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Football Stadium

Kangaroo Craig

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While attending one of my Rotary Club meetings yesterday I was given the privelege to hear a guest speaker from the University of Akron facilities management department discuss current projects as well as future ones. One item in particular was discussion relating to a new on campus football stadium. This individual said that all or most of the funding for this project is coming from private donations. They also told us that they are now only $5M from reaching their goal. The current budget for the project is about $20M, but could go higher. This seems kind of low. I suggested to a friend that they must be building it out of popscicle sticks. It is my understanding that once this goal has been met, a public announcement will be made. Most, if not all from this board, have predicted that the site of the new stadium will be on the north side of exchange street adjacent to the new fieldhouse. That is about 95% Accurate. An alternate location is land on and adjacent to the old practice fields near Brown street. The school is currently buying up a lot of land in that area. The most likely scenario is that the Brown Street fields will be used to house all of the intramural sports. The university wants to separate the intramurals from the varsity sports in order to protect the varsity fields from any additional wear and tear. Probably a wise thing to do.As far as what type of facility and capacity: Forget about a dome. It ain't happening! It will be an outdoor facility with initial seating capacity of 20 - 25K. Incorporated into the design will be provisions to expand up to 45,000 should the school move up to a higher conference or just need the additioanl seating due to growing demand. The expansion would be mostly in the endzones, but also on the sidelines. They are also looking at incorporating some classrooms and maybe dorms into the design. The school is hopeful to have the new facility operational by 2008 or 2009.On a separate note, the school predicts that its enrollment will exceed 28,000 by next year and possibly 30,000 in two years.

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Why isn't Goodyear making it's name in Akron Sports????????? The name is no where to be seen at Akron basketball games. And where is GOJO, there are some big companies in Akron that the school needs to start making friends with. Even Smuckers should be considered. Goodyear Dome, in Akron, OH. I like the sound to that. A Dome that seats around 45,000. The Goodyear Dome.

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Firestone should be considered also. A dome will sell a lot easier than a stadium. Attendance will go up, and so will the football program. Akron would be too good to be true for the Big East. Seriously, we should hype this dome idea up. If the fans keep asking for it, it could actually be considered.

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I am surprised to hear the budget for the project is only $20 million? I was under the impression it would be more in the $60 million range. I had heard that once UA meets the $20 million mark they would make the stadium project's formal public announcement. Could it be that we are currently short $5 million of the $20 million mark; while the entire stadium project would be more towards the range of $60?

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I am surprised to hear the budget for the project is only $20 million? I was under the impression it would be more in the $60 million range. I had heard that once UA meets the $20 million mark they would make the stadium project's formal public announcement. Could it be that we are currently short $5 million of the $20 million mark; while the entire stadium project would be more towards the range of $60?
My source didn't say that, but it sure would make more sense. I would have to think it would be impossible to build a 25,000 seat outdoor facility for $20M. Heck, the concrete and materials alone would cost more than that. Maybe they're getting the erection for free. :D
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Corporate realitys are what prevents Goodyear or other Akron area companies from making that type of financial commitment. Goodyears stock price fell yesterday because they didn't make their profit projection for the 4th Qtr of 2005. If we want to sell naming rights or find a large contributer it must be from either a very profitable public corp or a privately held company. How about some more realistic ideas. I wouldn't be surprised if there has aleady been a corp that has stepped up to the plate and made a sizeable donation. How about this one LEBRON/NIKE FIELD :rofl:

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I have to wonder if $20 million isn't the budget they have set for a goal for announcement/groundbreaking and that additional funds to finish the project would be obtained from there.
This has to be the answer. $20 million doesn't build much. Goodyear sponsors NASCAR and that has to be a huge outpouring of money for them. I really don't think they will spend much for a stadium for UofA.
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Don't forget there are also plenty of companies in surrounding areas up to Cleveland to tap into for money, Key Bank, National City, Charter One, Eaton, Sherwin Williams, ICI Paints & plenty other companies to look into for funding. Can we say Quicken Loans Stadium (C'mon Dan keep the Quicken Loans name alive in Northeast Ohio)20 million is a low ball figure, I agree with the 40-50 million

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What about Firestone?? They don't have to worry about American shareholders.. And a stadium that only seats around 25,000 would be a waste. In 2004, Akron had 3 games with more than 25,000. Plus, you could kiss the Big East goodbye with a small stadium like that.

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2004 Akron Attendance:vs. Middle Tennessee -- 17,253vs. Buffalo -- 7,121vs. Ball State -- 7,826vs. Marshall -- 29, 521 (nearly half of which were Marshall fans)vs. Miami -- 17, 410I'd say 25,000 seats is more than enough. Maybe you guys, for $20 million, will get the NCAA minimum 18,000. That is more than enough from the looks of things.

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2004 Akron Attendance:vs. Middle Tennessee    --  17,253vs. Buffalo  --  7,121vs. Ball State  --  7,826vs. Marshall  --  29, 521  (nearly half of which were Marshall fans)vs. Miami    --    17, 410I'd say 25,000 seats is more than enough.  Maybe you guys, for $20 million, will get the NCAA minimum 18,000.  That is more than enough from the looks of things.
Hater - Don't be mad because we have another tight recruiting class and we are on the way up and you are on the way down!!
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Scout has Akron at 95th and only the 7th best recruiting class in the MAC. Hardly a great class at all.If 13-11 over the last two years is "on your way up", I really do not think we have much to worry about. You guys need to be more worried about outdrawing Canton McKinley HS in attendance than trying to keep up with the top program in the MAC.

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Scout has Akron at 95th and only the 7th best recruiting class in the MAC. Hardly a great class at all.
Scout's ratings isn't overall talent. You get points for having a balance recruiting class. So if you filled every position with 1 or 2 star players, your looking good.
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When you have to lie to build up your position as the "best program in the MAC" it probably means that your program is about to be overtaken.Scouts.com does the same thing every year. If they didn't have a recruit in their tracking system, they give them one star when LOI's are signed. Sometimes the update the star system as time goes on and they research the signee. Check Scouts in a week and see if the Zips are at number 97.

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