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Excellent Andre Jones Story

Captain Kangaroo

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During the summer I attended a Zips practice. When all was said and done, everyone was gone...the practice field was empty...except for Andre Jones, who was still there running drills. It was all of 95 degrees. He's turned into one of the hardest workers on the team:Click for Mr. Jones (& Mrs. Jones)

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he need to share this story with all the boys that take this team as a joke on the side! Out of all these guys on the team that think the school is priveleged to have them on the team, they're wrong! If there is one person who the school should feel priveleged to have on the team, it's Jones. He's shown he wants to be here. He deserves to be here. If not for him, for Ms. Jones!

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".... so Casey can you please send out a long distance dedication to Mr Jones"kasem.gif"Well Dr Z, this one goes out to all those Zip fans that are feeling a little down this year.To Andre and his Mom I say, keep reaching for the stars"long distance dedication
I really like that. Great job Dr. Z :bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow:
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".... so Casey can you please send out a long distance dedication to Mr Jones"kasem.gif"Well Dr Z, this one goes out to all those Zip fans that are feeling a little down this year.To Andre and his Mom I say, keep reaching for the stars"long distance dedication
I really like that. Great job Dr. Z :bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow:
At your advanced age, I thought this was the only one you knew? ;)Click for Me & Mrs Jones
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At the risk of sounding like a jerk here...I had a class with this guy last semester and he sure didnt seem like the hard-working dedicated scholar pictured in this article. When he did show up to class (about 1/2 of the total classes) he sure as heck wasnt prepared. i'm glad he's succeeding on the field, but that boy better plan on working a lot harder to get beyond gen ed. classes and remain scholarship and football eligible. :screwks:

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