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I know it's outdoor, but Blossom attracts some pretty big acts.

You're on the right track. You would see the same type of act, during the winter months.

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@Spin, I couldn't find an image of the Covelli Centre set up for a basketball game. I see they claim hockey seating for 5,700 and basketball seating for 5,900, so it's only a little smaller than what most of us seem to think would be ideal for Zips basketball. But there's nothing I can find that shows how they handle keeping basketball fans closer to the action when converted from the larger hockey rink. I did find one image of a concert setup that looks really nice.

Covelli Centre Concert Image

The WesBanco Arena website is pretty useless for detailed information. I found elsewhere that it seats about 5,400 for hockey. I see that the Wesbanco Arena (formerly Wheeling Civic Center) hosted WVU basketball for the 1999-2000 season while the WVU basketball arena was being renovated. While I couldn't find any basketball images from the WesBanco Arena, the images I did find show that the seating and overall quality of the arena appears to be inferior to the Covelli Centre.

Wesbanco Arena Images

I'll say again that I'm not against a multipurpose arena for Akron if a proper market survey shows that it can be profitable and if it is done right so the seating is not compromised for basketball. I could also live with a renovated JAR. I'm for whatever is most likely to increase local interest in Zips basketball and attract larger, noisier home crowds.

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The question I would have is how many "big event" venues can NEO sustain? The really big events are going to the Q. No Akron arena is going to compete with the Q for top acts. People from all over NEO go to the Q for big events, and don't expect those big events to show up in places like Youngstown, Canton or Akron.

As lance99 points out, smaller concerts in Akron are already accomodated by the The Civic and E.J. Thomas Hall.

That leaves medium-size events for an Akron Arena. Are there really enough medium-size events that aren't already available at nearby facilities to make it worthwhile for Akron to invest in a new facility? I don't know the answer to that. I'm not advocating one way or the other. I'm just asking the question.

Since there's a proposed new arena in the Akron development plan, I guess the answer from the developers is, yes, there's a market here for a new arena. Exactly what that arena would be and what it would be expected to host has, to my knowledge, not been made public.

That's the key point right there. We have venues for smaller events. And you can add the JS Knight Center to that list. And Cleveland is the attraction for bigger events. So, we're limited in what we could attract.

I'm sure the city would love to have it, but I can't blame them if they want their obvious biggest user (The U) to help with a big chunk of the cost. And I can't blame the U of A for being hesitant to hand over money for a facility where they may not have much control. I'm sure that making it a reality will be a real challenge for all parties involved, including some big egos to satisfy.

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@Spin, I couldn't find an image of the Covelli Centre set up for a basketball game. I see they claim hockey seating for 5,700 and basketball seating for 5,900, so it's only a little smaller than what most of us seem to think would be ideal for Zips basketball. But there's nothing I can find that shows how they handle keeping basketball fans closer to the action when converted from the larger hockey rink. I did find one image of a concert setup that looks really nice.

Covelli Centre Concert Image

The WesBanco Arena website is pretty useless for detailed information. I found elsewhere that it seats about 5,400 for hockey. I see that the Wesbanco Arena (formerly Wheeling Civic Center) hosted WVU basketball for the 1999-2000 season while the WVU basketball arena was being renovated. While I couldn't find any basketball images from the WesBanco Arena, the images I did find show that the seating and overall quality of the arena appears to be inferior to the Covelli Centre.

Wesbanco Arena Images

I'll say again that I'm not against a multipurpose arena for Akron if a proper market survey shows that it can be profitable and if it is done right so the seating is not compromised for basketball. I could also live with a renovated JAR. I'm for whatever is most likely to increase local interest in Zips basketball and attract larger, noisier home crowds.

:wall: :wall: :wall:

I was trying to show you the EVENTS these arenas bring to town. I already showed you seating arrangements (twice) in previous pages.

Try to stay within the context of the message. 34853_doh.gif

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Previously in this thread it was stated that some renovations making the JAR gameday experience more "fan friendly". Does anyone have any accurate info as to what that means?

well, for one, the student seating is a joke. There are a good whole 4 rows on each edge of the quart (half of which is occupied by the pep band). The rest of the students are forced to sit up top in the bleacher seating. A real home-court "advantage" right? The student section needs to be closer, either along the bottom of one side of the court or the bleachers behind the buckets need to start from floor level and go up. If the students felt more apart of the game, their might be a little more spirit.

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well, for one, the student seating is a joke. There are a good whole 4 rows on each edge of the quart (half of which is occupied by the pep band). The rest of the students are forced to sit up top in the bleacher seating. A real home-court "advantage" right? The student section needs to be closer, either along the bottom of one side of the court or the bleachers behind the buckets need to start from floor level and go up. If the students felt more apart of the game, their might be a little more spirit.

At most games, the student seats along the end zone are half empty. No-one is being forced to sit up there that I can see.

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A mass email from Tom W. had this note in it after they toured the Stroh Center at BG before last week's game:

As we consider the future of the JAR, it’s important for us to see what our competitors have built. The Stroh Center is a nice building and prompted a lot of discussion about what we would want to do if we renovated the JAR or built a new facility. This is a topic in the months ahead you can expect to hear more about from me.

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Here's another "Spin" on things.

Thinking about KD's comments.

If the football tam still practiced by the airport and played at the Rubber Bowl, would Terry Bowden be our head coach now?

What kind of recruiting could KD do, what caliber of coach could we attract when he retires, with first class facilities? I'm still of the opinion that renovating the JAR is putting lipstick on a pig.

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Here's another "Spin" on things.

Thinking about KD's comments.

If the football tam still practiced by the airport and played at the Rubber Bowl, would Terry Bowden be our head coach now?

What kind of recruiting could KD do, what caliber of coach could we attract when he retires, with first class facilities? I'm still of the opinion that renovating the JAR is putting lipstick on a pig.

One problem:

Even the greatest salesman in the world couldn't remotely compare the Rubber Bowl situation to the JAR situation in front of the board. And it happens to be a board that just went through a round of very expensive capital projects.

Really, I am trying to come up with a compelling argument to completely demolish an arena that's not even 30 years old, and draws a big crowd only a couple of times a year. It might help recruiting? That's not gonna do it.

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One problem:

Even the greatest salesman in the world couldn't remotely compare the Rubber Bowl situation to the JAR situation in front of the board. And it happens to be a board that just went through a round of very expensive capital projects.

Really, I am trying to come up with a compelling argument to completely demolish an arena that's not even 30 years old, and draws a big crowd only a couple of times a year. It might help recruiting? That's not gonna do it.

I tend to agree with this. Unless a new arena were some kind of community/university facility, I don't see how to justify seating for 12-15,000 when we can rarely draw more than 4,500 as it is.

I'm not sure of the complexity of a JAR overhaul. Getting rid of the track would be the most important improvement, IMO, but I don't know how that would affect either the supporting structure itself or the rooms beneath both the track and the existing GA seating.

Personally, I think if you could eliminate the track and thereby move all of the GA seats closer to the floor, the JAR could be a pretty nice venue.

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I tend to agree with this. Unless a new arena were some kind of community/university facility, I don't see how to justify seating for 12-15,000 when we can rarely draw more than 4,500 as it is.

I'm not sure of the complexity of a JAR overhaul. Getting rid of the track would be the most important improvement, IMO, but I don't know how that would affect either the supporting structure itself or the rooms beneath both the track and the existing GA seating.

Personally, I think if you could eliminate the track and thereby move all of the GA seats closer to the floor, the JAR could be a pretty nice venue.

A JAR overhaul will be exceptionally complex. say we make permanent seating in the hole facility. Now there are no areas to practice. OK, one court to practice on. Unlike now where when all seats are pulled back you have plenty of practice area.

That is why I am of the opinion that a JAR rennovation isn't an option.

As for cost. Say it's a $50 million rennovation to make it a 5000 seat venue with a lounge area that can view the game. You now have to find practice and play space for volleyball, and men's/women's basketball. Plus it would take at least a year to two years. So now you have to lease a place to play. No place in Akron to house it. Maybe Firestone, you cut attendance in half and it isn't what you would call collegiate friendly. Lost revenue.

I highly doubt the JAR will ever be torn down. It will likely be turned into the Athletic center and be a joint practice/academic/administrative building. Because that kind of renno is in the $5-10 million range.

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A JAR overhaul will be exceptionally complex. say we make permanent seating in the hole facility. Now there are no areas to practice. OK, one court to practice on. Unlike now where when all seats are pulled back you have plenty of practice area.

I guess it depends on how you decide to renovate. As in, why would they necessarily need to make all of the seating permanent? I've never heard anyone complain very much about the lower-reserve seating. It's the GA seating behind that danged track that people really hate. It makes for both needlessly poor sight lines and likely a substantially less intimidating environment for visiting teams since the bulk of the crowd is so far away from the court.

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I tend to agree with this. Unless a new arena were some kind of community/university facility, I don't see how to justify seating for 12-15,000 when we can rarely draw more than 4,500 as it is.

I'm not sure of the complexity of a JAR overhaul. Getting rid of the track would be the most important improvement, IMO, but I don't know how that would affect either the supporting structure itself or the rooms beneath both the track and the existing GA seating.

Personally, I think if you could eliminate the track and thereby move all of the GA seats closer to the floor, the JAR could be a pretty nice venue.

You're on the right "track" (no pun intended). One of the primary renovation ideas being analyzed right now does indeed include moving the upper seats forward and eliminating the track. ANd you would exit those upper sections to the rear, and not the the front.

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You're on the right "track" (no pun intended). One of the primary renovation ideas being analyzed right now does indeed include moving the upper seats forward and eliminating the track. ANd you would exit those upper sections to the rear, and not the the front.

That would work for me.

In a perfect world, I'd love a new arena. Great both for UA and the community at large. But as a Zips fan, I'd settle for making the JAR what it should have been in the first place.

The JAR didn't open until after I graduated and left town for a number of years. But I remember, when it was first approved, the disappointment in the state mandating a "physical education building" as opposed to a true arena. It was a ridiculous and needless requirement, and we're still suffering the consequences. A lot of people forget that UA didn't have many friends at the Board of Regents or in the legislature (our local reps excepted) in those days.

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That would work for me.

In a perfect world, I'd love a new arena. Great both for UA and the community at large. But as a Zips fan, I'd settle for making the JAR what it should have been in the first place.

The JAR didn't open until after I graduated and left town for a number of years. But I remember, when it was first approved, the disappointment in the state mandating a "physical education building" as opposed to a true arena. It was a ridiculous and needless requirement, and we're still suffering the consequences. A lot of people forget that UA didn't have many friends at the Board of Regents or in the legislature (our local reps excepted) in those days.

We're from similar eras, and I remember it pretty much the same way.

I understand that a lot of things we see there now, including the classroom wing in the back, had to be put together that way in order to get the funding. It left us with a gym, and not a basketball arena. Although, at the time, it was pretty exciting just to have something that was soooooo much nicer than Memorial.

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We're from similar eras, and I remember it pretty much the same way.

I understand that a lot of things we see there now, including the classroom wing in the back, had to be put together that way in order to get the funding. It left us with a gym, and not a basketball arena. Although, at the time, it was pretty exciting just to have something that was soooooo much nicer than Memorial.

Agree almost totally. But the truth is... there's a lot that I kinda miss about old Memorial Hall! :( It was certainly old and outdated and too small; but when we filled the place, it was loud(!) and hotter than a sauna in Helsinki. And it was a really, really, really tough venue for visitors... at least in the 60s and early 70s when Akron had decent teams. The JAR was certainly an upgrade in aesthetics and capacity, but it was a severe downgrade in atmosphere and home-court advantage, imo. I'm hopeful they can fix that.

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One problem:

Even the greatest salesman in the world couldn't remotely compare the Rubber Bowl situation to the JAR situation in front of the board. And it happens to be a board that just went through a round of very expensive capital projects.

Capital projects like Summa Field at Infocision Stadium and Cub Cadet Field at First Energy Stadium? ;)

And that is just one of several possible sources of $...

Really, I am trying to come up with a compelling argument to completely demolish an arena that's not even 30 years old, and draws a big crowd only a couple of times a year. It might help recruiting? That's not gonna do it.

Nobody wants to demolish the JAR, it would still be a useful building. Just as Memorial Hall was.

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Capital projects like Summa Field at Infocision Stadium and Cub Cadet Field at First Energy Stadium? ;)

And that is just one of several possible sources of $...

and the new student center...

and the fieldhouse...

and the new simmons hall...

and the new student rec center...



I'm wondering if any school in the country, in the last decade, has tapped itself out with new building expenditures as much as Akron has.

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and the new student center...

and the fieldhouse...

and the new simmons hall...

and the new student rec center...



I'm wondering if any school in the country, in the last decade, has tapped itself out with new building expenditures as much as Akron has.

Point is there are other sources of funding for college sports venues than there are for the other projects.

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I'm not sure how much credit to put on this, but according to ASN, Wistrcill told the hockey team that they plan on making them from a club team to a scholarship team. ASN is the only place covering Akron hockey, so i figured they might of been told this by the hockey team on what Wistrcill said. If this is true, could we see an arena be built where it could be used for basketball and hockey? To be completely honest, I want to keep the JAR. It would be a great place to host volleyball matches, basketball practice, summer camps/shootouts that the basketball teams have(sure volleyball does too), and would create more jobs for the Akron area if they keep the JAR, and then build an arena for games..."

look under "Other News"

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