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YSU @ Akron in 2009?


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Our BCS Opponent in 2009 is NOT a Big Ten School and is will be very familiar to the folks of the Mahoning Valley according to our AD Ron Strollo. I know Akron has offered the Guins $150,000 for games in the past, but were turned down since we were getting $650k to play at the Shoe this and next year, but with no BCS opponent for 2009, we may have to resort to getting the smaller paycheck.YSU @ Akron at Infocision Field.Sounds Awesome!GuinZone.com

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Our BCS Opponent in 2009 is NOT a Big Ten School and is will be very familiar to the folks of the Mahoning Valley according to our AD Ron Strollo. I know Akron has offered the Guins $150,000 for games in the past, but were turned down since we were getting $650k to play at the Shoe this and next year, but with no BCS opponent for 2009, we may have to resort to getting the smaller paycheck.YSU @ Akron at Infocision Field.Sounds Awesome!GuinZone.com
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Our BCS Opponent in 2009 is NOT a Big Ten School and is will be very familiar to the folks of the Mahoning Valley according to our AD Ron Strollo. I know Akron has offered the Guins $150,000 for games in the past, but were turned down since we were getting $650k to play at the Shoe this and next year, but with no BCS opponent for 2009, we may have to resort to getting the smaller paycheck.YSU @ Akron at Infocision Field.Sounds Awesome!GuinZone.com
Naaah. We want real opponents.
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Okay, I'm not philosophically opposed to playing YSU. But the idea that we would play them in the very first year of the new stadium sounds like we are having trouble getting bigger name opponents. I don't see any reason why we should have to play a "1-AA" opponent in the first year, so it sounds like bad news to me.

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Our BCS Opponent in 2009 is NOT a Big Ten School and is will be very familiar to the folks of the Mahoning Valley according to our AD Ron Strollo. I know Akron has offered the Guins $150,000 for games in the past, but were turned down since we were getting $650k to play at the Shoe this and next year, but with no BCS opponent for 2009, we may have to resort to getting the smaller paycheck.YSU @ Akron at Infocision Field.Sounds Awesome!GuinZone.com
I really doubt that with the way Mack is scheduling. Alot of teams owe us return visits (Indiana, UConn, NC State[?], etc.) Heck we might have our 2009 schedule set before we have our 2008 schedule ready.
They may earn you return visits, but my money is that they will back out of coming to Akron and play and pay you guys a larger sum of dough to do just that. Can't was lucky when they got the Gophers last year, but I just do not see that happening again. There is a reason you guys have like 4 home games this year.Would love to see this game happen!!!! If you throw this years team out on the field vs. each other, it would be a fabulous game!
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I know that our 2009 schedule will have Kentucky and Indiana visiting. The other two slots, I don't know if we have confirmed opponents yet. I would not mind if it was YSU for one of them. UK and IU are not garaunteed wins. We could use at least one game a year that we are supposed to win at home and can try different players out. In football, strength of schedule does not matter as much for bowl bids.

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Kentucky, Indiana plus 4 MAC opponents equal 6 home games. Most teams (outside of crummy OSU) try for a 50/50 set up. We already have that for 2009.Also penguin breath. The reason we have 4 home games is to try and keep the wear and tear down on the Rubber Bowl. It is a rat hole. Hence the new stadium.

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I know that our 2009 schedule will have Kentucky and Indiana visiting. The other two slots, I don't know if we have confirmed opponents yet. I would not mind if it was YSU for one of them. UK and IU are not garaunteed wins. We could use at least one game a year that we are supposed to win at home and can try different players out. In football, strength of schedule does not matter as much for bowl bids.
If YSU came to Akron in 2009, that would give us 7 home games for the inaugural season. How can anyone complain about that? That would include the following guaranteed sell-outs:K.e.n.tYSUIndianaObviously the other games would draw very well too.A seven game home schedule with three guaranteed sell-outs would be a great way to open 2009!
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Say it ain't so. Scheduling this game doesn't do anything for our program except hurt it. If we win, it is no big deal because we should. If we lose, that would pretty much chase anyone out of that brand new stadium for a long time into the future. We have trouble getting fans into the seats now because they don't think the program is a major D1 player. Can you imagine the image hit we would take if we lost to a D1-AA team at home? If he schedules this game he should be fired. Anyone that wants to see that new stadium will wait and go to a high school game instead of a Zips football game.I would rather get beat by a Cincinnati type team (who is getting tough by the way), than beat a worthless D1-AA team. And to answer your other question....I doubt the game would be that fabulous if the two teams played this year. Our defense would shut you down and I sure as hell know you don't have the horses on your D that OSU does. They made our offense look way worse than it really is against "normal" opponents. Don't say you had more yards against OSU either, because the OSU coaches said after the Akron game that the went pretty much vanilla and base against YSU on D, but they brought it with Akron.

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I look at it this way...Ohio State can afford to play Y-town because they have so many other quality games on their schedule. It's been 20 years now since we played 1-AA. It's not going to do us any good to play these teams.Plus, as someone just mentioned, if our common opponent this year, Ohio State, is any comparison, it would be a real snoozer. Ohio State played against Y-town as if it was a practice game, and the game was vitually over before it began. Yet, Ohio State comes after us and struggles to even get a lead for 3 quarters.I hate to use common opponents as a measuring stick, but we even had to play Ohio State with one week of tune-up under their belt, and they had our Army game film to look at as yet another advantage, the results were still dramatically different. I just don't see this game helping us at all.

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I just don't see this game helping us at all.
It is (or, would be) a 7th home game. And it would be a sell-out.We will have a brand new stadium and you don't want to use it? I don't understand.We need to finance our stadium somehow. We need to funnel money to the new businesses surrounding the stadium. If we have the opportunity to utilize the facility, and sell the facility out, we MUST take it. It is smart business.
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Captain, I agree with you. Any sell-out home game is better than any road game. Period. I honestly think that every home game in 2009 will be a sell-out if the stadium is built on time. Why not have as many home games as possible? Some teams play 8 games at home every year. Why can't we do that one year? We're only playing 4 this year.

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And who's to say the state won't nudge us to schedule the in-state opponent like they did with OSU. If attendance improves and we're not as desperate for revenue, I (and the coaches) won't have any problem with opening the season at home against a 1aa instead of on the road in the SEC or Big Tenleven. Guin :chair: RooBTW, I see Marshall had their long-sought date w/West Va. -- that should simmer them down for a while.

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Pay attention people! in the post that started this thread, equin referred to a BCS team. Unfortunately this does not include Akron.
His post meant: YSU doesn't have a BCS ($700,000) pay-out game scheduled for 2009. Thus there might be an opening to play the Zips. While the Zips would only pay about $175,000-$200,000, it would be a bus trip for YSU and a good recruiting tool for them in Akron. If no BCS school picked up YSU for 2009, it would make a lot of sense for them to come to Akron. If they find some BCS school who'll pay them $700,000 to get mauled, they should probably take it.
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And who's to say the state won't nudge us to schedule the in-state opponent like they did with OSU.
Easy: Half of our schedule in any given year happens to be in Ohio. We play Can't, Miami, Ohio U, Bowling Green, and occasionally Toledo. Ohio State had to be nudged because for a while it was their explicit policy to not play in-state teams, and I believe that they still refuse to play on the road, but "neutral" sites are OK. I would love a law that forces all state schools in Ohio to play at least one road game at one other state school every three years. The MAC and Cincy are covered and so is YSU (I think), and that leaves just OSU.
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There's a very good reason YSU moans constantly about games against Akron... it is good for their program.There's a very good reason Akron has not scheduled YSU for so long... games against YSU offer nothing to Akron's program.I understand the Captain's point about a sell-out, and the cash that would generate. But balanced against the downsides of playing YSU, I don't think the benefit outweighs the numerous downsides.For the first few seasons anyway, the new stadium is going to draw well no matter the schedule. This town has been dying for a real college football environment, even if most of the people dying don't know that they're dying for it. (Did I really write that? Never mind.)I have nothing against Youngstown. In fact, I wish them well, but we owe them nothing. And nothing is what they ought to get from us.GO ZIPS!

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I wouldn't mind the Zips playing YSU in 2009, but I don't want it to become a habit. I think it's easier for the FCS (formerly 1-AA) teams to get up for these kind of match-ups (upper level FCS or 1-AA vs. mid to lower FBS or 1-A). If we DO schedule them, we had BETTER win the game. I'm not sure who I hate losing to more, Can't or YSU. It's pretty close either way.

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I think we should play them once, take backe the steel tire, and just send them on there way and hope the quit cryingzippy> :nutkick: <over weight bird
That thing is so ugly, they can keep it.The economies of both cities have changed.If they win, we can give them a polymer molecule.If we win, they'll give us an unemployment check. :D
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