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Say something nice about Can't State


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If you all remember we saw the Badger forum do a "say something nice about your opponent" we had mentioned starting a similar trend here. Well what better way then to start with our most hated rival Can't.So let's see... My something nice about Can't...Hmm...Ok, well hippie skanks like to put out, if you don't mind the VD...Oh, I don't think anyone on their field hockey team has had a police altercation yet..

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They let that pregnant girl from my high school attend.oh, also... they haven't forced me to work with any of their alumni at my engineering job.
Who takes out the trash then?
Someone above their paygrade. Janitors drop off the trash at the landfill Can't fans call a town.
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Can't is great because you can read their message boards and get statements like:'Ike did failed out of school thats why he left Can't'which are not only grammatical and literary gems, but also reflect on the school's athletic AND academic programs so well.Thank you, KentDelt!RE: Can't State 2008-09 B-ballhttp://www.ncaabbs.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=474 :screwks:

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