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I stopped by the bookstore and talked to them about it today. They are selling short sleeve replica jerseys with number 6 or 10 but they don't have them in stock yet and are just taking names. They cost 55 bucks and don't have anything on the back.

I can get long sleeve replica jerseys made for ~35 bucks at a screen printing place that does stuff for campus but I don't know if that would create any copyright issues or whatever.

Anybody have any ideas for how we can get our hands on some #*@( soccer jerseys?
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Probably. My understanding is that if someone is making it for you, and you pay them, then it will be an issue. If you make it yourself, no problem. I don't know if somebody makes it and then gifts it to you if that is a problem. Of course, if it is a "Gift", then they are probably a "Friend" and you would give them something for their birthday, christmas, or maybe just because it is the 2nd Thursday of the month?

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Here is an exchange that I had concerning this through "Ask the AD" a few months ago...

My Question/comment:

Dear Tom, I'm very interested when the Akron Athletics Department is going to

either offer some better apparel options themselves or work a deal with Barnes &

Noble to do so. The apparel options currently available are not very good. For

example, it would be awesome to show my pride in our nationally ranked Men's

Soccer team. An Akron Soccer polo that I could wear to work on casual day would

be outstanding. A replica soccer jersey would also be a nice choice. How about

some apparel that has "The University of Akron" and "Fear the Roo" both on it.

I'm very fortunate to have an Akron Soccer Scarf because I bought a season

ticket last year. But, I think it's time to offer Soccer scarves in the team

shop for anyone to buy. The university could make a good profit, and everyone

who wants to do so, can show their pride in our awesome team. Thanks as always

for your attention.

AD Response:

Thanks for the note and it's good to hear from you. You raise a great point

about our merchandise options at this point, but I've copied Bryan Huettmann,

our licensing director who I think will have some good news for you and our

other fans who want Zips Merchandise.

Thanks again for your support and Go Zips!


Bryan Huettmann's response:

I am pleased to inform you that Barnes & Noble Bookstores is planning on

offering new soccer items for the upcoming season including a jersey, various

apparel and a scarf. They will have a visible presence at all home soccer

matches, in the student union and football game day at the stadium. Please feel

free to contact me about anything. Your opinion is appreciated.

Go Zips!

Bryan Huettmann

InfoCision Stadium Manager

Director of Licensing

The University of Akron

Department of Athletics

373 Carroll Street, Suite 75

Akron, OH 44325-5201

O: (330) 972-2639

Not sure what was meant by "a scarf", but it appears that only season ticket holders will have access to them once again this season. In my opinion, that might be ok to start the season, but when we show up in the NCAA playoffs, and especially at the College Cup, all Zips' Soccer fans who want one should have a scarf.

Go Zips!

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I stopped into the B&N bookstore today. It's definitely official. They are ordering soccer jerseys for those who are interested. Now I just have to decide if its worth $60... I'm thinking it is. :)

The bookstore has the jerseys!!!! They are about $55

Confirmed! They have a ton of them in stock... #6, #10, or no number. Well done merchandising team, now everybody go buy one. :)

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One beaten dead horse down... 1,345 to go. Maybe with the Lot 9 discussion closed, we're down to 1,344? That's making MAJOR headway!

Come on KD... sign another point guard and take us down to 1,343!!

If GP1 dropped some of his rants, I think we might get the number down to single-digits? :eek:

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I hope to be wearing mine this Friday after returning from LA. Ordered it before I left last Friday and was promised it would go out right away upon the bookstore receiving them. After all the noise we made about wanting these, I hope they sell out.

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Wearing mine right now and it looks so good. :) Thanks UA!

Are they Blue or White (not that it matters, just curious).

They are very similar to the home jerseys; white with blue lettering outlined in gold. Also, they have the gold stripes running up the sides of the jersey, like the real ones.

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