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GP1 last won the day on July 3

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  1. Positioning the program for success. One doesn't have to be inside the athletic department to see that.
  2. He should have done that the day after we replaced Kentucky at home with OSU in Columbus.
  3. It would be strange to fire someone for losing at a school that isn't trying hard to win.
  4. #2 has to do a better job of open field tackling.
  5. Much better against short passes.
  6. They have to find a way to disrupt Rutgers short passing game or they will get dinked and dunked to death.
  7. Or, field a competitive team, play at a time and day of the week where they can attract students alumni fans and the general community to games. The University doesn't maximize the opportunities for the primary purpose of the stadium. There is no evidence they could do concerts well. In fact, many stadium concerts were cancelled this year because of lack of interest and prices.
  8. The Acme Zip game was a great community event, but the support came from the chain basically giving away tickets on shopping bags. Little effort was put into the game by the University, but that was a different era. The University didn't have much of a marketing department back then. I think the BB problem has solid support and is meeting expectations. Sold out crowds on a Monday in January isn't realistic. It's also hard to have outdoor events for fans to draw more people. I also don't see how the University maximizes community opportunity playing so few home games in fair weather months and weeknight games in poor weather months during the week at night. The head winds of the ESPN contract and us selling out the football program for money makes it hard to get traction.
  9. Agreed, but they could be doing a better job using the football program to expose people to the benefits of the University. I don't think they can do everything Toledo is doing, but they can do more. Winning would help, but they should do better wine or lose.
  10. This got me interested so I Googled it. Thanks for mentioning it. What Toledo did to start the year promoting athletics is more than impressive. It's almost as if they are using their athletic department to benefit the athletes students alumni fans and general community. With some effort....... https://utrockets.com/news/2024/8/21/athletics-rocket-week-begins-aug-22-to-kick-off-2024-25-season.aspx
  11. No. This isn't realistic. They are not a very good team.
  12. The horse is alive for the remainder of the year.
  13. Toledo's non conference schedule is Duquesne, UMass, @Mississippi State and @Western Kentucky. This is how a school that wins a lot schedules for momentum and success. UMass will be a win. MSU will be a loss. WKU will be a competitive game with a chance for a win against a good program on the road. 3-1 to start the season isn't out of the question. 2-2 should be a slam dunk. Toledo is trying to win games. @Ohio State, @Rutgers, Colgate, @South Carolina is how a program schedules for failure and zero momentum. Akron simply isn't trying to win.
  14. Nobody does. It's nonsense deployed to sell TV advertising.
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