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Letter To Coach Dambrot, Coaches & Team.

Zip Watcher

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Coach Dambrot, Akron Zips players & coaches:Just over 3 years ago, on March 10, 2004 a new era in the men's basketball program began as you were named Head Coach of the Zips. On that day, you promised us a few things and gave us an idea of your plans for the program: -You promised the Zips would play harder than their opponents -You promised the Zips would play together as a team -You promised the Zips would play an entertaining brand of basketball -You promised that you, your staff & team would do it the right wayRegarding your goals for the program, you indicated it is your intent to make the Akron Zips one of the best teams in Ohio, able to to compete with anyone on the national level.You'd like the program to outgrow the JAR.You want to take this program where it belongs, and where coach Webb took the Zips: national prominence & success.In three seasons, you & the Zips players have now: - Won 19, 23 and now 26 games (building from 13 in 2003-04 - Tied the all-time UA mark for wins (any level) at 26 - Advanced further each year in the conference tournament - Notched UA's first ever DI national postseason tournament win - Established consistency and growth on the court and in the classroomThe events of the past week have put the entire ZipsNation through a rollercoaster of pride, excitment, anticipation, shock, anger, frustation, disappointment, and among other things, depression. We've seen your interviews, read your quotes and we KNOW you've felt the same thing. You're as much a Zips fan as all of us.We, the undersigned members of ZipsNation.Org would like to make a few things perfectly clear to you, the team and all: - We as individuals and as a group are extremely proud of the results this season - We too are disappointed for Dru & Romeo not getting to play more games - Doug Penno's clutch shot on Saturday does not diminish your season in any way - We all clearly see the progress made toward your goals for the program - We eagerly await the next season, and climbing a rung or two further upUltimately: We know that you are being true to your words of 10 March 2004. We see it, we know it, our community & university have benefited from it.We also understand that you are frustrated with the lack of a postseason invitation this season. We are ALL frustrated and disappointed for the team (in no way BY the team). But as fans, we must not let these emotions reduce our passion & dedication to the Zips hoops program. And we will NOT.We hope and pray that this recent frustration does not diminish your desire or deter your will to accomplish the goals you established for the program. You are exceeding expectations. The team is raising the bar each night out. The community is behind all of you. We respectfully hope that these recent events serve to steele the resolve of the Zips to put distance between themselves and the rest of the conference and the rest of the teams in the state. Now is the time for all of us, team and supporters alike to look away from the disbelief of Sunday night and toward the success and accomplishments that await the team in 2007-08 and beyond.What can Zips fans do to help the cause? While the Nation will certainly do its best to be receptive of any and all requests the team / coaches may (and are free to) make, we the members of ZipsNation.Org and boosters of the Zips Hoops programs do herby pledge:1. We will bring more people. To fill the seats. To increase your advantage in the JAR. To restrict the number of visitor's fans at key games by putting Zips in the seats first. We will bring more fans to the Q next March. We will work to set conference tournament attendence records for all sesssions in which the Zips participate. Let it be known that this sleeping giant is awake .. and not going away quietly.2. We will grow Operation AK-Roadies whenever and wherever possible to make the road games feel more like the JAR.3. When at games, we will work harder to bring energy to the environment. High energy, not "NBA fan - last 5 minutes of the 4th quarter energy." Not "just while on a 10-0 run energy." Energy, enthusiasm, support.4. We will continue to support the program & team in other, indirect ways. Prepare yourselves for a full room @ the team banquet next month. We will work to gather more golfers and support for the next Zips Hoops golf outing.5. What else? You tell us. Please.Finally,If nothing else from this letter stays with you, let it be this:The fans are not going anywhere. Our resolve is strengthened. Our numbers are growing. We will continue to be here.And it is our sincere hope that you will be here too.May good fortune & health shine upon all associated w/ Zips Basketball.So say we all!! .. the undersigned, members of ZipsNation.Org ..

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Perfect.I will forward this to Coach Dambrot's e-mail. I suggest that all of you do likewise.KD's e-mail address is: lcasey@uakron.edu Don't worry, he'll see them.I would like to add my comments. I am concerned when I hear KD complain that heis frustrated. If he puts his personal feelings about this program he will NEVER havethe love and respect like Greg Campe (head coach at Oakland University). CoachCampe is a long time friend of Coach Dambrot. Greg Campe has never sold hissoul for a fistful of dollars like Bob Huggins and so many other have.No one needs millions of dollars for coaching a sport. Its ego. When a coach makes a million dollars and donates half of it back to the university, well that's a beginning.College head coaches already make larger salaries than most of us ever will.Coach, its about integrity. Its about not getting DUI's and bad press. Its aboutlove of the kids and love of the game. We love our kids. We love our coaches and we are darn proud of our teams.

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Very well thought out and said Zip Watcher. This is the kind of e-mail that I hope Coach Dambrot, staff, and team are receiving.I sent a supportive/positive e-mail 2 days ago, but it dwarfs in comparison to the sentiments you have stated here. :thumb:

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I sent a letter to him a couple of days ago as well. I can see that some of you here have already done so, and I hope many many more people are doing the same.If there is anything we have some kind of control over right now, it's letting our coach know that he has the support of the Akron basketball community.

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My kids are finally old enough to enjoy the games, so last year we started going to Zips games again. This year we made it to 14. The kids loved it, and I did too. We painted our faces (and, for the championship game, my 5-year old son's hair). We wore Z-I-P-S tee-shirts (and had to make sure we sat in the right order). I cheered myself into a sore throat several times (and I'm a pretty quiet guy). In the middle of church this past weekend, my 3-year-old daughter started a Romeo chant!We're hooked. We got a lot of joy this past year from the Zips, and we are four Zips fans who can't wait for next basketball season to start.Great job KD, and great job by all the players. Consider this signed.Go Zips!

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Coach Dambrot for Athletic Director!!!! At least he has come forward during this weird time. I have been waiting for some response from Athletics, some sort of statement but only silence.As a fan, the least they could do is come forward and thank us for all our support. Maybe they are all on vacation...

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Thanks for everything coach and team. The best news since Friday night was the interview with KD on ZipsLive tonight and he saying to all the Akron fans (his people as he so often says in postgame interviews) not to worry that he plans to finish his career here. KD made a comment when he was hired that he wanted to outgrow the JAR. That comes to fruition next season. *signed*

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