on the last possession. I just about jumped out the window on the 15-yard late hit penalty. All's well that ends well, I suppose. This victory is just so much sweeter when you think about what they did to us last year and then coming into our house this year as the favorite.GO ZIPS!!And everybody vote for Zippy!!!
  5. The Zips have beaten the Flushes!! Kudos to the Akron defense for holding Can't at bay and keeping us in the game in the first half when our offense was ineffective. The Zips came out in the second half and took advantage of Cant's turnovers and made some big plays to come back from a 10-point deficit and bring the Wheel back home. It was unnecessarily exciting in the final two minutes, but Tate made a great interception on the final play of the game to flush Can't! And by the way... it's 3:55 on a Saturday afternoon, and
  6. I'm really happy for Charlie. It's really a shame the way that all of this had to go down for him, but he's really going to benefit from being a part of a stable franchise and I'm sure that he will develop more with the Seahawks even holding a clipboard than he would have getting his head bashed in with the Frowns. We all know how good he is from his time with the Zips and I'm confident that he'll manage to snag some playing time in the future. If I were the Browns, I'd start measuring Quinn for a coffin before they decide to throw him in there.
  7. I couldn't say it any better. How the hell do you waste a whole training camp and preseason preparing a starting quarterback, only to pull the rug out from under him in the first game and send him packing two days later? What a waste of time and work! Maybe Quinn will get traded to Atlanta. The Browns can have Testaverde. I hate the Browns anyway. This way at least I don't have to feel guilty rooting for Charlie!
  8. I've really got mixed feelings about the game today... first off, pissed I had to "watch" it on ESPN Gamecast instead of actually seeing the game...The defense was outstanding, today... and we did an amazing job of giving Ohio State fits in the first half and really making Columbus nervous. I am disappointed we didn't at least get some offensive points on the board. I mean, we didn't get shut out, but it sure feels like we did. And the final score doesn't do justice to the closeness of the game, especially early.Now it's time to roll up the sleeves and get down to business! We need to do much better offensively against Indiana, we can beat them! Oh yeah, and a week after that...
  9. That's absolutely disgusting. I understand that people in Ohio generally pull for OSU, and normally that's understandable... but when it's your hometown team they're playing? I just can't understand that. You've got to root for the Zips, even if (and maybe because) you know they've got extremely long odds to win.
  10. Very nicely put, johnnyzip... I would never be sober again!
  11. You can't call off the dogs in this one. Especially since Can't suddenly thinks they have a chance in hell of winning the MAC East. The Zips have to pull all of the (wagon) wheels off of the Flushes' bandwagon! 39-7 Akron!
  12. I think that Tom "Jamal" Svetlik should lie low this weekend if he values his health.
  13. Can't definitely wears the color of urine. Only a fool wouldn't be able to tell the difference between that disgusting hue and true gold.
  14. It's Tuesday night at 8:45 PM and Can't State STILL sucks.
  15. YOU MUST HAVE A LOT OF TIME ON YOUR HANDS TO GET A NAME ON OUR MESSAGE BOARD AND TRY TO TRASH TALK US MAKE SOME TIME FOR YOURSELF TO MAKE SURE YOU CAN READ, AND WRITE! AND SIT ON YOUR COUCH WATCH FSN ON YOUR 12 INCH TV AND WATCH THE ZIPS POUND YOUR ASS!!!! actually I got this name last year for the BBall games. But still Screw the Roo! We'll see on saturday when the final tick of the clock comes to an end, who the better team is. And if K E N T does happen to lose, I will eat crow. If Akron does win, I will offer my congrats and hope they win out, happy? good. I hope you like crow. After all, I have heard that crow tastes quite good this time of year. But don't forget the ketchup.
  16. I've never been to Can't before. Do they have a section for visitors' fans to sit in, or are all of us Zips fans going to be scattered among the stands?
  17. Herbie will see just how wrong he is when the Can't folks cry over watching the Wagon Wheel roll away again!
  18. You never know in college football, but I think that it's going to take a bunch of fluky nonsense for Can't to win against the Zips. We're talking turnovers, special teams touchdowns, blocked kicks, goofy stuff of that nature. If Akron plays the way that they are capable of, they'll win this game running away. Of course, the issue is whether or not they will actually be able to do just that, with the inconsistency on offense and in the kicking game. (Well, okay, the kicking is consistently BAD.) The defense is solid, though, and I definitely think the Zips will rise to the occasion and flush Can't.
  19. Okay.... I don't know what UA policy is, but I don't think umbrellas should be admissable either. It's just plain disrepectful to anyone sitting behind you, next to you, etc. Wear a poncho if you're that worried about a few raindrops. Or take your umbrellas and sit all the way in the back. D-IAA Youngstown State doesn't allow umbrellas, and everybody there still lived to tell about it last night despite a few raindrops.
  20. I can offer some evidence in support of this. I attended Division III Thiel College in Greenville, PA and graduated in 2000. We also didn't have an on-campus stadium, and played at the local high school field, which as you can imagine, was awful for recruiting. This created a circumstance where students would have to drive or hitch a ride off campus to go watch an awful team lose. Guess what? Nobody came to the games.An initiative began to build an on-campus stadium right about the time I was graduating, and a proposal was made and accepted to renovate the existing practice field behind the gymnasium. FieldTurf was put in, bleachers and chairbacks went up, and people began to get excited about Thiel football again. We were one of the first colleges of our small size to have FieldTurf. The students came to the games, and now Alumni Stadium is standing room only every week. Recruits and transfers came in, and last year Thiel went undefeated in the regular season, went to the D-III playoffs for the first time in their 100-year history, and even won their first playoff game.Bottom line: An on-site facility will do wonders for attendance.
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