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Looks like Rain for Saturday


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It looks like it is going to rain all day friday and saturday in State College. I saw one forecast that said around 2 inches total. Who does this give the advantage too? It should slow down Penn State but will the Zips passing game be hurt by the weather? Remember the Army game last year was in a stead rainy and Luke did not have his best game? Do the zips line up in a 3 TE set offense and run the ball. And do so play action passes to the TE's.........Cruz, Poindexter, and Kasparik colud have a huge game....Or do the Zips stick to their normal offense plan.

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Sorry DR. Z :cry: The only reason I thought of it was because I am still drying out from that game. :D One point I forgot to mention the Miami game was before the Army game. And we know the team had their heads some place else after the loss in Oxford.

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Rain hurts us. We are a passing team, and they have a young secondary.
I disagree unless it's raining sideways. It should help the wideouts because they know where to cut and the db's will be walking on eggshells trying not to fall down. It also negates speed. Our boys have a lot of size now. I don't think we'll be giving up much in that department. They have us in depth, but i like our offensive and defensive lines.
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