Blue & Gold Posted March 27, 2009 Report Share Posted March 27, 2009 As for building a mutli-use arena downtown by Canal Park, that makes a lot of sense. However, in taking a point made earlier this week on the Channel 3 piece on the new stadium, it was clearly pointed out that Akron has developed this combined athletic complex on campus including the JAR, Natatorium, Info, Lee Jackson. Once the soocer stadium and tennis courts get done, it would be hard pressed to go against everything else and place an arena on the other end of campus.How long would it take to build an arena? If we started demo of the JAR at the end of February, could it be ready by January 1 and the start of conference play or would we lose a whole year of having to play home games off campus? Or bring in portable bleachers, suck up the inconvience and play in the fieldhouse.I also remember Channel 3's report explaining that the new stadium was part of a central-campus sports complex. However, when UA gave the stadium announcement I remember the Don being outspoken about how unhappy he was that the Info wasn't located closer to downtown (even though it's only about a quarter-mile away ) Afterward, apparently, Proenza & the Don got together and decided that if the U was ever to build an arena, then the city could have input into where it is located. I don't think the agreement by Don & Proenza was really a big surprise to anyone because, at least on ZipsNation, the general understanding was that, if there was an arena to be built, then the city and the university would work together on the project and that it would be located on Main Street across from Canal Park. That design would give us Canal Park and the LBJ Arena together on Main Street and the Info about half-a-mile away on Exchange. Also, the arena would be on the block adjacent-to-the-south of the Polsy Building and adjacent-to-the-west of a UA parking deck. So the location is definitely in the campus footprint. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WinZip Posted March 27, 2009 Report Share Posted March 27, 2009 LBJ Arena hmmm... I personally like the Lebron Center Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dave in Green Posted March 27, 2009 Report Share Posted March 27, 2009 Thanks to everyone for all the good background information.There's also a good JAR backgrounder at JAR BackgrounderAnd there's a good perspective map at UA MapWith a seating capacity of 5,500 for basketball and a current average attendance in the 3,500 range, there's still room for growth before sellouts become a problem at the JAR. If the team continues to improve to the point that people who want to see them play can't get tickets for even a few of the bigger games, pressure would grow quickly for a larger facility. But this only works if there is a longterm commitment to UA basketball. One need look no further than the MAC's Eastern Michigan University to see what happens when a big, new Convocation Center arrives just as interest in EMU basketball collapses. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zipsrifle Posted March 28, 2009 Report Share Posted March 28, 2009 As for building a mutli-use arena downtown by Canal Park, that makes a lot of sense. However, in taking a point made earlier this week on the Channel 3 piece on the new stadium, it was clearly pointed out that Akron has developed this combined athletic complex on campus including the JAR, Natatorium, Info, Lee Jackson. Once the soocer stadium and tennis courts get done, it would be hard pressed to go against everything else and place an arena on the other end of campus.How long would it take to build an arena? If we started demo of the JAR at the end of February, could it be ready by January 1 and the start of conference play or would we lose a whole year of having to play home games off campus? Or bring in portable bleachers, suck up the inconvience and play in the fieldhouse.I also remember Channel 3's report explaining that the new stadium was part of a central-campus sports complex. However, when UA gave the stadium announcement I remember the Don being outspoken about how unhappy he was that the Info wasn't located closer to downtown (even though it's only about a quarter-mile away ) Afterward, apparently, Proenza & the Don got together and decided that if the U was ever to build an arena, then the city could have input into where it is located. I don't think the agreement by Don & Proenza was really a big surprise to anyone because, at least on ZipsNation, the general understanding was that, if there was an arena to be built, then the city and the university would work together on the project and that it would be located on Main Street across from Canal Park. That design would give us Canal Park and the LBJ Arena together on Main Street and the Info about half-a-mile away on Exchange. Also, the arena would be on the block adjacent-to-the-south of the Polsy Building and adjacent-to-the-west of a UA parking deck. So the location is definitely in the campus footprint.In my mind, LP doesn't answer to anybody in this town. He'll put a new arena where he wants it, regardless of what the Don says. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ziptrumpet87 Posted March 28, 2009 Report Share Posted March 28, 2009 In my mind, LP doesn't answer to anybody in this town. He'll put a new arena where he wants it, regardless of what the Don says.My thoughts also. Either that or he will wait until he's out of office. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
72 Roo Posted March 28, 2009 Report Share Posted March 28, 2009 Everyone is all excited about the future of Zips BBall. I am too. I love reading all the posts on a new facility. Several things jump out at me. First, we have got to fill the JAR before we seriously look to build a new facility. Second, the economy is horrible to rush in to anything now, especially with Info coming on board and the administration's commitment to build a new soccer facility in phases. Third, I could see UA using an off campus facility, but only for an interim period while funding (bonds and donations) are secured. Fourth, I would be stunned if any long term agreement was reached to use a city owned facility off campus. Every strategy for growth the university has is centered on developing an integrated campus with athletic facilities part of the core, not on the fringe. Using a city built facility even a half mile off campus does not enhance campus life. Fifth, I envision that we make relatively cheap enhancements to the JAR such as more chair backs, removing the running track, removing the glass barrier on the second tier, and bringing seats out over the track area. Ultimately I see a new facilty built on the Central Hower High site or we demo the JAR and rebuild there. The latter would cause us to find an interim home.My biggest point in all this is I think it is critical that a new facilty stay on the campus core. We must have that to build the vibrate university we envision. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tbozeglav Posted March 28, 2009 Report Share Posted March 28, 2009 Everyone is all excited about the future of Zips BBall. I am too. I love reading all the posts on a new facility. Several things jump out at me. First, we have got to fill the JAR before we seriously look to build a new facility. Second, the economy is horrible to rush in to anything now, especially with Info coming on board and the administration's commitment to build a new soccer facility in phases. Third, I could see UA using an off campus facility, but only for an interim period while funding (bonds and donations) are secured. Fourth, I would be stunned if any long term agreement was reached to use a city owned facility off campus. Every strategy for growth the university has is centered on developing an integrated campus with athletic facilities part of the core, not on the fringe. Using a city built facility even a half mile off campus does not enhance campus life. Fifth, I envision that we make relatively cheap enhancements to the JAR such as more chair backs, removing the running track, removing the glass barrier on the second tier, and bringing seats out over the track area. Ultimately I see a new facilty built on the Central Hower High site or we demo the JAR and rebuild there. The latter would cause us to find an interim home.My biggest point in all this is I think it is critical that a new facilty stay on the campus core. We must have that to build the vibrate university we envision.You know... I was thinking about this for some time. If they were to build a new arena in the core of the campus, where would they even put it? The footprint of the JAR is hardly big enough to hold a modern-scale arena, even if it was only a 10k capacity. Youd need at the very least 2 blocks of real estate to build an arena. Where in or very near the core of campus is there room for that?I think the University's hands are tied on this one. We all know theyd like to upgrade the facility especially with the rise of our BBall team. The problem is the location. Either they'd have to tear down the JAR (and possibly have to relocate the frats and sororities that are next door) or they build it elsewhere, namely nextdoor to canal park. Theres just no room anywhere else in the core of campus to build a modern arena that has a capacity of about 10k. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dave in Green Posted March 28, 2009 Report Share Posted March 28, 2009 Looking at a Google Maps satellite view of the area bounded by East Buchtel Ave., Spicer Street and Carroll Street shows that the JAR takes up less than a third of that block. The rest is taken up by surface parking lots and a few small house-size structures. I'm not sure what's in these smaller structures, and if they could be sacrificed in the name of a new, larger facility. But, if so, the JAR could easily be doubled in size (5,500 capacity to 11,000) on this piece of real estate with room left over.Google Map of JAR Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tbozeglav Posted March 28, 2009 Report Share Posted March 28, 2009 Those are frat and sorority houses. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
infofan Posted March 28, 2009 Report Share Posted March 28, 2009 A couple thoughts.............One is old memorial hall. What is it used for and is it expendable?? Combined with the land between the Jar and MH thats certainly larger than the Jar's footprint. I know the pool (which was where I swam on UA mens team in mid 80's) has been closed for years and intramurals could be relocated to Jar and Rec.Another point- and many will disagree with me. I think the downtown/across from Canal park site is the only realistic location for several reasons. Besides empty(or close to empty space available)land shovel ready (hint hint Barrack!), the semi off campus site would allow beverage sales . A 8-10k facility will cost 45-60million and UA cant do that without some city/county help. Help which wont come unless its close to main street. And as much as we all want a new bldg can we really justify it for just 32 (18men-14 womens games)events a year?? Look at Chevy center in Ytown. Its used about 120 days a year and that many events would beg to be closer to town/bars/restaurants/parking. Lets hope the momentum weve built this year geting to the dance isnt lost- like it was following Motor city bowl. I cant help but woder why we havent been pushing ticket sales this past week like the cavs do during/after playoffs. All of us diehards would probably be ok sitting on dirt, but more casual fans need amenities. Padded Theater seats, close by parking, more concession choices. Thats the area where we lag behind the Daytons, Toledos, Cleveland states. We didnt do too bad with what weve got ( The JAR)and we can appreciate that!GO ZIPS!!!!!!!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tbozeglav Posted March 28, 2009 Report Share Posted March 28, 2009 One is old memorial hall. What is it used for and is it expendable?? Combined with the land between the Jar and MH thats certainly larger than the Jar's footprint. I know the pool (which was where I swam on UA mens team in mid 80's) has been closed for years and intramurals could be relocated to Jar and Rec.Last I had heard, that building will be torn down within the next year or two and then a new academic building for the College of Education would be built in its place. I don't know this for sure as I don't know what the academic space at the Info will be used for, but thats what I heard last. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zipsrifle Posted March 28, 2009 Report Share Posted March 28, 2009 I see both sides. I think LBJ will be in the equation somewhere with a lot of Cash. He had done a LOT to put Akron back on the map amd I also think he has a strong association with the University. Putting an arena at the core of the University could be done, may be next to the fieldhouse, but we do have space issues. The Arena Downtown would definately be a focal point and where I think LBJ would want the arena to be placed. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zen Posted March 28, 2009 Report Share Posted March 28, 2009 Those are frat and sorority houses.Don't forget, memorial hall is slated to go.So, the JARs footprint has room to expand westwardI know most people wouldn't want to see it, but if they could build a good arena and attach a parking garage to it where the JAR and memorial are, then you could get parking for arena events, for students during the week, and extra parking for the info. The garage could enter/egress at carroll and buchtel, and only one or two of those greek houses would be displaced Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
scottditzen Posted March 28, 2009 Report Share Posted March 28, 2009 Right now I believe an arena in the 10k range, located downtown, would be the most beneficial. It's only a matter of time before downtown makes a complete transformation, and this is a great example of how UA can keep on being an integral part of downtown. My only concern is that the place be designed to be as intimate as possible for games. We have to avoid any possibility of being stuck with a bland, cavernous arena at all costs (see CSU Convo Center). Also, when in use for larger events, make surethat everyone knows they are setting foot inside the home of University of Akron Basketball. As for the JAR, 1. it's photogenic on tv and 2. we win games thereBut there is absolutely no buzz about the facility. None. I'm as excited as seeing the team play there as I would be to see them atMemorial Hall or Central Hower, and that's not right. Where the team plays should be a source of pride and inspiration. And the JAR just isn't that place.It's so sterile and has the worst, "small time" feel about it. A facility downtown would have bars and restaurants close by, perhaps even integrated in the arena if done the right way. The new student housing on Main and Exchange is testament that new and exciting things are in store for the city center. Keep the JAR for intramurals, build downtown, and start a new era for Akron Basketball. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zipgrad01 Posted March 28, 2009 Report Share Posted March 28, 2009 To be honest, and I think many would agree with me on this: The soccer team deserves attention first. Despite this, there will be many who question any action taken strictly on the basis that we are spending money. It is a impossible balance for any University, or city to budget their money in a way that will make everyone happy. Many investments (such as a new stadium) may show no short term benefit, yet have the potential to reap numerous rewards (as we all know). So yea, in summary the majority of the excess money (if we have any) should go into showin some love to our soccer team. I have a limited knowledge of the smaller Akron sports such as rifle, but imagine they should be on the short list as well. Then maybe followed by some major basketball tune-ups. But still I dream...oh and for all you number lovers out there...there are at least a couple here though it is from 2005, some are quite interestingI am sorry....I know the soccer team is good, but how many people in the community really care? It is a sport nobody cares about. The soccer program does not bring in money for the university. Why on earth would we sacrifice our basketball programs future for the soccer team? That is just silly in my opinion. We need to focus all the universities efforts on football and basketball. If those sports are successful the others will fall in line. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
scottditzen Posted March 28, 2009 Report Share Posted March 28, 2009 I think having the best soccer team in America will bring us a little noteriaty, don't ya think? To be honest, and I think many would agree with me on this: The soccer team deserves attention first. Despite this, there will be many who question any action taken strictly on the basis that we are spending money. It is a impossible balance for any University, or city to budget their money in a way that will make everyone happy. Many investments (such as a new stadium) may show no short term benefit, yet have the potential to reap numerous rewards (as we all know). So yea, in summary the majority of the excess money (if we have any) should go into showin some love to our soccer team. I have a limited knowledge of the smaller Akron sports such as rifle, but imagine they should be on the short list as well. Then maybe followed by some major basketball tune-ups. But still I dream...oh and for all you number lovers out there...there are at least a couple here though it is from 2005, some are quite interestingI am sorry....I know the soccer team is good, but how many people in the community really care? It is a sport nobody cares about. The soccer program does not bring in money for the university. Why on earth would we sacrifice our basketball programs future for the soccer team? That is just silly in my opinion. We need to focus all the universities efforts on football and basketball. If those sports are successful the others will fall in line. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tbozeglav Posted March 28, 2009 Report Share Posted March 28, 2009 I am sorry....I know the soccer team is good, but how many people in the community really care? It is a sport nobody cares about. The soccer program does not bring in money for the university. Why on earth would we sacrifice our basketball programs future for the soccer team? That is just silly in my opinion. We need to focus all the universities efforts on football and basketball. If those sports are successful the others will fall in line.So you are saying we should neglect our University's best intercollegiate athletic program because they don't bring in money? What are you smoking?!I know basketball and football are the money cows, but when you have a perennial top-10 program playing in one of the worst facilities among commonly-ranked schools, something isnt right.I am not against a new arena at all. In fact, I fully endorse it and hope something becomes of it soon, but you need to consider that a top-10 team in the nation needs facilities that reflect the program's success. Build a better atmostphere for soccer and... wouldnt you know it, more people might come out and watch our team?!The JAR is doing its job fine right now. We don't NEED to replace it because of structural integrity, constant sell outs, etc... but replacing it with something a bit more reflective of the program's rise and "getting with the times" is definitely something we should do. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blue & Gold Posted March 28, 2009 Report Share Posted March 28, 2009 But there is absolutely no buzz about the facility. None. I'm as excited as seeing the team play there as I would be to see them atMemorial Hall or Central Hower, and that's not right. Where the team plays should be a source of pride and inspiration. And the JAR just isn't that place.It's so sterile and has the worst, "small time" feel about it.I couldn't agree more. I've got a lot of fond memories associated with the JAR, but we desperately need a real D-1 facility. I try to take friends and kids that I work with to Zips games in attempts to make new fans. However, the JAR is an embarrassment. When I take kids up to Zips games they're always excited to go. However, they ask me, "Where do the Zips play?" and I try to prepare them before hand that the arena isn't very nice and that the university really wants to build a new facility. Even with the 'curb-your-expectations' speech, when we walk into the JAR they're always underwhelmed. When I tell the kids we're going to a big time college basketball game they have these visions of a really nice arena and then we walk into the JAR and it's a completely underwhelming dump.For we die hard fans the Zips could be playing at a S. Hawkins playground and we'd bring folding chairs to watch them play and scream ourselves hoarse. However, for the fans that we're trying to reach, the arena is a BIG part of the whole game day experience and, sadly, the JAR both communicates and leaves the distinct impression of SMALL TIME. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xu9697 Posted March 29, 2009 Report Share Posted March 29, 2009 Big difference btwn college football stadium on campus and college basketball arena. And, big difference btwn where a downtown arena would be located vs. where the Rubber Bowl sat.College football is about the tailgaiting experience surrounding the stadium and being OUTSIDE. College basketball in NE Ohio..during middle of winter: you want the venue close to bars, restaurants, etc. where local residents and students can go before/after and stay INSIDE. And, b/c this is still on the edge of campus (basically), it will only help to have the university and city grow together. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zipsrifle Posted March 29, 2009 Report Share Posted March 29, 2009 I am sorry....I know the soccer team is good, but how many people in the community really care? It is a sport nobody cares about. The soccer program does not bring in money for the university. Why on earth would we sacrifice our basketball programs future for the soccer team? That is just silly in my opinion. We need to focus all the universities efforts on football and basketball. If those sports are successful the others will fall in line.So you are saying we should neglect our University's best intercollegiate athletic program because they don't bring in money? What are you smoking?!I know basketball and football are the money cows, but when you have a perennial top-10 program playing in one of the worst facilities among commonly-ranked schools, something isnt right.I am not against a new arena at all. In fact, I fully endorse it and hope something becomes of it soon, but you need to consider that a top-10 team in the nation needs facilities that reflect the program's success. Build a better atmostphere for soccer and... wouldnt you know it, more people might come out and watch our team?!The JAR is doing its job fine right now. We don't NEED to replace it because of structural integrity, constant sell outs, etc... but replacing it with something a bit more reflective of the program's rise and "getting with the times" is definitely something we should do.Ah..Emm....Which team has a National Champion this year???? I think someone mentioned this a few days ago, but man there seems to be a lot of kids playing soccer now. I have to think that this thing is gonna start to take hold in the next decade or two. Personally, I think the JAR is adequate. It's not GREAT, but it's not falling down like the RB was. I think if they did a good rennovation job, this could change from adequate to good. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zen Posted March 29, 2009 Report Share Posted March 29, 2009 I think the soccer program should be rewarded for its success.... If the basketball program continues it's ascent, then the crowds will increase and it will become apparent that something has to be done about the JAR. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZippyRulz Posted March 29, 2009 Report Share Posted March 29, 2009 Just to throw out a couple of ideas...1. Buy The Chapel property for about $1.5M and help them find another location where they could custom build a new state of the art church. Then we could use that site for basketball or other campus expansion (+ tailgating). The problem is they currently have a good central Akron location easily accessible from Rte 8 so it may take more money to get them to move off our campus 2. Re: renovating the JAR...could the roof be raised with new supports at the exterior walls? Then remove the interior corners and add more seating. Remove the track and railing, move upper seating forward and put a walkway w/concessions at the top (and/or loges). Then we would still have our own nice arena on campus but if the city builds an arena downtown we could possibly get some big name opponents to come to Akron and play us at the 'neutral site'. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dave in Green Posted March 29, 2009 Report Share Posted March 29, 2009 My guess is that buying out The Chapel for $1.5M is unrealistic. Besides, a church makes a good neighbor for a university. If you're going to expand the university footprint, go after the less desireable neighbor property.It would be great if funding could be found to build a quality multipurpose facility, whether downtown or on campus. But that's pretty speculative, especially in a down economy. Upgrading the JAR is certainly the most realistic option for the near future. As already discussed, there are things that could be done to make the JAR a more desireable place to visit and watch basketball and other activities. I am really in favor of having continuous rows of seating at a steeper angle from the edge of the court all the way to the ceiling, if possible.There are pros and cons to the location of a new, larger facility should adequate funding be found. It appears as if there is room for a larger facility right on or next to the current location of the JAR. Keeping it together with all the other campus athletic facilities makes a lot of sense. A key point will be adding one or two new parking decks in that area to handle larger crowds for the new stadium, a larger basketball arena and all the other athletic events that might be taking place, some simultaneously.Having the new arena downtown might be more economically feasible if UA gains a partner to share the costs. But having the basketball facility off campus and away from the other athletic activities is a negative.All options should be pursued in the initial planning stages, with a final decision made after weighing all the pros and cons of each. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hilltopper Posted March 29, 2009 Report Share Posted March 29, 2009 Just to throw out a couple of ideas...1. Buy The Chapel property for about $1.5M and help them find another location where they could custom build a new state of the art church. Then we could use that site for basketball or other campus expansion (+ tailgating). The problem is they currently have a good central Akron location easily accessible from Rte 8 so it may take more money to get them to move off our campus Dude, a jury gave the Nemers over $1 million for their run down hell holes. Buying out The Chapel would cost 3 times your estimate at least. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZachTheZip Posted March 29, 2009 Report Share Posted March 29, 2009 I like having the Chapel right there. They're very active on campus and with students, and the University is better off because of them.If we're going to try to buy any properties around campus, I would prefer it to be the plasma center or something else like that along Exchange. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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