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According to LeBron's latest tweet, he has not been ignoring everyone piling on him:

"Don't think for one minute that I haven't been keeping mental notes of everyone taking shots at me this summer. And I mean everyone."

You have been warned.

nba.fanhouse.com story link

twitter.com link

Lol, I saw that. I think that is hilarious that he'll be coming for "EVERYONE" that has been taking shots at him. Good luck Leboob.

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Barkley Rocks!!

Article written by: Pat McManamon, Senior NBA writer

Charles Barkley weighed in Wednesday on a recent Twitter statement by LeBron James. Barkley, a TNT analyst and former NBA All-Star, said he hopes James remembers Barkley's critical comments and called a couple of James' more significant actions this summer "punk" moves.

"I heard about LeBron's little tweet today that he's remembering everybody who said anything bad about him," Barkley said Thursday on ESPN Radio 103.3 FM in Dallas/Fort Worth. "And he said 'everybody.' Well, I want him to make sure that he puts my name on that (list).

"I thought that his little one-hour special was a punk move. I thought them dancing around on the stage was a punk move, and I thought he should've stayed in Cleveland. Him joining Dwyane Wade's team was very disappointing to me."

Barkley spoke on "Galloway and Company," hosted by Randy Galloway, Ian Fitzsimmons and Matt Mosley. Barkley referred to a Twitter post by James -- under the name King James -- in which he said: "Don't think for one min that I haven't been taking mental notes of everyone taking shots at me this summer. And I mean everyone!"

James has been criticized for leaving Cleveland and for announcing it on a national TV special on ESPN set up by him and his handlers. He also was the subject of a story on ESPN.com about a birthday party in a Las Vegas club that sounded more hedonistic than humble. The story was later removed because ESPN said its reporter did not state clearly he was writing a story (the accuracy of the story was never questioned).

In addition to the TV special, Barkley also weighed in on a rally at American Airlines Arena where James, Chris Bosh and Wade were treated like rock stars and talked about themselves as arguably the greatest trio ever to play in the NBA and future winners of five, six, seven championships.

Galloway and his co-host chuckled at Barkley's remarks, then said they enjoyed the fact Barkley wanted James to include him on his list.

"He's got enough people kissing his ass with his family and all the people who work for him," Barkley said. "We don't have to tell him what he wants to hear all the time. That's one of the reasons why ... some of these young guys ... my opinion is he should have stayed in Cleveland.

"That one-hour special, them jumping around on stage like punks, that wasn't cool to me. From a basketball standpoint, I wish he had stayed in Cleveland, and if he takes that as criticism, so be it.

"He knows where I'll be, I don't run. I'm on TV every week, I'm easy to find."

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Next up: Sports Illustrated Pop Culture Grid! :horse: Standing by stage right.

Athletes in the mix: Kristy McPherson LPGA golfer. Q: My verdict on LeBron's Decision: "Good by me. Sorry, Akron!"

Dear Kristy, no reason to express your sorrow to the Rubber City, we didn't "lose" His Eminence, Cleveland did. And, for the umpteenth time...Akron is NOT Cleveland!!! Not! :nono:

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LeBron partly explains his different feelings towards Cleveland as opposed to Akron.


I totally agree with the whole Cleveland/ Akron deal. However reading part of the G.Q. article, he talks about character and Dan Gilbert:

• James on Cavs owner Dan Gilbert: "I don't think he ever cared about LeBron. My mother always told me: 'You will see the light of people when they hit adversity. You'll get a good sense of their character.' Me and my family have seen the character of that man." He went on to say that Gilbert's post-Decision screed "made me feel more comfortable that I made the right decision."

Mr, James, after the way this went down(from you quitting durning the Boston series to now), you showed how much character you have: and that is ZERO.

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I would say LeBron still has a lot of growing up to do. I could respect him if he took the high road and just said that he really appreciated all the love and support Cavs fans showed him while he was here. He doesn't have to love Cleveland. I don't love Cleveland; there's a lot of bass-ackward things I hate about it. I wish the lame mayor and city council could get their sh*t together and really make a plan and stick to it. It actually has a lot going for it except the dumb*sses in charge.

But, I just can't believe anything LeBron says, even when he professes his love for Akron. I never liked the guy and like him less now.

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I would say LeBron still has a lot of growing up to do. I could respect him if he took the high road and just said that he really appreciated all the love and support Cavs fans showed him while he was here. He doesn't have to love Cleveland. I don't love Cleveland; there's a lot of bass-ackward things I hate about it. I wish the lame mayor and city council could get their sh*t together and really make a plan and stick to it. It actually has a lot going for it except the dumb*sses in charge.

But, I just can't believe anything LeBron says, even when he professes his love for Akron. I never liked the guy and like him less now.

Speaking of idiot in charge....The city of Akron has that market on lock.

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And here's a guy who just doesn't get it. Akron is not Cleveland Jr. and I pray we never accept that as a possibility any more than we are already forced to.

His attitude toward Akron is exactly what LeBron was describing, what made him hate some people from Cleveland.

Bob Dyer is a complete dill weed and literally everyone knows it. I suspect Bob knows it too. On the other hand, Bob actually may be such a dill weed that he in fact doesn't know it. He proved it yet again with this morning's article. Hey Bob, why don't you send your resume to the Cleveland Plain Dealer?

Bob demonstrates the identity & image problem Akron has had for years (and probably will continue to have as long as the TV market is so 100% Cleveland-centric. And when I say 100%, that is not an exageration.) This is a deep, complex, communal problem that is surely not an easy fix. I'm just glad that, for a start, LeBron is standing up and telling the world (sadly, many Akronites included) that Akron is not Cleveland and Cleveland is not Akron. We in Akron have our own set of balls, thank you very much.

I've hated the region thinking of Akron as Cleveland's "red-headed step child" since before I knew who LeBron James was. I'm so glad that LeBron feels the same way that I do (and as many on the ZipsNation board do.)

We've been complaining for years how the Akron Beacon Journal should really be called the Cleveland Beacon Journal or the Columbus Beacon Journal. Bob Dyer and almost the entire editorial staff are Cleveland/Columbus whores. Oh, what I'd give for an Akron newspaper that honestly wanted to be Akron's paper. (Even the name of the ABJ's website is telling. The Cleveland Plain Dealer's website? Cleveland.com. The Canton Repository's website? Cantonrep.com. The Akron Beacon Journal's website? OHIO.com. RAT BASTARDS.) As we all know, this has been a point of continual and pointed exasperation. Hey, The King feels the same way.

I'm so glad Bron-Bron's out of Cleveland so they can't get any more pub or glory claiming our homeboy as their own.

Sink back into the murky waters of Lake Erie and irrelevance, Cleveland! On a national scale nobody cares anything about you anymore! Haha!

Rock on Akron! Rock on UA! Rock on Zips! Rock on LeBron! Rock on anybody & anything AKRON!

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  • 2 weeks later...
LeBron was wandering around campus today. I saw him in the Student Union during lunch, and later practicing with the basketball team in the JAR.

yup. I got there right around when he left. Everyone was going nuts. I couldnt have cared less. Facebook about blew up from everyone freaking out too.

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LeBron was wandering around campus today. I saw him in the Student Union during lunch, and later practicing with the basketball team in the JAR.

yup. I got there right around when he left. Everyone was going nuts. I couldnt have cared less. Facebook about blew up from everyone freaking out too.

Yeah. A lot of those people were trashing him just weeks ago, too, but now they were falling over themselves to get a picture.

What should have made a bigger splash among the hardcore Zips faithful was the fact that Romeo Travis was with him, and also practiced with the bball team.

Maybe he was there to watch the demolition of Memorial Hall, which started today about the same time they showed up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't find the link where we discussed it specifically, but a friend of mine filled me in a little more about the people behind this billboard. It brought it all together for me.

At the time, I said the billboard was more about the people who placed it than LeBron and man was I right. I had no idea who they were at the time, I just kind of said it. The people behind the billboard is a company called The Omada Group. This company has ties to InfoCision....yes, that InfoCision that bought our football stadium with money collected from little old ladies $25 at a time and the one who pushed the LBJ Appreciation Day and now has egg on their faces from it.

The people who own The Omada Group are ex-InfoCision employees who still do business with InfoCision. InfoCision is a fundraising firm for Republican causes/candidates and The Omada Group does the same thing. Both companies are everything you would expect from telemarketing people...sleazy. I got to know a lot of these people while living around Akron and believe me, that group at InfoCision is about as sleazy of a bunch as you can get. They are as morally bankrupt and intellectually dishonest as you can get. I don't care how many jobs they create around Akron or how many departments they create at UofA, it is dirty money. Their piety is about as phony as the day is long. I can't believe our football stadium has the name of such a sleazy company on it.

Lastly, I've written negative things about InfoCision on this board before and it gets deleted. Do not touch this post.

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Another rumored house for LBJ in Coconut Grove, modest 7.65 million dollar home.

Hoops superstar LeBron James, the Miami Heat’s new golden child, has a contract to buy a villa in an ultra-exclusive Coconut Grove enclave named after the eccentric billionaire Howard Hughes, Page2Live has learned.

“It’s not officially done (the deed transfer) just yet, but he has a definite interest in it,” said Miami realtor Peggy Brin. She had the Hughes Cove listing, but the place has been off-the-market for months.

I hear the 25-year-old multimillionaire James, who signed a six-year contract with the Heat believed to be worth $110 million, first approached owner David Lipman in August — this despite the fact that the home was no longer listed.

Lipman, a lawyer and philanthropist, is known for, among other things, winning a $31 million-judgment for an asbestos victim who sued a brake pad manufacturer.

The amount that LeBron would be paying for the Devon Court digs, meanwhile, hasn’t leaked out. The four-bed, five-bath house with direct view on Biscayne Bay once was listed for $7.65 million.

Click here for ten photos of the home.

Google Map of 3309 Devon Court

Did LBJ buy in Coconut Grove?

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