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Aug. 2 InfoCision pics

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Great Photo! backstadium.jpg
No kidding! That photo looks like a painting or artist's rendering! Nice job!
Now THAT's what Zeke meant, when he said he wanted a downtown campus that didn't LOOK like downtown! Damn, that's gorgeous.
Now all they need to do is put some face brick on the side of the Stile Center!
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I look at these photos and all I want to know is why isn't the opener sold out yet? That looks like a perfect September Saturday!
Tickets for the single game are not on sale yet. As of now, the least amount of tickets you can buy is 3 games at a time.
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Yeah, they're selling half-season tickets right now. single-game tickets aren't on sale yet, probably because the ticket office is still being built.
Makes you wonder if they will take the number of 3 game packages sold, divide by 2 and add that to the season ticket sales? They seem pretty determined to get those numbers as high as possible.
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Yeah, they're selling half-season tickets right now. single-game tickets aren't on sale yet, probably because the ticket office is still being built.
Makes you wonder if they will take the number of 3 game packages sold, divide by 2 and add that to the season ticket sales? They seem pretty determined to get those numbers as high as possible.
I'll bet they were already planning on doing that, but if they weren't as soon as they read your post they will be. :D
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