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CBS Sportsline says Good Bye KD!


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CBS Sportsline is well known as a joke. It took them almost 4 months to figure out the Barbaro message board story. It is garbage stories like that one that lead to rumors of coaches leaving. I guarantee they haven't even talked to Dambrot, other wise they would have had a *gasp* quote from KD. Poor writing and speculation. Thats what you get from CBS Sportsline.

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Journalistically, this article is a piece of crap.No attribution...No on-the-record-source....just speculation.I would be blown away if Coacher goes anywhere.He has said over and over he wants to be here for the rest of his career.I take him at his word. I consider him a person of integrity. He's a Zip. His Mom was a psyc professor here...this is home.He is NOT going anywhere.

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