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We need new English teachers at UoA


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I wanted to pull this off the David Harvey thread. I realize this board is used primarily to discuss athletics, but we also have to be concerned about our academic reputation. The post from Zip Alum has me concerned about the staff in our English department.

Having graduated with a minor in English, one of my "pet peeves" concerning the internet is the fact that all too many people completely ignore spelling, grammer, punctuation, etc. I don't beleive that I am being anal retentive or anything, I do beleive that I am making use of the education that I received from the University of Akron. Also this post is not to call ayone names, embarrass anyone, of belittle others, but to make the point it is easier to read well written, properly spelled, gramatically correct posts.
Zip Alum - if you are going to try and make a point about spelling, GRAMMAR, and punctuation, you may want to run your post through spell-check first. Your post has 5 typos in it and is difficult to read. I will help you a bit and I don't have a minor in English...... ;) grammer = grammarAyone = anyonebeleive = believegramatically = grammatically
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A few weeks ago, someone mentioned they were waiting for something with "baited" breath and I said we should not wait for things with worms in our mouth.Just for the record....the word is "bated" as to hold back in anticipation. True story....I knew someone who used the word baited instead of bated on a college paper and the professor wrote on the paper, "Are you attempting to build a better mouth trap?" It was funny then and is still funny now.I don't think we should get too worried about writing style and mistakes on a sports web page.

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I don't think we should get too worried about writing style and mistakes on a sports web page.
Agreed. I just found it amusing. I think this is the best part...................
I do beleive that I am making use of the education that I received ...........
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When my wife and I were dating back in the early 90s, I took her to an Akron football game. She has a teaching degree from Ohio A&M so I thought it was pretty cool that the band performed script "Zips" that day. Unfortunately, the band member who had the honor of dotting the "i" dotted the "p" instead!?! :wall: To this day, my wife swears "Fiat Lux" on the University of Akron seal means "Learn to read!" :rolleyes:

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I wouldn't blame professors as much as the university's open enrollment policy.It's great to give poor high school students a shot at college, but it can make the school look bad at times. I mean, it really shouldn't be a prof's duty to teach students how to spell. That is sumthing for elementary school teachers. :iws:

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I wanted to pull this off the David Harvey thread. I realize this board is used primarily to discuss athletics, but we also have to be concerned about our academic reputation. The post from Zip Alum has me concerned about the staff in our English department.
Having graduated with a minor in English, one of my "pet peeves" concerning the internet is the fact that all too many people completely ignore spelling, grammer, punctuation, etc. I don't beleive that I am being anal retentive or anything, I do beleive that I am making use of the education that I received from the University of Akron. Also this post is not to call ayone names, embarrass anyone, of belittle others, but to make the point it is easier to read well written, properly spelled, gramatically correct posts.
Zip Alum - if you are going to try and make a point about spelling, GRAMMAR, and punctuation, you may want to run your post through spell-check first. Your post has 5 typos in it and is difficult to read. I will help you a bit and I don't have a minor in English...... ;) grammer = grammarAyone = anyonebeleive = believegramatically = grammatically
One more...not to pile on or anything.Internet is always capitalized, according to the Associated Press style book.While we're on the topic, Web site is two words with Web capitalized.
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I wouldn't blame professors as much as the university's open enrollment policy.
thats reel funny im sory i brot the whole thing up ive lernt my lesson and i will not bring sumthin like this up again i shuld know beter than to say anythin to all you intelectual and i reely didnt mean to make fun of anyone.
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