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Everything posted by pat

  1. And just what is it that you have had too much of?
  2. I did so on purpose oh obtuse one. Next time try a little practice before you try and make a point.
  3. Yes.. I gave several definitions for those who struggle. Thanks for the affirmation and the correction on my transposition. As you can see, I spelled it correctly the second time, oh fault finding anal one!
  4. We played them in football two years ago. We have their former head football coach working at UA. On many occasions people post things that are not directly related to UA and you are right. Dr. P has much more class than Dr Gee. However, I find it surprising on some level since Gee is responsible for bringing in billions to OSU. I also recall a time when Gee was on our campus to discuss collaboration between Ohio public universities. Dr Proenza made a light hearted and humorous remark about UA being a powerhouse in education that could exceed OSU. Then, The Anti-University of Akron Beacon Journal published a scathing editorial condemning Dr. Proenza's statements as inappropriate and stated that UA should just settle for just being UA and not even think of coming close to OSU. Hence the paper's reputation for being The Akron Speaking Urinal. I also find it interesting that the Speaking Urinal and many media in Ohio don't seem to be carrying this story. Apparently, OSU gets away with having a grab on media's balls in Ohio.
  5. http://www.bostonglobe.com/sports/2013/06/...OaSK/story.html
  6. http://www.ohio.com/news/plea-deal-talks-i...y-says-1.403759
  7. I too am a Sociology major and learned much about Karl Marx. Have no problem with him at all. I also have no problem with authentic marxists. If you check, I have problems with PSEUDO marxists. You know what pseudo means...false...fake...putting on the dog. As far as i know the benefit coming from this move is that some students will save money. Other than that, the burden of proof is on the nay sayers and not me.
  8. In that context, I could not have said it better. For those who think, "business" is bad, I say, business is good. Not all businesses involve "shareholders" and those that do are still a benefit to the common good. You can ridicule UA and other universities all you want using tired pseudo-marxists mumbo jumbo. (I suspect that makes you feel special...ha ha). Education is a business and that is the reality that pie-in-the-sky idiots need to realize. So, shut the front door!
  9. Negaholics unite and whine on with your usual negative jibberish. A discount is a discount. The two of your need to climb up a tree in Highland Square and stay there until they saw you down.
  10. Your analogy is absurd. We want people to get an education. We don't want people to do drugs. Education is a business. like it or not that is a reality and has been one for quite a few decades. What rock do you live under anyway? Are you saying that you would like students to kick the education habit and drop out all together like they should street drugs? Sure, it may be titillating and so what. It beats full price and illustrates how competition among institutions can benefit the legitimate consumer of a higher education. Your thinking goes along the same pattern of someone who says, "well if I can't have a million dollars, then I don't want $5,000.00 And keep in mind they don't offer the biggest discounts to out-of-state students. While the percentage is greater, the actual cost is the same or more as the in-state students since out-of-state students are charged much higher tuition than in-state students. Look at the bottom line costs and not the percentage if you want to compare apples to apples.
  11. I think you are defending it way too much. It's corny..it's feeble...it's Akron. Jim Tressel is not the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe or the Shroud of Turin. Akron and Cleveland for that matter has to lay off all of these personifications of "the lord and savior" Hey, next game...how about a Jesus bobblehead for the ZIPS and Aeros?
  12. It has been looked at in the two ways you mention. To do so is obvious. Yes, UA should do everything it can to promote UA but that does not include operating from a position of weakness and desperation. Marketing principles have proven that such behavior equals a loss. One must always operate from a position of strength. UA and the city itself has a long embarrassing history of operation from a position of corny overplayed weakness and it has proven to bring nothing but lack of growth and failure to the area and the university. It must stop now. Can we say Corbin Benson boys and girls?
  13. http://www.ohio.com/news/ua-slashes-tuitio...ourses-1.402693
  14. Thanks for making my point. Allowing the Aeros to use our trademarks and involving ourself with the promotion with our marching band and more makes UA significantly involved in this event. The post claiming that UA had nothing to do with this is way off base. No one is making a stink about anything. A bobblehead of JT is not the same as JT himself being employed by UA. This is not about JT or LJ. It's about effective marketing. Some of us just don't think throwing around bobbleheads is all that effective of a tactic and smacks of cheesey, desperate behavior. Perhaps using LJ is just as lame as using JT and perhaps it is not. All I know is that UA has played the Jim Tressel card too much and it is wearing thin in the media and more. Give him credit for his role in helping students and being a power house coach by all means but stop the superficial fluff with TV show and other meaningless crap. People can see through this cymbal clanging.
  15. I think some of us see quality as being more important than quantity when it comes to efficacy. This whole bubblehead mania is about quantity and unfortunately comes off as superficial and not effective. And for the record, UA had everything to do with this. The Aeros could not pull off this type of promotion without UA's expressed permission. They are using our trademarks for starters for crying out loud. Marketing at UA still leaves a lot to be desired and needs to reach beyond "feeding the chickens" or "throwing pasta up against a wall to see if it sticks." Assessing constructive criticism by some of us as "some people will bitch about anything" is sophomoric and misses the point. We want to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. And keep in mind, I am one who continues to support Tressel being hired by UA. I just think UA needs to be more prudent about how it allows other organizations to exploit his presence on campus. We need to stop looking like "Stewart" claiming, "Look what I can do!"
  16. My huevos are just fine, thanks. Not mentioning names is about prudence and not fear. Doing so can backfire on UA's long range efforts. Besides, if you have any knowledge of UA, I'm sure you can identify these individuals on your own and perhaps better than I can.
  17. I hear ya! I hate to admit it but it comes off as try-hard or forced behavior. The university is overplaying the Jim tressel card and it shows. We don't need to come off as so desperate. BTW, I got Woody Hayes for $50 about 25 years ago. Any takers?
  18. There is no way this is going to happen. Riiiiight... a dome over a reconstructed Rubber Bowl! Sounds like a typical Akron/Canton boondoggle to me. Looks like zipsnation.org let some of its favorite Kooks out of the cage. How Akron can some people get? Can we say Ben Suarez or Gary and Karen Taylor anyone?
  19. http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=please+pa...-8&fr=b1ie7
  20. a little more perspective... Can't is mostly commuter. main campus - 27,000 students with those living on campus at 5,000. Akron's main campus...27,000 with those living on campus - 3,400. The overwhelming majority of students at Can't State do not live on campus. BTW, Akron has been dubbed as a college town as well. Also, worth noting: Can't and Akron are in the same region. Akron's graduation rate needs improving and let's hope that happens as a result of stricter admission standards...no more open admission for The University of Akron. Those days are over.
  21. I don't disagree with your assessment of why he was brought in. That said, I think it is unfortunate that any institution, especially a public university has to place people on its payroll in order to counteract other employees on the same payroll. Perhaps I'm being obtuse, but I seem to recall the day when a person was removed (fired) from an organization when it is learned that his/her behavior is counter to the organization's mission. I think they call that sabatage. Now that you have mentioned it, I can see specific examples of what you are illustrating with a number of administrators who will remain nameless at this time. They pepper the campus like a plague and perhaps their being coddled by Buchtel Hall is a big reason why UA cannot shed its provincial image.
  22. How many people report to you has nothing to do with results. I want JT and other administrators to do what they said they would do not just what I want them to do. These photo opps and special TV news shows make the university look like phony window dressing and that has been going on for far too long. I'll be happy to be proven wrong. In the mean time, I refuse to be a blind follower. Fund raising for an arena did not start with JT and a year of fund raising by JT along with previous years of fund raising by those other than JT don't have to produce complete results but we should be seeing some progress and light at the end of the tunnel. Instead, we see a continued drop in enrollment and a deficit of insurmountable proportion. And don't blame that drop in enrollment on a so-called "higher admission standard". Not even UA is using that as an excuse...yet.
  23. Oh, how cute. I am so not impressed by all the photo shoots and talking heads. I was once happy that JT came to UA, but now I see it is another smoke and mirrors act by the stuffy conservative UA administration. USed car salesmen are they all. Untill I see substance over form at UA regarding the hiring of JT and the building and fund raising for a new arena, I am totally out of the picture as a supporter...so long Akron U. You haven't evolved in the past 50 years. Please stop selling people a pig-in-a-poke. Oooogy poogy pue you little akron u,. arne't you the cutist little thing that never arrive outside of akorn ohio? Your cheerleaders and phony "student leaders" look like the "wet behind the ears" morons they are. I guess this is why most people flip you the bird as they drive by your commuter campus while your pigtailed white cheerleaders romp and stomp as though they are the best high school in Akron. Your president is a great guy, but as far as the rest of your go...NO ONE TAKES AKRON U SERIOUSLY! IT IS THE TRUTH...YOU KNOW IT BUT YOU WILL ATTACK THE MESSENGER BEFORE YOU ADMIT THE TRUTH.
  24. http://www.ohio.com/news/break-news/univer...c-stop-1.398198 Let the ignorant comments on ohio.com come forth!
  25. ..very good point. I never thought that Dr. P was overpaid. He deserves every penny of his humble salary. And for those who compare a president of a university to the president of the United States, I say, apples and oranges. And I see the usual negative, ignorant Akron hicks on Ohio.com have their usual dumb comments to make.
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