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Akron vs. Can't Postgame Thoughts


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PLEASE do not storm the court against UB on Sunday. Why would we storm the court vs Can't as we were 8 pt favorites?That's like when Ball State stormed the court after beating BG last year. Storming the court is for when the home team is an underdog or it's a championship like game, not an early MAC battle as a heavy fav.Also, the key to the game was not letting HQ ever get going. Can't will go as far as he goes and last night he was no where to be seen.Great game by Ced and glad to see Dru snap out of his FT funk.UB should be interesting, as they have had issues on the road this year and we have them AFTER OU.

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PLEASE do not storm the court against UB on Sunday.  Why would we storm the court vs Can't as we were 8 pt favorites?
I agree with point #1. The Zips students have never stormed the JAR court. Why initiate it vs. a sorry Buffalo team?I disagree with point #2. You storm the court vs. K.e.n.t because they are our #1 rival. You storm the court vs. Ke.n.t. because the K.e.n.t students get to do it every time they beat the Zips at the MACC Center. You do it because it builds a connection between the fans and the team. You do it because we've been K.e.n.t's bitch for the past 8 years and the ship has finally turned. You do it because beating K.e.n.t is a BIG deal for the Zips program. It is a slap in the face to U of A students that they're not allowed to rush the court after such a game, while students across the nation do it every night. They're depriving the students of a great college experience...one that doesn't come along every day in Akron.You're allowed to rush the court after winning the MAC Championship at The Q (K.e.n.t. did last season). But you can't do it at the JAR? :iws: Screw the announcer...rush the court when we clinch the MAC East.
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PLEASE do not storm the court against UB on Sunday.  Why would we storm the court vs Can't as we were 8 pt favorites?
I agree with point #1. The Zips students have never stormed the JAR court. Why initiate it vs. a sorry Buffalo team?I disagree with point #2. You storm the court vs. K.e.n.t because they are our #1 rival. You storm the court vs. Ke.n.t. because the K.e.n.t students get to do it every time they beat the Zips at the MACC Center. You do it because it builds a connection between the fans and the team. You do it because we've been K.e.n.t's bitch for the past 8 years and the ship has finally turned. You do it because beating K.e.n.t is a BIG deal for the Zips program. It is a slap in the face to U of A students that they're not allowed to rush the court after such a game, while students across the nation do it every night. They're depriving the students of a great college experience...one that doesn't come along every day in Akron.You're allowed to rush the court after winning the MAC Championship at The Q (K.e.n.t. did last season). But you can't do it at the JAR? :iws: Screw the announcer...rush the court when we clinch the MAC East.
You guys are right. I just thought it would be a good idea to storm the court on Sunday to make up for the lack of post-game partying yesterday. Maybe we could do it if we win the Bracketbuster and the Ohio game. Bracketbuster is a huge win, and could possibly tip the balance in our favor for an at-large bid if we play a very tough team, and I just plain hate Ohio
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You guys are right.  I just thought it would be a good idea to storm the court on Sunday to make up for the lack of post-game partying yesterday.  Maybe we could do it if we win the Bracketbuster and the Ohio game.  Bracketbuster is a huge win, and could possibly tip the balance in our favor for an at-large bid if we play a very tough team, and I just plain hate Ohio
Speaking of Bracketbuster...how nice would it be to see the Zips rattle off the next 6 or 7 before that game and draw Butler on the deuce? Or perhaps a rematch vs. Creighton? Those are my two dream matchups for Feb 17th...A victory in either of those would be a reason to rush the court. GO ZIPS!
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zipfan, your knowledge of basketball the game, not streetball or whatever, would not qualify you to answer a question on the game for my daughters YMCA team. the real question going around the crowd last night was why is Dials the only one playing D. Was not present at the BG game but i was told he held the leagues leading scorer to 3 baskets. and the other night "his man" only scored when he had to help the lack of D on the screen and roll can't ran the whole game. i know you and sgm hate dials and are a little clueless on basketball knowledge, but get this... Dials is the best all around player we have. without question. Ced is the best offensive player and he brings us a good spirt off the bench. that is what he does and he does it well. he makes way too many mistakes like turn the ball over and missing the open man and taking bad shots. along with playing par D. Dials goes 4-6 (dont quote me on that) and you are bashing him like he was trash. and he hit clutch shots the other night. not to mention playing the best D on the team (with a key strip and the end of the game). get him more shots and he is at about 15 a game. easy. Just like Ced is playing his role, Dials is playing his unselfishly. He isnt concerned with just scoring. And if he was we would have a problem with egos with his ability, dru, ced, rome, and wood. i am thankful he takes a backseat a little bit in the scoring column. although i think we would be better if KD would get him involved in the offense like he said a few weeks ago. just because you dont see Dials not giving 20pt games doesnt mean he isnt doing what is needed for this team to win. That is exactly what he is doing.

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Congrats on beating those damn Golden flushes. It's ncie to see them LOSE TO EVERY SINGLE TEAM IN NORTHEAST OHIO!!!The other battle for NE Ohio is Saturday in Youngstown. The game will broadcasted LIVE on SPORTSTIME OHIO. YSU vs. CSU.Granted Akron is far better than each, but expect a big crowd for this one, we are honoring our Football Team.. And you guys know how big football is here!

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Some miscellaneous comments, some in response to earlier comments and some new:1) Complaining about the referees to me is bush league. There is NOT a conspiracy out there to give Akron the shaft. I agree that there were some ticky tack fouls called on the Zips but there were also some called on Can't. Anyone who has ever actually played the game knows that you have play through the bad calls.2) I agree tha the JAR was rocking at times, but I also thought it was very quiet way too often. The crowd was loud when Akron went on runs rather than the other way around. It was rocking at the end though. A sold out, loud crowd, capped off with a win over Can't State--it doesn't get any better than that.3) I agree Can't probably got tired in the second half, likely because they were playing such aggressive defense in the first half. They were guarding very tight and I thought very well, but they just couldn't maintain it. When they got tired, the game got away from them.4) I think Can't probably played the best game they could and we still beat them by 10. That's a pretty good sign.5) I think the reason that the Can't portion of the crowd was so quiet was because it was amazingly small--pathetic even. What was there, maybe 150 Can't fans in the crowd? I don't even recall seeing the cheerleaders or the mascot.6) I didn't think Romeo started slow, as implied earlier. I thought he played hard from the start, which was nice to see.7) What suprised me most of all was how early Can't just gave up. They were down by maybe 11 with still 3 minutes to play and they just folded.

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zipfan, your knowledge of basketball the game, not streetball or whatever, would not qualify you to answer a question on the game for my daughters YMCA team. the real question going around the crowd last night was why is Dials the only one playing D. Was not present at the BG game but i was told he held the leagues leading scorer to 3 baskets. and the other night "his man" only scored when he had to help the lack of D on the screen and roll can't ran the whole game. i know you and sgm hate dials and are a little clueless on basketball knowledge, but get this... Dials is the best all around player we have. without question. Ced is the best offensive player and he brings us a good spirt off the bench. that is what he does and he does it well. he makes way too many mistakes like turn the ball over and missing the open man and taking bad shots. along with playing par D. Dials goes 4-6 (dont quote me on that) and you are bashing him like he was trash. and he hit clutch shots the other night. not to mention playing the best D on the team (with a key strip and the end of the game). get him more shots and he is at about 15 a game. easy. Just like Ced is playing his role, Dials is playing his unselfishly. He isnt concerned with just scoring. And if he was we would have a problem with egos with his ability, dru, ced, rome, and wood. i am thankful he takes a backseat a little bit in the scoring column. although i think we would be better if KD would get him involved in the offense like he said a few weeks ago. just because you dont see Dials not giving 20pt games doesnt mean he isnt doing what is needed for this team to win. That is exactly what he is doing.
Hoopla, Nice post. I agree that Dials is a very good defensive player. All KD wants is for the guys to play at full speed the whole time they are on the floor. Cedric is a great spark, but he can be careless with the ball. Did you see Dru yelling at Ced on Wed. for not coming back for the ball?
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listen, you guys are not using any basketball sense. why would you want to replace the one guy (well besides dru at times) that controls the game and pace? he knows the game and plays it the right way. case in point when at the end of the first half he stole the ball but didnt rush down the floor on a break. he noticed the shot clock being out and slowed it up for the last shot. or when he makes the extra pass (he was responsible for 3 of ceds 3s the other night) to a wide open teammate instead of forcing one up. and he is the only one that i see making a consistant effort to get the ball to our horses in the post. Dials makes basketball plays that wins basketball games. that is why he is the best guard we have. not because he can jump out of the gym or beat anyone in the league in a 40. he is a basketball talent. on another note, you want your best lineup as a starting group. traditionally that is. and our best lineup i would say is Dru, Dials, Ced, Milum, Travis. that seemed to be the linup that KD trusted at the end of the game (last 4 min). Linhart was in there too but you cant have him in there at first to avoid matchup problems. We need Milum in there anyways so we could get at least one tip at the games beginning. you think that razor knows what he is talking about when it comes to sports? you should know better than that after reading his articles for the football season.

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3) I agree Can't probably got tired in the second half, likely because they were playing such aggressive defense in the first half. They were guarding very tight and I thought very well, but they just couldn't maintain it. When they got tired, the game got away from them.
I bet the OT win against OU the Sunday before probably contributed to that too.
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