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The Charlie Frye Era in Oakland


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There are 32 NFL teams, and so only 32 starting QB opportunities at any given time. Most teams have 2 or 3 QBs on their rosters, so there are fewer than 100 QBs being paid at any given time at the highest level of professional football. They are constantly being challenged by an influx of promising new graduates from college teams, the CFL, etc. So it's a pretty elite club, even for those who are not starters.Against those odds, CF produced decent stats as an inexperienced starter with one of the weakest organizations in the NFL. As Skip-Zip points out, CF had to endure the chaos of three different offensive coordinators in a little over two seasons with the Browns. The turmoil in that organization was the worst possible environment for a young, rookie QB from a minor D1 program.We'll never know how CF might have developed in a strong organization with good coaches able to develop him at a slower pace, and with an offensive line that could have given him more time in the pocket when he eventually did play. Maybe he still wouldn't have made it as a longtime starter, and maybe he would have slowly evolved into a respectable leader with a winning record. No one really knows, though that won't stop some from implying they do.Even though it's especially disappointing to Zips fans that CF is on the sidelines instead of on the field, he is now in his 5th year in that small, elite group of QBs who merit 7-figure salaries. Maybe he won't rise any higher, or maybe better opportunities will come his way and he will rise to the occasion.But if he doesn't last another year, he's still accomplished a lot, and deserves all the credit in the world for it.
Well said. Mom & Dad Frye and Zips fans should be proud.
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Bruce Gradkowski went down with two bad knees Sunday against Washington after looking pretty good in his role as starting QB with the Raiders. After the injury JaMarcus Russell came in and looked terrible and nearly got booed out of the stadium.It now sounds as if Gradkowski may be out the rest of the season. Is it Charlie Frye time in Oakland?In an ironic twist, we are now 13 days away from Oakland @ Cleveland.

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The coach for Oakland said he is going to sit down and think about his options and then decide. I think what is being left out is what he does after thinking about his options and making a decision which is probably weeping.The Great GP1 has been right about Frye since his senior year and continues to be right. With that said, in a league where half of the starting QBs would have been laughed out of the league 15 years ago I believe Charlie still has his place. I also don't think this will be his last year in the league. Charlie has at least started games and there is some value in that.

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The coach for Oakland said he is going to sit down and think about his options and then decide. I think what is being left out is what he does after thinking about his options and making a decision which is probably weeping.The Great GP1 has been right about Frye since his senior year and continues to be right. With that said, in a league where half of the starting QBs would have been laughed out of the league 15 years ago I believe Charlie still has his place. I also don't think this will be his last year in the league. Charlie has at least started games and there is some value in that.
I think you have moderated your position a bit, or at least your tone.I don't know why I objected to it so much. You have a right to it.Can you do me this much GP1, and join me half way.If I say that Frye has never appeared to be (or play at) an NFL level QB in his time in the NFL (or perhaps before it), will you come out and say that you wish him the best and that he finds a fit and rises above expectations?
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Can you do me this much GP1, and join me half way.If I say that Frye has never appeared to be (or play at) an NFL level QB in his time in the NFL (or perhaps before it), will you come out and say that you wish him the best and that he finds a fit and rises above expectations?
Absolutely. I've never said I wanted Frye to fail, I just knew he would. I also want him to stay in the NFL for as long as possible and I think with the lack of QB talent in the NFL, he will be for at least a few more years.My expectations are he will continue to be a terrible NFL qb if he actually gets into games. I hope he does rise above those expectations to just plain bad.The best thing for Charlie right now is to stay on the bench. If he gets into games, it could reinforce to many in the NFL that he doesn't have what it takes. If he stays on the bench, a lot of coaches would look at him and say, "I know the guy doesn't have much, but if we keep him on the team he could be a good #3. His experience could come in handy at various times."What would help Charlie right now is to get with a good team for one or two years as a back-up. He has gone from Cleveland to the Seahawks to Oakland. Not the best organizations in the NFL. I'd like to see Charlie get on with a team like New England or San Diego so he can see what successful teams do and then see if he could stretch his career out with another team as a back-up (it would also make him some playoff money, but that's another topic). Although, sitting behind Rivers or Brady wouldn't be that bad of a job. Hell, San Diego is the most beautiful city in the US....I'd sit the bench there for half the price of Frye.Remember, most teams have three QBs. There are 32 teams. There are 96 QB getting paid. Only about 20 (and that is on the high end) are worth a crap. That means there are 76 guys getting paid a heck of a lot of money for not being very good at what they do for a living. Frye can certainly be one of those 76. It reminds me of what I heard Charles Barkley say one time, "Half the players in the NBA today couldn't played when I played. They don't know how to play basketball." I think of that saying when I think of NFL QBs. NFL qbs are bad and getting worse by the year.
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It reminds me of what I heard Charles Barkley say one time, "Half the players in the NBA today couldn't played when I played. They don't know how to play basketball." I think of that saying when I think of NFL QBs. NFL qbs are bad and getting worse by the year.
Charles Barkley is not the best guy to quote when trying to make an arguementCareful, Charlie just may end up on your team next year.
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It reminds me of what I heard Charles Barkley say one time, "Half the players in the NBA today couldn't played when I played. They don't know how to play basketball." I think of that saying when I think of NFL QBs. NFL qbs are bad and getting worse by the year.
Charles Barkley is not the best guy to quote when trying to make an arguementCareful, Charlie just may end up on your team next year.
Those quotes are great!!!!!If Charlie ends up with my team, I'll throw myself off of a bridge. There is enough losing going on with those guys.
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If Charlie ends up with my team, I'll throw myself off of a bridge. There is enough losing going on with those guys.
Don't do that! I know a guy that once said:
most teams have three QBs. There are 32 teams. There are 96 QB getting paid. Only about 20 (and that is on the high end) are worth a crap. That means there are 76 guys getting paid a heck of a lot of money for not being very good at what they do for a living. Frye can certainly be one of those 76.
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How do you like this? -- ZNO gets into the discussion from last month, I guess when Gradkowski was hurt? I like this topic, I'm glad I started it. It provides a classic display of irrational bias against one individual by another. :Dhttp://www.raiderfans.net/forum/oakland-ra...arlie-frye.htmlI wonder if jtagg754 is GP1's alter ego. :P

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Ted Nugent being interviewed by a British journalist. The journalist asked, "What do you think the last thought is in the head of a deer before you shoot it? Is it, `Are you my friend?` or is it `Are you the one who killed my brother?'" Nugent replied, "They aren't capable of that kind of thinking. All they care about is, 'What am I going to eat next, who am I going to screw next, and can I run fast enough to get away. They are very much like Steve French in that way." ROFLMAOThanks Z.I.P. for the link to the Raiders fans where I found this gem. Ahem, a tiny, tiny bit ofpoetic license taken. Figure it out.

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If there is any doubt that Frye can stay in the NFL for five more years, ESPN is reporting the Raiders just picked up JP Losman off of the scrap heap. A guy who has at least started has some value to a team. I told you guys, there are 76 guys playing QB in the NFL who are absolutely ripping off their owners each Monday when they get their pay check.

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Profootballtalk.com is reporting Frye is starting this Sunday. Oakland has nothing to play for and Denver is a team in desperate need for a victory. Oakland is in one of the worst positions an NFL team can be in as they are also playing on the road. I told you guys, getting into a game is actually the worst thing that could happen to Charlie and now that has come true.
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Obviously, the overall strength of the two teams and all the intangibles will have to be taken into account to make a fair performance evaluation of CF. If he performs about as expected for a 3rd string NFL QB in those conditions, he will have done nothing to hurt his future as a 3rd string NFL QB. If time, experience and maturity have given him the ability to perform a little better in game situations than he has in the past, he may have the opportunity to move up to a 2nd string QB. So there's more upside than downside.

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Profootballtalk.com is reporting Frye is starting this Sunday. Oakland has nothing to play for and Denver is a team in desperate need for a victory. Oakland is in one of the worst positions an NFL team can be in as they are also playing on the road. I told you guys, getting into a game is actually the worst thing that could happen to Charlie and now that has come true.
Espn.com agrees that Frye is starting. I wish him well.
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Profootballtalk.com is reporting Frye is starting this Sunday. Oakland has nothing to play for and Denver is a team in desperate need for a victory. Oakland is in one of the worst positions an NFL team can be in as they are also playing on the road. I told you guys, getting into a game is actually the worst thing that could happen to Charlie and now that has come true.
So you're telling me I should be selling my autographed 5 x 7 of #5 AND my "Frye for Heisman" bumper sticker on e-Bay BEFORE the game on Sunday?
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Profootballtalk.com is reporting Frye is starting this Sunday. Oakland has nothing to play for and Denver is a team in desperate need for a victory. Oakland is in one of the worst positions an NFL team can be in as they are also playing on the road. I told you guys, getting into a game is actually the worst thing that could happen to Charlie and now that has come true.
So you're telling me I should be selling my autographed 5 x 7 of #5 AND my "Frye for Heisman" bumper sticker on e-Bay BEFORE the game on Sunday?
How much are you asking? :D I could trade a couple Joey Belle rookie cards.
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Profootballtalk.com is reporting Frye is starting this Sunday. Oakland has nothing to play for and Denver is a team in desperate need for a victory. Oakland is in one of the worst positions an NFL team can be in as they are also playing on the road. I told you guys, getting into a game is actually the worst thing that could happen to Charlie and now that has come true.
So you're telling me I should be selling my autographed 5 x 7 of #5 AND my "Frye for Heisman" bumper sticker on e-Bay BEFORE the game on Sunday?
How much are you asking? :D I could trade a couple Joey Belle rookie cards.
I'll tell you what. IF you can hit me in the gut with a baseball from a distance of about 100 ft, you may have yourself a deal :lol:
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