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TW's draft board should look like this

1. Johnson

2. Narduzzi

3. unnamed candidate

4. Winters

Like to shuffle this just a bit.

1. unnamed candidate -- if he is who I think he is. Most of you will be very pleased.

2. Narduzzi -- excellent choice.

3. Johnson -- long shot, a really long shot

4. Winters -- now revealing why I place excellent coach Winters here.


I'm Paul Winters eldest daughter and I'm a student at OSU. I had wanted to stay out of this whole rumor mill and process but I refuse to let anyone say something like this about my father. My parents separated while he was still at Akron. It's deplorable that you would attack his character like this. Maybe you don't like him, you might think he's the wrong person for the job. So be it. Slinging mud like this doesn't change who he is as a person or a coach. Also just to clear things up, he has always been in our lives and the distance did nothing to change that.

(This will be my only post on the site)

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I'm Paul Winters eldest daughter and I'm a student at OSU. I had wanted to stay out of this whole rumor mill and process but I refuse to let anyone say something like this about my father. My parents separated while he was still at Akron. It's deplorable that you would attack his character like this. Maybe you don't like him, you might think he's the wrong person for the job. So be it. Slinging mud like this doesn't change who he is as a person or a coach. Also just to clear things up, he has always been in our lives and the distance did nothing to change that.

(This will be my only post on the site)

My apologies to you, Monica, if you feel slighted.

Apparently none of you flaming me actually read my entire text.

I do not know Coach Winters or his family. I am concerned that the next coach

have principles. I was under the mistaken impression that all of his children were

minors. Look again at what I wrote. Integrity is key.

I placed Coach Winters ahead of any and all candidates except one. Read the text

before calling me names and going off half cocked.

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Wrong sir, you dipped into personal matters that have no place here at Zips Nation.

You can wish to believe your post was misunderstood. I submit to you that the only misunderstanding here is your failure to adhere to both comon decency and the ZN.O AUP.

Friends, GoZips has posted his last opinion on the FB coaching search as it will be concluded before his 30 day vacation from ZN.O.

I and the other Moderators will not tolerate this. See you in one month.

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To get things going in another direction (and I have no idea what GoZips said), I wonder if a guy like Phillip Fulmer would be the unidentified candidate. He supposedly wanted in and wante to go to Kansas. This would be a very "Frank Solich" type hire. I HIGHLY doubt it would be Fulmer, but I have seen rumblings over the last couple years about how much he wants back in...at some point, maybe he looks at just about ANY FBS type job to get back in the game.

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I'm Paul Winters eldest daughter and I'm a student at OSU. I had wanted to stay out of this whole rumor mill and process but I refuse to let anyone say something like this about my father. My parents separated while he was still at Akron. It's deplorable that you would attack his character like this. Maybe you don't like him, you might think he's the wrong person for the job. So be it. Slinging mud like this doesn't change who he is as a person or a coach. Also just to clear things up, he has always been in our lives and the distance did nothing to change that.

(This will be my only post on the site)

Thanks for your post Monica. Don't be offended by that guy, he's posted nothing but stupidity since he's been on here. I played for your dad and not only is he the greatest coach I ever had, he's also one of the best men I've ever had the privledge of knowing. I can't wait until he's back in Akron.

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TW's draft board should look like this

1. Johnson

2. Narduzzi

3. unnamed candidate

4. Winters

Like to shuffle this just a bit.

1. unnamed candidate -- if he is who I think he is. Most of you will be very pleased.

2. Narduzzi -- excellent choice.

3. Johnson -- long shot, a really long shot

4. Winters -- now revealing why I place excellent coach Winters here.


I'm Paul Winters eldest daughter and I'm a student at OSU. I had wanted to stay out of this whole rumor mill and process but I refuse to let anyone say something like this about my father. My parents separated while he was still at Akron. It's deplorable that you would attack his character like this. Maybe you don't like him, you might think he's the wrong person for the job. So be it. Slinging mud like this doesn't change who he is as a person or a coach. Also just to clear things up, he has always been in our lives and the distance did nothing to change that.

(This will be my only post on the site)

Monica, please don't take these forums personally.

You know the man that your father is, regardless of the outcome of this coaching selection, or the comments of UA fans in these forums. Try not to take the comments of the fans to heart. The man you know as your father is the man that he is, regardless of his professional life or the opinions of fans or critics.

I went to school at UA when he was at Akron, and he seemed like a classy guy to me. He certainly was a talented football player, and I enjoyed watching him play.

Treasure your family life. Paul will always be your father regardless of where he is coaching. Value your relationship with him. I'm glad you love and respect him.

Best regards to you and your family!

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I do not know Coach Winters or his family. I am concerned that the next coach

have principles. I was under the mistaken impression that all of his children were

minors. Look again at what I wrote. Integrity is key.

Explains the Santorum endorsement in another thread. The jackasses on the religious right have no shame.

I didn't see the original post as the mods had the good sense to delete the stupidity. Rarely does a post get deleted, so it must have been really stupid. If you don't know someone or their family, don't post about it. If you don't have the principles to not post about someone else's family who you don't know, don't discuss their principles. In fact, you should be more concerned about your own principles and do some work on them.

"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour." - Exodus 20:16.

Now, go repent jackass.

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Knowing GoZips, he would not want me to say this. Knowing me, I'm going to say it anyway.

I've known GoZips on this forum for about 7 years. More importantly, I've known him as a real, live person for almost a full year now. We've seen some games and practices together and spent a lot of time just shooting the breeze. I can tell you some things about GoZips that I couldn't if I hadn't spent time with him.

First, the man truly does bleed blue and gold. He truly loves everything about UA and the Zips teams, and is always thinking and talking about what's best for them. Second, he puts God and family above all else. He can't talk about anything, even UA and the Zips, without references to his faith and the importance of the family. It's who the man is.

GoZips also has great respect for Paul Winters. More than a year ago, long before the current conversation, InTheZone posted Terry Bowden, Danny Rocco and Paul Winters as his top 3 choices to replace Ianello at the beginning of Ianello's first season at UA. GoZips responded as follows:

Two of the three coaches, Terry Bowden and Paul Winters were assistant coaches at Akron in the past.

This is an excellent starting point.

All three could do far more with this current pack of players than the iteam has any chance of.

And two weeks ago, when Ianello's firing was announced, GoZips' first reaction was as follows:

If we are making a list of potential new head coaches I would like to add the name of...

LUKE FICKLE. A man who has weathered a rough storm only to be thrown to the curb

by monied power brokers.

So far I see Paul Winters and Jim Fleming as well as Luke. All good choices.

All football men driven by the desire to win.

Somewhere, somehow along the way, GoZips got the terribly mistaken idea in his head that Winters had small children in Michigan who might somehow stay in Michigan and not be able to see their father as often if he came to Akron to take the Zips job. I think this probably created a big conflict in his mind and in his heart about the importance of family versus the Zips getting a great football coach who GoZips personally respects.

The result of all of this was a clumsily and awkwardly worded post that everyone found inappropriate and objectionable. Knowing GoZips as I do, I'm absolutely certain that he did not intend to say what his words appeared to say. But it's like getting caught speeding and saying you thought the speed limit sign said 55 mph and you were trying to go 55 when the speed limit sign actually said 35 mph. You still get the speeding ticket even though you had the best of intentions. Poor choice of words on a forum is no more an excuse than poor eyesight when driving.

GoZips made a mistake in judgment. For that he is paying the price of being excluded from contributing to ZipsNation for a month.

The man is down. There's no need to pile on.

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