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Everything posted by NewZipsFan

  1. At least you made me laugh
  2. BIG, HUGE game tomorrow afternoon -- and no buzz, no traffic, no interest? Is the internet down in Ohio???
  3. Dadgummit... I think I like yours better... of course I didn't check back before I started on mine (and no.. I haven't been working on it for 5 hours!)
  4. Anybody have/or have seen any t-shirts or artwork to "Beat the Bobcats" or something to that effect? Working on a sign - but would rather steal something than start from scratch I'm not a photoshop expert - I just stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night (badoom boom)...
  5. Now Mike Leach has jumped on Charlie Weis' bandwagon. I have always been a huge Leach fan - but I am very disappointed in his comments yesterday about his Seniors. If y'all didn't see it earlier this week, Charlie Weis announced that he told his Seniors NOT TO COME TO PRACTICE! Now Leach has called some of his Seniors "zombie-like" etc... Guess what, fellas?? It's YOUR JOB to get those Seniors ready to play -- YOUR JOB to motivate them and get the very best out of them. Makes me ill. Makes me even prouder of what our Coach has done with OUR seniors -- kids who probably have the most right in the country to just hang it up and say, "f it!". Instead - they are the leaders/foundation of this team -- now and for the future. Charlie Weis - practices without seniors Mike Leach - Seniors are "empty corpses"
  6. Come on, Keener... you're not jumping ship already, are you? You were in TN... you see what the future holds for the Zips. Yes - last Saturday stung... BIG TIME. Imagine how the team and the coaches felt?? They will be ready to play - with whatever healthy players we've got - and we will play at 100% effort for 60 minutes - as we have all season. That dadgum article in the ABJ was like the Sports Illustrated curse -- hailing the o-line as the best unit on the field (which they probably still are) A stomach virus had/has been going through the team - and that hurt us also last Saturday. Know this - also - these coaches will (I'm sure already have) game plan around our injuries/weaknesses and we are gonna come out swinging. We've played fantastically on the road all year -- I think this road game ends with a very fun ride back to Akron...
  7. What Ohio does SOOOO well, is NOT lose. They have managed to pull out W's all year - and a team that knows how to WIN is very, very dangerous. Yes - I like our chances to score a lot of points on their Defense. But obviously we are very depleted on an already thin defense. What I also know - is that every player who takes the field on Saturday for the Zips will be playing with 100% intensity and effort -- and will know his assignments/be ready to play. Realize how many true freshmen we will play - (and have already been playing) - and hopefully the "future" starts on Saturday! Go Zips! Beat the Bobcats!!
  8. Oh! The Defense will show up. I wouldn't be surprised if they put on a show tomorrow. Akron 45 - BG 17 (Both Steins have one FG and are perfect in PATs)
  9. Here's the link to the GoZips.com page with ALL of the info you could ever need for the game: GoZips - Bowling Green Game Info And for those of you lazier types, here's the direct link to the MAC Live stream: Live Stream for BG @ Akron
  10. Thanks so much for the schedule.... Can't wait to hear/see Ohio's Pride!
  11. I did the "statistical analysis" last week... Will never do that again I guess that's why the old saying still holds true, "That's why they play the games..." Regardless -- we win tomorrow. Period.
  12. BG's D-Line is the strength of their team. I like our O-line vs their D-line any day. Bice, Switzer, Straight, Pughsley, Rizzo... those are some of the toughest, hardest working and HUNGRY players you'll find anywhere. Can't wait for the game to kickoff!
  13. Our Stein is on FIRE! He just needed 80,000 screaming SEC fans to get his confidence... (crazy!).. Practice was good today from what I heard -- the offense is really clicking more and more every week. I fully expect to see a much improved defense on Saturday as well. I'd bet my house that Coach Amato hasn't slept all week.
  14. Pretty lame - honestly.... Maybe after we get a BIG FAT WIN on Saturday - we'll see some movement...
  15. ......and then won the next 9 straight the following year!
  16. Agreed - that the sooner we get #2 the better... but I honestly do not see one ounce, one iota, one hint of quit in any of these players. What I also don't see -- which is probably even more amazing -- is no finger pointing. This is truly a "team" - and they not only believe in themselves and the coaches - but I hear they genuinely care for each other. This will be a team that has reunions, comes back to support the program, stays in touch.. etc.. This is a special bunch, and will still be - even if they didn't win another game (which will obviously NOT be the case). There is just no way that a team this dedicated and hungry - coupled with coaches that have a combined 150+ years of experience - don't win several of our last 7 games.
  17. I'm not sure where I ultimately will stand on this issue.. but all I can say is "TENNESSEE". We got paid a LOT of money (I've seen it reported anywhere between $600,000-$750,000+) to go to Knoxville and actually almost beat them. We could have (coulda woulda shoulda). That game gave our players - not only the opportunity to play in one of college football's greatest venues (which YES - is a recruiting tool) - but also incredible confidence that they could line up with a big-time SEC team and keep them on the ropes for 3+ quarters. It may not have turned into a "W" for the Miami game - but I believe the benefits will continue to be seen the rest of the season. When its coming down to the wire - Stein can look back and say to himself, "I hit a 45 harder in front of 85,000 at Neyland - and then hit 3 more".. Quentin Hines can say "I broke a 70 yard TD run and left those SEC players in my wake"... The O-Line can say "We protected our QB against the Tenn DL who outweighed us by 70+ lbs per man".. The defense can say "We stopped Tenn on 4th down twice - and forced them into FGs several times"... Avis can say, "I picked off Tyler Bray for 6"... etc. etc. etc... So - for the moment - I say, bring on the money games!
  18. Bump! Vote early... vote often! Ok - at least once a day
  19. Wow -- I just read this thread on their "fan message board".. I hope the team feels the same way these fans do - if so, we "bowl" them over on Saturday. Our fans talk about better conferences, better opportunities... these guys, well... read it for yourselves.. "Scared About Football"
  20. Looks like the Stein family already made their own sign/banner... Very cool.
  21. "Beat Bowling Green! Zips start Rolling to go Bowling!" or the other way - "Zips Start Rolling to Go Bowling! Beat Bowling Green!"
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