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LeBron James donating $1 million to to renovate gym

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Zeke came because of the engineering program IIRC, but I agree with what you're saying.

What has LeBron done for the program that didn't have his name all over it?

Bingo. LeBron helps UA when it helps promote him or his brand. Not saying that's bad - he's a businessman - but it's the truth.

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I'll make my argument and then I'm over talking about LeBron. I come here to talk Zips - I'm sure HeatNation exists for LeBron talk.

I know how hard the coaches work behind the scenes. They don't have an offseason - they are always looking for the next Zeke or Tree. They travel out of state and out of the country (Abreu/Melo). Thy sacrifice time with their wives and kids, relaxation, vacations that aren't games, etc etc etc. I know it's their job, but they do it so well that for the past 7 years we've been able to watch exciting teams and have been able to attend 7 straight Saturday's at The Q. Their hard work has also allowed us to watch our beloved Zips 3 times in March Madness. They are an incredible, incredible staff.

I also know our players bust their butts. Yes, they get a free education, but they also make sacrifices. They work year-round to improve, all while keeping strong academics. From Dru, Romeo, and Wood to Linhart to McNees to Zeke and now Tree...they have won the games. They have represented our school in a way that allows us to be proud of the program. They are the talent that has taken this program to the next level.

And then I see this:


"Akron College Hoops Program Thriving Thanks to LeBron"

In my mind, it's a complete slap in the face to our coaches and players. And it's not the only article written with that opinion.

Yes, LeBron helps. No, I do not think he helps as much as some make it out to be. No, even as a Cavs fan, I don't hate LeBron. I hated The Decision (who didn't?) but respect his talent. I also know he's not a bad guy and is very charitable to the Akron area.

I'm just tired of the notion that LeBron is playing some huge role in making the program what it is today and I'd like to see more appreciation for Dambrot, McFadden, the other coaches and GA's, and the Zips like Dru, Romeo, Wood, Linhart, Zeke, etc who have helped turn the program around

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I'll make my argument and then I'm over talking about LeBron. I come here to talk Zips - I'm sure HeatNation exists for LeBron talk.

I know how hard the coaches work behind the scenes. They don't have an offseason - they are always looking for the next Zeke or Tree. They travel out of state and out of the country (Abreu/Melo). Thy sacrifice time with their wives and kids, relaxation, vacations that aren't games, etc etc etc. I know it's their job, but they do it so well that for the past 7 years we've been able to watch exciting teams and have been able to attend 7 straight Saturday's at The Q. Their hard work has also allowed us to watch our beloved Zips 3 times in March Madness. They are an incredible, incredible staff.

I also know our players bust their butts. Yes, they get a free education, but they also make sacrifices. They work year-round to improve, all while keeping strong academics. From Dru, Romeo, and Wood to Linhart to McNees to Zeke and now Tree...they have won the games. They have represented our school in a way that allows us to be proud of the program. They are the talent that has taken this program to the next level.

And then I see this:


"Akron College Hoops Program Thriving Thanks to LeBron"

In my mind, it's a complete slap in the face to our coaches and players. And it's not the only article written with that opinion.

Yes, LeBron helps. No, I do not think he helps as much as some make it out to be. No, even as a Cavs fan, I don't hate LeBron. I hated The Decision (who didn't?) but respect his talent. I also know he's not a bad guy and is very charitable to the Akron area.

I'm just tired of the notion that LeBron is playing some huge role in making the program what it is today and I'd like to see more appreciation for Dambrot, McFadden, the other coaches and GA's, and the Zips like Dru, Romeo, Wood, Linhart, Zeke, etc who have helped turn the program around

^^ Well said

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"Akron College Hoops Program Thriving Thanks to LeBron"

In my mind, it's a complete slap in the face to our coaches and players. And it's not the only article written with that opinion.

Yes, LeBron helps. No, I do not think he helps as much as some make it out to be. No, even as a Cavs fan, I don't hate LeBron. I hated The Decision (who didn't?) but respect his talent. I also know he's not a bad guy and is very charitable to the Akron area.

I'm just tired of the notion that LeBron is playing some huge role in making the program what it is today and I'd like to see more appreciation for Dambrot, McFadden, the other coaches and GA's, and the Zips like Dru, Romeo, Wood, Linhart, Zeke, etc who have helped turn the program around

I would guess that the coaching staff could care less who gets the credit for landing good players. If they think they can use LeBron to their advantage I guarantee they are going to use his connection to KD. They would be fools not to use the connection.

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I would guess that the coaching staff could care less who gets the credit for landing good players. If they think they can use LeBron to their advantage I guarantee they are going to use his connection to KD. They would be fools not to use the connection.

I would guess they couldn't care less. :lol:

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@UAZip0510, as always you've done a great job of making a thoughtful case for your position. You make a lot of good points about why all the coaches and all the players deserve most of the credit for the Zips' performance. I think every Zips fan will support you on that. But I don't think you've totally thought out the implications of the LeBron factor. You seem to be saying that some of the media and others give too much credit to LeBron for the Zips' success. You object to headlines like "Akron College Hoops Program Thriving Thanks to LeBron" as if it was pulled out of thin air. It wasn't. The headline writer just did his job of capturing what Coach Dambrot said in the story:

"Listen, our program would not be what it is today if it wasn't for LeBron James," said Dambrot, who has deep Akron roots, as his mother was a professor at the school. "When I walk into recruits' homes and they know I coached LeBron, they trust I know what I'm talking about. He plays in the summer at Akron, he was here a ton during the (NBA) lockout. And there's no question LeBron helped me become a better coach. I always held him to the highest standard, and I still do today."

People aren't just making this stuff up. Coach Dambrot always gives big props to LeBron's association with Akron, with UA and with him personally for helping Zips recruiting. Sports journalists and headline writers would be derelict in their duty if they didn't report what Coach Dambrot said about LeBron. As to whether the LeBron factor is being overplayed or not, only Coach Dambrot can answer that. He's the one giving out the quotes that generate the headlines. And every headline and every story is yet another reminder to potential UA recruits of the LeBron relationship. If I was Coach Dambrot's PR advisor, I'd advise him to keep on doing what he's been doing as long as he believes it benefits the Zips basketball program.

Now a side effect of that might be to turn off a few people who get the idea that the LeBron factor is being overplayed. But if I'm balancing that against doing what's best for the Zips basketball program, I say full speed ahead.

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I would guess that the coaching staff could care less who gets the credit for landing good players. If they think they can use LeBron to their advantage I guarantee they are going to use his connection to KD. They would be fools not to use the connection.

I'm not saying it bothers them, I'm saying it bothers me.

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So, I was asked to make a comment about this entire Lebron/Akron discussion.

FIRST: Zeke choose Akron, not because of Lebron, but because of his RELATIONSHIP with the coaches and the Computer Science program (not engineering as someone said)!

SECOND: Zeke decided to come to Akron because, besides being a highly recruited 7 foot player, he saw himself being a Computer Science STUDENT on the campus of Akron.

NOW....I remember when my husband and I brought Zeke up for a basketball game and when we walked into the coaches office Gloria James was there talking to him. Was I impressed ABSOLUTELY...was Zeke...NO! Here is my opinion on this matter...when Coach D told us about his relationship with Lebron...it didnt put stars in our eyes, what it did was to let us know that "THIS COACH must know SOMETHING about basketball" and so it made it easy for Zeke to buy into his philosophy, his program, his system...THAT IS WHAT IT DOES!

Now, everyone on this board knows that Zeke marches to his own drum beat, BUT, the realty is most kids ARE impressed to hear that...and if many of you were honest with yourselves, if you had the opportunity to 'name drop' in a situation that would prosper you you would ABSOLUTELY do it! If reminding potential recruits of his relationship with Lebron helps Coach D to get his foot in the door and his voice heard...WHY NOT! The realty however is that when he discusses his TEAM, their SUCCESS, their FUTURE...Lebron's name isnt in that conversation! Lebron didn't win 19 straight, repeat MAC Reg Season champs, MAC Champs, have the 2x DPOY, a First Team, a Second Team, listed in Top 25 first time in history...those accolades aren't connected with Lebron, they are connected with THE TEAM!

So, does KD's relationship with Lebron help get high quality recruits...I doubt it...does it open the door for him to get in and talk to those same recruits..YES..BUT...kids like Nyles and those new recruits aren't coming because of Lebron...they are coming because Akron is a WINNING PROGRAM...though...it doesn't hurt to know that at any given time during the summer...they could find themselves playing a pick up game with the 4x NBA MVP! #RealTalk

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I have a problem with the high school calling their renovated gymnasium an arena. A nice gym doe not an arena make. It will only seat around 1,700. Calling it an arena (let alone "The LeBron Jamed Arena"... :rofl:) makes the school look silly, forced and try-hard. It comes off as dishonest and fake to me. It continues the Akron reputation of being fake and at best pseudo. Shame on St.v/m and LeBron for making Akron look plastic.I don't even think UA should call the JAR an arena. It's a physical education complex (gymnasium) and nothing more.

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So, I was asked to make a comment about this entire Lebron/Akron discussion.

FIRST: Zeke choose Akron, not because of Lebron, but because of his RELATIONSHIP with the coaches and the Computer Science program (not engineering as someone said)!

SECOND: Zeke decided to come to Akron because, besides being a highly recruited 7 foot player, he saw himself being a Computer Science STUDENT on the campus of Akron.

NOW....I remember when my husband and I brought Zeke up for a basketball game and when we walked into the coaches office Gloria James was there talking to him. Was I impressed ABSOLUTELY...was Zeke...NO! Here is my opinion on this matter...when Coach D told us about his relationship with Lebron...it didnt put stars in our eyes, what it did was to let us know that "THIS COACH must know SOMETHING about basketball" and so it made it easy for Zeke to buy into his philosophy, his program, his system...THAT IS WHAT IT DOES!

Now, everyone on this board knows that Zeke marches to his own drum beat, BUT, the realty is most kids ARE impressed to hear that...and if many of you were honest with yourselves, if you had the opportunity to 'name drop' in a situation that would prosper you you would ABSOLUTELY do it! If reminding potential recruits of his relationship with Lebron helps Coach D to get his foot in the door and his voice heard...WHY NOT! The realty however is that when he discusses his TEAM, their SUCCESS, their FUTURE...Lebron's name isnt in that conversation! Lebron didn't win 19 straight, repeat MAC Reg Season champs, MAC Champs, have the 2x DPOY, a First Team, a Second Team, listed in Top 25 first time in history...those accolades aren't connected with Lebron, they are connected with THE TEAM!

So, does KD's relationship with Lebron help get high quality recruits...I doubt it...does it open the door for him to get in and talk to those same recruits..YES..BUT...kids like Nyles and those new recruits aren't coming because of Lebron...they are coming because Akron is a WINNING PROGRAM...though...it doesn't hurt to know that at any given time during the summer...they could find themselves playing a pick up game with the 4x NBA MVP! #RealTalk

Thank you for your input. Some of us have close ties to the program but you are the only poster who has been a part of the process. Great insight!

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@GameChngr44, many thanks for your firsthand report. It doesn't surprise me at all that Zeke would be among the least likely recruits to be impressed with the LeBron factor. We all now know the story that Zeke's love for basketball didn't really get serious until last year, so LeBron was probably not that big a deal to him back when he was looking at different colleges. Before he really started getting serious about basketball, he would probably have been more impressed if Coach Dambrot and UA had a personal connection with Bill Gates. :D I'd be shocked if any recruit decided to select UA primarily due to LeBron. But I'd expect just about every recruit and just about every recruit's family to consider the LeBron connection to be one of many positive points about the Zips basketball program. It's always good to keep things in proper perspective.

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DIG..that is EXACTLY what I mean. It certainly doesn't hurt the recruiting process to say that your college coach also coached Lebron...it is ABSOLUTELY impressive...but again, it is that EXACT information that gets Coach D into the door and in front of kids who otherwise would NEVER consider UA as an option...but at the end of the day...when he talks about his program, his game philosophy, the team awards, accomplishments and accolades...Lebron's name is nowhere in that conversation!

However, the positive of Coach D's relationship with Lebron is that it sounds good and impressive when you tell another parent who your son's college coach is connected to, I know because I've seen it firsthand whenever I used to say it! ;)

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I have a problem with the high school calling their renovated gymnasium an arena. A nice gym doe not an arena make. It will only seat around 1,700. Calling it an arena (let alone "The LeBron Jamed Arena"... :rofl:) makes the school look silly, forced and try-hard. It comes off as dishonest and fake to me. It continues the Akron reputation of being fake and at best pseudo. Shame on St.v/m and LeBron for making Akron look plastic.I don't even think UA should call the JAR an arena. It's a physical education complex (gymnasium) and nothing more.

Well, Akron is far from the only place where this happens. It also takes place... everywhere. When I used to travel a lot it was funny to see how many airports - like Erie - call themselves international because of short flights to Canada.

Bottom line, perception is reality. Call it an arena and most will see it as an arena.

SVSM has plenty of state championships to show how real they are anyway.

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Well, Akron is far from the only place where this happens. It also takes place... everywhere. When I used to travel a lot it was funny to see how many airports - like Erie - call themselves international because of short flights to Canada.

Bottom line, perception is reality. Call it an arena and most will see it as an arena.

SVSM has plenty of state championships to show how real they are anyway.

Why is it that stale Akronites try their best to justify stupidity claiming, "it happens everywhere"?

I guess you are right. We have the world of Earl Shibe paint jobs touted as quality, below par "public" charter schools, called "academies" and an above average high school calling its proposed new 1,700 seat gym an arena. Perception is indeed a reality in the world of used car salesmen. Some things never change in Akron and that's the problem. Hey Mrs. Smith, I have a great deal on a pig in a poke. Don't ya want to buy it?

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Why is it that stale Akronites try their best to justify stupidity claiming, "it happens everywhere"?

I guess you are right. We have the world of Earl Shibe paint jobs touted as quality, below par "public" charter schools, called "academies" and an above average high school calling its proposed new 1,700 seat gym an arena. Perception is indeed a reality in the world of used car salesmen. Some things never change in Akron and that's the problem. Hey Mrs. Smith, I have a great deal on a pig in a poke. Don't ya want to buy it?

Calm down. Explaining the way things are isn't the same as justifying it. Good lord, I've never seen someone so riled up just because of a name.

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Calm down. Explaining the way things are isn't the same as justifying it. Good lord, I've never seen someone so riled up just because of a name.

...and expecting integrity in our community in spite of the number of "state championships" isn't getting "riled up". It's more than being just about "a name". It's about honesty and taking the higher ground regardless if "everyone else" doesn't.

Minimizing integrity by "explaining the way things are" is indeed justifying the lack of integrity especially when stating that "it happens everywhere".

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...and expecting integrity in our community in spite of the number of "state championships" isn't getting "riled up". It's more than being just about "a name". It's about honesty and taking the higher ground regardless if "everyone else" doesn't.

Minimizing integrity by "explaining the way things are" is indeed justifying the lack of integrity especially when stating that "it happens everywhere".


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Calm down. Explaining the way things are isn't the same as justifying it. Good lord, I've never seen someone so riled up just because of a name.

Isn't it funny how the people that bash LeBron on this board seem to be the same people who are finding any way they can to criticize the new St. V arena?

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Good for him and good for St. Vincent/St. Mary. And, please put no more lipstick on that turd known as the JAR!

Yes, skip-zip I know what you mean about people who Bash LeBron. It's almost as funny as people who like to think in extremes :D

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Isn't it funny how the people that bash LeBron on this board seem to be the same people who are finding any way they can to criticize the new St. V arena?

Who is bashing Lebron; and I only see one person complaining about St.V

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