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Everything posted by NewZipsFan

  1. That's Timmy B's agenda He is a LONG time friend of Terry's - and the whole family.. He has always been Terry's biggest supporter and fan - he's had a very up close view of his career, and knows how great of a coach he is...
  2. Here is the link to Coach Terry's interview: http://www.yahoosportsradio.com/shows/tim-...y-bowden-14137/ Here's the link to Coach Bobby's Interview: http://www.yahoosportsradio.com/shows/tim-...bowden-3-14140/ Enjoy
  3. http://www.waff.com/story/15553200/una-foo...ing-pot-in-dorm http://florence.waff.com/news/crime/63304-...-assault-arrest http://www.waff.com/global/story.asp?s=11688762 http://www.whnt.com/news/shoals/whnt-demet...0,3338483.story http://blog.al.com/birmingham-news-sports/..._tennessee.html http://enewscourier.com/statenews/x1075329...ed-with-bribery Your last link is about a guy who is 26 yrs old and was playing arena football in 2008. Bowden wasn't even the coach at UNA until 2009. Try harder next time. First article - walk on players. Second article - charges dismissed. Third article - walk on player - believe charges were dismissed because he played in 2011 season Fourth article - charges also dismissed (the former TN player was thought to have witnessed a crime, so they issued a warrant for him to appear as a witness) Fifth article - repeat of the second article And the last article - the poster above correctly pointed out that he never played for Coach Bowden. Every team in the country has these types of issues - usually to a much higher degree than this. When you have 100+ young men between the ages of 18-23 some are going to get in trouble - its just the law of averages.
  4. They will start panicking about our game in three....two....one..... (for those who don't know, Coach Bowden lived in Orlando for 10 years and had a daily ESPN Radio Show on three stations across Central Florida for about five of those years. There are many fans who wanted him to coach the UCF team.) WHEN we beat them at home, it will just be the beginning of the Bowden & Company era of Zips Football!
  5. Don't forget that Coach Bowden was a member of the media for over 10 years. He built a lot of great relationships with the nations top writers, broadcasters and analysts. There will be even more media attention because of those relationships, on top of the buzz generated by his return to the FBS level.
  6. Agreed. Newspapers have to have confirmation from a reliable source before they will (or at least should) print something. Footballscoop.com takes rumors, tips, etc from anyone on an anonymous basis. I believe that each coach must go through an NCAA approval process before they can be officially hired and, then of course, announced by the University.
  7. Florida St connection. Isn't T-Buck the inventor of the Lambeau Leap? Wonder what he will invent here? Summa Skip? I hope Coach B can use his Florida connection for players too. Will his Akron coaching debut is as good as his NFL debut? Leroy Butler invented the Lambeau Leap if I remember correctly... Coach Amato recruited South Florida for over 20 years... Between Coach Bowden and Coach Amato I've got to believe they will get all the Florida players they need to round out the local talent they steal from Urbie
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