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  1. In addition, soon we will be at a point where the best of the best of the best end up annually at 5-6 schools. Those schools will win the championship every year. Same in football. There is nothing interesting about it. I can't even dislike a lot of teams I used to because I don't care enough to dislike them. I find myself increasingly uninterested in college athletics and it's more than the NIL. I enjoy going to Wake Forest games, even though that's getting increasingly difficult, and watching the Zips from afar. Other than that, I really don't care much for it and I used to love college athletics. Maybe it's because it's now minor league sports and I don't like minor league sports.
  2. Don't we already have a Nike symbol on the jersey?
  3. If you watch a NASCAR race, each car has their main sponsors on the roof and hood. On the side of the car are lots of smaller stickers, at least there used to be before I stopped watching. Those small stickers were called Provisional Sponsorships or something like that. The cost for those sponsorships vary by race by finishing position. The higher the car places in the race, the more money the sponsors pay. Maybe they could sell these types of sponsorships to people or local businesses. The higher the Zips finish in the regular season, the more the players make. Maybe figure out a bonus for winning the MAC Championship. I have no idea where they would be placed. My experience in life is if you reward behavior, you get that behavior. Reward winning. It's minor league sports now.
  4. What if they had a donation option like a tip at the concession stand?
  5. You need to deepen your knowledge of Akron history.
  6. UMass has two winning seasons in the past 10. They are not a good A10 program but they are proven average at best. Frank Martin works wonders for very short periods with bad programs. Last year may have been that short period. The question is this. Can the MAC make an extremely average at best A10 program good immediately? You may be right that they are a top 4 MAC program next year. If they are, the MAC is in much worse shape than I believed.
  7. Im going to make a recommendation, but I'm a little worried 75% of all athletic directors will take it seriously. Akron should play an exhibition game against the Harlem Globetrotters and serve as the Washington Generals. We could split the profits with all going to the NIL collective. Imagine Hilltopper or the President of the school getting doused with a bucket full of confetti. Problem solved.
  8. When I go to Jersey Mike's among other restaurants, I'm always asked if I want to leave a tip and suggestions are made. Maybe they could raise some NIL money at season ticket purchase time doing something like this. Depending on the past giving of season ticket holders, different giving levels could be recommended.
  9. Abandon all of the cupcake games in the ooc and schedule high paying opponents on the road. It works great for the football program. Seriously, shooting better Friday night wouldn't have cost a penny more. I don't know what Jeff Gillooly would cost these days, but diverting some NIL money to hire him to kneecap some of the Wildcats would have helped.
  10. No it wasn't. Nine percent of two hundred thousand is eighteen thousand.
  11. Agreed, but at the same time Akron played four teams ooc (25%) that made the NCAA Tournament. One was St. Mary's and they beat Gonzaga twice during the regular season. I don't think they should go out and schedule three top 10 programs. I do think they should schedule two more teams from big conferences. I'm thinking of programs like Pitt, WVU, Nebraska, Minnesota, Wake Forest, VATech, GA Tech.... These teams are not guaranteed loses. These programs provide good competition. The word origin of competition means to bring out the best in yourself and the competitor. The purpose of competition is not winning, it's to be the best version of yourself. So, would this change in scheduling change the results of last night? I don't know, but I'm doubtful. Akron didn't just not bring out the best in itself, it failed really badly at it.
  12. I would think that the next step is to win a winnable game in the first round of the NCAA Tournament. Akron had the talent and coaching to win yesterday. They didn't for a lot of reasons with two key reasons being unusually bad shooting by the Zips and unusually good shooting by Arizona.
  13. I didn't see the second half, but the margin of victory is shocking. I really thought Akron had a chance at halftime.
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