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I know this is beating a dead horse, but...


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This is all completely ridiculous. Either the university has determined that there isn't enough fan interest to warrant doing the work required to open and stock a team shop (or team shops) or the folks running the show are incompetent. There is no reasonable excuse for opening a 61 million dollar stadium and letting something like a team shop languish the way they have. It's actually starting to color the way I see the overall program, quite frankly. It's hard to get excited about a program that doesn't seem to care enough to even want to suck money from my pockets on "game gear". Idiots. Small time. Am I supposed to accept that UA is just small time? Mediocre forever? That's sure as hell the message that the university sends out, loud and clear, about its athletic programs time and again.

I could not agree more and well put!!! I have been losing faith in the program for a few years now and we are and it seems we may always be "small time." It's funny how quickly the excitement of the new stadium has worn off for me.

I am already starting to miss things Pre-Info. The Rubber Bowl was crappy but I miss its tailgating presence that brought everyone together in one area, it's beer garden, cold hot dogs, lack of merch booths and it's lovable loser charm.

It was almost acceptable to be "small time" and suck in the Rubber Bowl but the University has seemingly dragged that mentality into the new stadium and that... by no means is acceptable.

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I feel everyone’s pain.

Twenty six years ago, I went to the UA bookstore wanting a UA hat. All I could find was one that said AKRON with a line and the word University stitched underneath. I bought it, but never wore it. I waited 15 more years before I could find another UA hat that said the University of Akron.

Twelve years ago I went to the UA bookstore and ordered a $200 UA watch. About a week later I received a call and they informed me that they were not going to place the order due to the fact that the manufacturer required a minimum of 8 watches per style. The bookstore informed me that they could not invest that much in watches with only one (my) order. I complained and several weeks later they agreed and placed my order.

I think the lack of authentic football jersey’s fall in line here. Take soccer for example. My hunch is that the manufacturer would require somewhere in the neighborhood of 100-200 jersey’s (per number) before they would manufacture them. Let’s say they require 150 jersey’s per number that UA would sell at $100. Let’s also estimate that UA would have to pony up $80 per. Does anyone think that the bookstore or the athletic department or even the University would front $12,000 for 150 jersey’s of ONE soccer player in the hopes they sell them to make 3 grand? Football jersey’s are probably 50 to 75% more expensive. Do the math, it ain’t happening…. So it may be convenient to blame the bookstore, I think the problem begins with the manufacturer and then snowballs from there.

I am all for unique, authentic UA gear. I just don’t see UA investing the capital needed to make it happen just so the fans can have expensive UA gear to wear. At this point, I would settle for UA taking care of the dedicated, hardcore fans with a proper parking space on gameday.

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I feel everyone’s pain.

Twenty six years ago, I went to the UA bookstore wanting a UA hat. All I could find was one that said AKRON with a line and the word University stitched underneath. I bought it, but never wore it. I waited 15 more years before I could find another UA hat that said the University of Akron.

Twelve years ago I went to the UA bookstore and ordered a $200 UA watch. About a week later I received a call and they informed me that they were not going to place the order due to the fact that the manufacturer required a minimum of 8 watches per style. The bookstore informed me that they could not invest that much in watches with only one (my) order. I complained and several weeks later they agreed and placed my order.

I think the lack of authentic football jersey’s fall in line here. Take soccer for example. My hunch is that the manufacturer would require somewhere in the neighborhood of 100-200 jersey’s (per number) before they would manufacture them. Let’s say they require 150 jersey’s per number that UA would sell at $100. Let’s also estimate that UA would have to pony up $80 per. Does anyone think that the bookstore or the athletic department or even the University would front $12,000 for 150 jersey’s of ONE soccer player in the hopes they sell them to make 3 grand? Football jersey’s are probably 50 to 75% more expensive. Do the math, it ain’t happening…. So it may be convenient to blame the bookstore, I think the problem begins with the manufacturer and then snowballs from there.

I am all for unique, authentic UA gear. I just don’t see UA investing the capital needed to make it happen just so the fans can have expensive UA gear to wear. At this point, I would settle for UA taking care of the dedicated, hardcore fans with a proper parking space on gameday.

Two flaws to your logic, smaller schools than us have jerseys available for sale. Even the University doesn't have to order 200 jerseys to get them produced.

You're talking 200 total jerseys from small to double X. You go with numbers that common (7, 34, 45, 56), you wind up with 800 jerseys, that you inventory and sell over a 4 year period, replenishing on the third year. It's not rocket science. And you are comparing an NFL jersey price (NFL licensing fee, Team licensing fee, player licensing fee, plus mark up from the manufacture and retailer) to a college jersey (University licensing fee, and then mark up) They range about $75 and cost the store about $40 a pop.

Now the Athletic Department screwed up by not including retail jerseys in the original agreements. (which most schools do)

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I feel everyone’s pain.

Twenty six years ago, I went to the UA bookstore wanting a UA hat. All I could find was one that said AKRON with a line and the word University stitched underneath. I bought it, but never wore it. I waited 15 more years before I could find another UA hat that said the University of Akron.

Twelve years ago I went to the UA bookstore and ordered a $200 UA watch. About a week later I received a call and they informed me that they were not going to place the order due to the fact that the manufacturer required a minimum of 8 watches per style. The bookstore informed me that they could not invest that much in watches with only one (my) order. I complained and several weeks later they agreed and placed my order.

I think the lack of authentic football jersey’s fall in line here. Take soccer for example. My hunch is that the manufacturer would require somewhere in the neighborhood of 100-200 jersey’s (per number) before they would manufacture them. Let’s say they require 150 jersey’s per number that UA would sell at $100. Let’s also estimate that UA would have to pony up $80 per. Does anyone think that the bookstore or the athletic department or even the University would front $12,000 for 150 jersey’s of ONE soccer player in the hopes they sell them to make 3 grand? Football jersey’s are probably 50 to 75% more expensive. Do the math, it ain’t happening…. So it may be convenient to blame the bookstore, I think the problem begins with the manufacturer and then snowballs from there.

I am all for unique, authentic UA gear. I just don’t see UA investing the capital needed to make it happen just so the fans can have expensive UA gear to wear. At this point, I would settle for UA taking care of the dedicated, hardcore fans with a proper parking space on gameday.

Two flaws to your logic, smaller schools than us have jerseys available for sale. Even the University doesn't have to order 200 jerseys to get them produced.

You're talking 200 total jerseys from small to double X. You go with numbers that common (7, 34, 45, 56), you wind up with 800 jerseys, that you inventory and sell over a 4 year period, replenishing on the third year. It's not rocket science. And you are comparing an NFL jersey price (NFL licensing fee, Team licensing fee, player licensing fee, plus mark up from the manufacture and retailer) to a college jersey (University licensing fee, and then mark up) They range about $75 and cost the store about $40 a pop.

Now the Athletic Department screwed up by not including retail jerseys in the original agreements. (which most schools do)

I like it when someone knows what they are talking about.

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There is a place on Exchange St. that has nicer items at better prices than B&N. They don't have jerseys and don't have the number of different items, but I have been buying more from them than B&N. Once in a while Kohls or some other retailer has something decent. I wanted to support the school and have been waiting for the stadium team shop to open but have reached the point of giving up on buying from the school -- I'll just get from a retailer when I see something interesting.

I would be willing to pay for a new style blue jersey, though actually, I like the "end of the Rubber Bowl" era blue jerseys better. I don't expect to see a new jersey on a shelf though.


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I wanted to support the school and have been waiting for the stadium team shop to open but have reached the point of giving up on buying from the school -- I'll just get from a retailer when I see something interesting.

Same here. It might be better that way. The school still gets some liscencing money from the purchase, and it also shows the area businesses that there is an interest in Akron gear. The majority of OSU gear isn't bought in their team shop, but in stores around the state. We should try to do the same thing on a more local scale.

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Yes, that is correct. Or Bryan Wagner. Or any number really. Would love to have a jersey to wear to the game.
I suggested that I was going to order a specific name and number here one time to an assistant AD since we couldn't get any jerseys. He didn't think it was as humorous as I did.

I hear what you are preaching. I already found an outlet for jerseys at dirt cheap prices. http://www.mlbjerseys.us/reebok-NFL-Jersey...-St-Louis-Rams/

Found a place in Marion Ohio that had the right color tackle twill to make the correct "Akron" shaped numbers. It is an easy switcheroo to take off the old numbers and put on the new. The only snag...

Where do you get directional logos for the sleeves? Both need to be facing forward. I don't think they exist. If they did I would have a #56 jersey to wear to the Syracuse game.

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I feel everyone’s pain.

Twenty six years ago, I went to the UA bookstore wanting a UA hat. All I could find was one that said AKRON with a line and the word University stitched underneath. I bought it, but never wore it. I waited 15 more years before I could find another UA hat that said the University of Akron.

Twelve years ago I went to the UA bookstore and ordered a $200 UA watch. About a week later I received a call and they informed me that they were not going to place the order due to the fact that the manufacturer required a minimum of 8 watches per style. The bookstore informed me that they could not invest that much in watches with only one (my) order. I complained and several weeks later they agreed and placed my order.

I think the lack of authentic football jersey’s fall in line here. Take soccer for example. My hunch is that the manufacturer would require somewhere in the neighborhood of 100-200 jersey’s (per number) before they would manufacture them. Let’s say they require 150 jersey’s per number that UA would sell at $100. Let’s also estimate that UA would have to pony up $80 per. Does anyone think that the bookstore or the athletic department or even the University would front $12,000 for 150 jersey’s of ONE soccer player in the hopes they sell them to make 3 grand? Football jersey’s are probably 50 to 75% more expensive. Do the math, it ain’t happening…. So it may be convenient to blame the bookstore, I think the problem begins with the manufacturer and then snowballs from there.

I am all for unique, authentic UA gear. I just don’t see UA investing the capital needed to make it happen just so the fans can have expensive UA gear to wear. At this point, I would settle for UA taking care of the dedicated, hardcore fans with a proper parking space on gameday.

Two flaws to your logic, smaller schools than us have jerseys available for sale. Even the University doesn't have to order 200 jerseys to get them produced.

You're talking 200 total jerseys from small to double X. You go with numbers that common (7, 34, 45, 56), you wind up with 800 jerseys, that you inventory and sell over a 4 year period, replenishing on the third year. It's not rocket science. And you are comparing an NFL jersey price (NFL licensing fee, Team licensing fee, player licensing fee, plus mark up from the manufacture and retailer) to a college jersey (University licensing fee, and then mark up) They range about $75 and cost the store about $40 a pop.

Now the Athletic Department screwed up by not including retail jerseys in the original agreements. (which most schools do)

Gotta agree with the g-mann. If these schools can do it so can Akron.










Found these in about 15 minutes. Granted, some of these jerseys are not of the quality I would like to see in a Zips offering, but come on! North Dakota Fighting Sioux?!?

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Underneath the details of such things as jerseys and team stores lie the keys to whether I'm going to remain interested in the Zips' football program going forward. Those keys are the INTENT and REAL COMMITMENT of the university president and the board regarding whether to do what it takes to build a strong D-1 program or not. They either intend to do things right or they don't. So far, after being as pumped as anyone about Infocision, I've been stunned to see that the university seemingly planted the stadium in an apparent vacuum. There's no supporting marketing campaign, no team store(s), no apparent plan to do anything other than play middling ball in a middling conference. I certainly hope that I will be proven to be far too pessimistic but if I don't see tangible signs of progress in the next couple of years, I'm going to have to assume that Zips football is bad old business as usual.

While we all gnash teeth about how the local community fails to support the Zips, what has the university done to promote and grow the program and the brand? Next to nothing as far as I can tell. I would guess that with the incredibly low profile held in the community by the sports programs at UA, even if the FB team started winning, nobody would show up because nobody would know that they were winning! You know, sort of the "tree falling in the woods" thing....

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Underneath the details of such things as jerseys and team stores lie the keys to whether I'm going to remain interested in the Zips' football program going forward. Those keys are the INTENT and REAL COMMITMENT of the university president and the board regarding whether to do what it takes to build a strong D-1 program or not. They either intend to do things right or they don't.

I love your line of though here.

We did need a stadium, and it was more of a need in lieu of a want. With that said......There is a commitment at UofA, but it is a commitment to build buildings without a clue as to what they should do after the building is built. Universities are just part of our ever growing government. Who is paying for all of this building? They build more and more buildings and nobody ever asks what is wrong with the exising buildings. This is a common theme in government supported entities. Build the inventors hall of fame, everyone will come downtown...Didn't it close recently? That's just one example. Everyone buys the idea that "if you build it, they will come". That is a load of crap. It's one thing to build it, it is completely another thing to support it.

Intent is different. They intend to do the right thing, but they don't know what the right thing to do is so they flounder. I'm too lazy to look, but is there anyone on the Board of Directors who has attended a class as an undergraduate at a BCS level sports school? I don't mean graduate school, I mean undergraduate where one would make sports more available to themselves.

There is one other person, who at this point needs mentioning. Dr. Proenza. I've lost a little faith in him after our last AD hiring.

The reality is we are right were we belong. Almost every other MAC school shares the same problems we do. Enjoy it for what it is. I do.

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I already found an outlet for jerseys at dirt cheap prices. http://www.mlbjerseys.us/reebok-NFL-Jersey...-St-Louis-Rams/
Have you ever ordered from this place before? What's the catch? I may have to order this. I did notice that when you add something to the cart, the shipping is $20.

PS I still think you should order the Rams replica jersey with 'SEWELL 56' on it. Then make sure you show the AD, coach, assistant AD & anybody else you can think of what you had to do get the jersey you wanted. Leave the Rams logo though. It will be like a "dig" against the fact you can't get what you want. Take a picture of it, post it here, send it to "ask the AD"...etc. cope.gif

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Let's just load up on Wal Mart jerseys and wear them to the game. When they see the sea of (cheapo) jerseys in the stands, maybe they'll see the error of their ways. I know that's giving them a lot of credit, but ya never know...

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Let's just load up on Wal Mart jerseys and wear them to the game. When they see the sea of (cheapo) jerseys in the stands, maybe they'll see the error of their ways. I know that's giving them a lot of credit, but ya never know...

there is an "off-shore" web-site somewhere in Asia that has tons of knock-off and replica soccer jerseys for like $10 and they look great. Kind of a shady operation...I went online one time and was going to order a Liverpool jersey and instead of entering your credit card number they asked for your phone number and like 5 minutes later this hard to understand lady called me at my home to place the order...like a school girl I got nervouse and hung up.

Morale of the story is i bet if we sent them a good picture we could get them to make them for us for real cheap....especially if we can order them in bulk?

What do you think?


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Any word on the team shop at the Info? This is becoming beyond ridiculous. How is it that I cannot purchase anything worthwhile to show support for my team? Have you checked out the storefront on gozips lately? They are promoting polos. Click on the polos tab. . . nothing available. Does anybody know why our merchandise offering is so pathetic? It really pisses me off in case you can't tell. Especially when you can make Akron Zips LeBron James jerseys available to pretty young girls for a totally inane and ill-conceived panderfest. OBBCMCRJWKZMPIP.20100619232629.jpg

23x4....the cumulative IQ of the folks in the picture???


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I already found an outlet for jerseys at dirt cheap prices. http://www.mlbjerseys.us/reebok-NFL-Jersey...-St-Louis-Rams/
Have you ever ordered from this place before? What's the catch? I may have to order this. I did notice that when you add something to the cart, the shipping is $20.

PS I still think you should order the Rams replica jersey with 'SEWELL 56' on it. Then make sure you show the AD, coach, assistant AD & anybody else you can think of what you had to do get the jersey you wanted. Leave the Rams logo though. It will be like a "dig" against the fact you can't get what you want. Take a picture of it, post it here, send it to "ask the AD"...etc. cope.gif

No, I have never ordered from this site, but they are operating out of China and you wire them the money via Western Union. I was a little gun shy about going ahead and placing an order, but the prices can't be beat!

Not football, but I was able to successfully bid for this on ebay. I think I might turn this into a Joe Jakubick tribute jersey. Whaddaya think? Or should I just make a #23 jersey like those lovely ladies have?

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I want a Wagner 34 jersey. If any of you figure out a way to mass order any jerseys ..let us all know. I tried to get one last year and was told to ask the equipment manager for the team about getting one. Does anyone know who that is?.. And I wonder if they would order for the fans?

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I want a Wagner 34 jersey. If any of you figure out a way to mass order any jerseys ..let us all know. I tried to get one last year and was told to ask the equipment manager for the team about getting one. Does anyone know who that is?.. And I wonder if they would order for the fans?

Go to this page...

U of A Athletic department contact list

it looks like Kevin O'Connor is the equipment manager

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