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Zips vs. Can't State

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Yippee! I'm kinda glad I never even woke up to listen to this one until AFTER it was over. Can anyone fill me in as to what happened at the end of the game? All I'm able to gather from either message board is that both teams have no class. Also, it seems as if Can't made adjustments at halftime to take J-Wood and Dials out of the game and we did nothing to counter it. Was there a real turning point? All I got from ESPN's play by play call is that we were leading at halftime and blew it in the 2nd half. The only stats that really jump out at me is that Can't had 11 steals to our 4 and while we were both about the same percentage-wise from the 3 point line, we shot about 17 more threes than Can't did.Also, the ESPN Play by Play page says there were NO technicals. I heard a little bit of Frenchie's post game when I woke up and he said there was a double technical?

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Hard to tell exactly what happened at the end. I do know this. McNees fouled Quantence (or whatever the heck his name is) across the arms, and Quantence threw his arms up as if to say "get off me." It then went down into the corner and it was hard to see after that b/c of the fans standing up. It looked like Quade came in and either threw an elbow or pushed someone, which is why he got tee'd up. TWC had two views, from the half court cam, which was hard to see, and then one from the floor, but that was pretty inconclusive, too.Basically, in a nutshell, Quantance started it by arms his hands, and the Quade, in my opinion (and I am an Akron fan) took it to another level and was lucky that he wasn't thrown out, and thus, would have had to miss the C Mich game on Saturday.According to Can't's website, each team had one technical foul.

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The only people we should blame is ourselves for letting a 10 point lead slip. And if you ask me, I think we are just as big as "Thugs" as Can't because we started the fight that lead to the technical and I was at the game and I saw a zips fan go behind the Can't bench and try to start a fight and got thrown out. I'm embarrassed how we played and acted.Also on another note, who ever starts poking fun at the guy from Can't's elite eight team that was in the news paper for alleged rape charges needs to shut the hell up, that makes us look like shit. I give Can't some props for taking down his jersey banner before the game.Lick our wounds, get back in it.

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Alright I've been home for a while and will try to give an unbiased account of what I saw.NcNees fouls Q in the corner, Q shoves Mcnees hard at the end of the foul (Technical Foul). Milum shoves (Technical Foul) Q away from McNees, which excalates the whole thing. The Can't students begin throwing whatever they have at the Akron players, including towels, water/soda bottles, coins, and other things. One elderly Can't fan in the front row across from the students got hit right in the face with what looked like a full bottle of water (Lawsuit). She received medical attention in her seat. Can't fans can say Akron has no class as much as they want, but their behavior was completely unacceptable. Every cheer they have includes a work that begins with F and ends in CK. Throwing things at the opposing team, and in the process, drilling your own fans (classless, and no accuracy).It's fine to love your school and team, but when you start endangering the safety of the opposing team and their/YOUR fans, that's just pathetic. If the tables were turned and the AKRowdies had done this, I'd be equally ashamed, probably more.As for the officiating, I had a bad feeling what happened was coming after halftime. Akron couldn't look at a Can't State player the wrong way without getting a foul. It's hard to then play defense for fear of racking up even more fouls. The refs were BAD both ways, however. The game had zero flow because of it. It'll be interesting to see how the media reacts to the Can't fan's behavior. Will they ignore it, briefly mention it, or actually shed light on what happened. My guess is the first one...It'll also be interesting to see the Can't Athletic Department's reaction. Lord knows they need to do something, tonight was a PR disaster (students hitting the elderly with bottles).

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I can clear some things up....I watched the entire game.At the end, McNees fouled Ham-n-Cheese. He then pushed McNees as if he was fouled hard. And it WAS NOT a hard foul. At that point, Quade Milum jumped in and bumped his chest against Ham-n-Cheese. Then, it got out of hand. One loser Can't player even had to be restrained by the neck by the refs. We really never got a great look at the melee as the tv coverage was AWFUL. But I can tell you that our guys were being very calm, and were trying to separate people, and it seemed as if the Can't State thugs were trying to get into the middle of it. Not surprised. It ended up being called as a double technical on Quade and Ham-n-Cheese. After the game ended....According to French and Joe Dunn.....Ham-n-Cheese was TOTALLY CLASSLESS. I guess getting your butt kicked for 4 straight games make a THUG like him act this way. I don't know.Here's some other game observations....1) Obviously, we can't turn the ball over 23 times.2) We need Ced, and he is not producing offensively.3) They are more athletic than us (as KD admits) and made some great plays around the basket, and got some key steals in the 2nd half. Hats off to them. 4) They shot twice as many free throws as we did. Draw your own conclusion there. 5) In my opinion, when the refs let the game get physical in the 2nd half, WE got called for fouls, and they got a lot of "NO CALLS" as they went after our guys. As always, another typical night for MAC refs.

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The only people we should blame is ourselves for letting a 10 point lead slip. And if you ask me, I think we are just as big as "Thugs" as Can't because we started the fight that lead to the technical and I was at the game and I saw a zips fan go behind the Can't bench and try to start a fight and got thrown out. I'm embarrassed how we played and acted.Also on another note, who ever starts poking fun at the guy from Can't's elite eight team that was in the news paper for alleged rape charges needs to shut the hell up, that makes us look like shit. I give Can't some props for taking down his jersey banner before the game.Lick our wounds, get back in it.
Really? What side are you on? Should Quade have jumped in there? Probably not, but all he sees is his 6' guard being shoved by 6'10" K-e-n-t center. Quade is defending his teammate (probably not his place, but i digress...). Players will always stand up for their teammates in that situation...right or wrong. And the Flush fans tossing stuff onto the court, at zips fans, and at fellow flush fans...ABSOLUTELY INEXCUSABLE. Top it of with that same P.O.S. center sticking his tongue out and talking s**t during post game handshakes...give me a break. Yeah, we deserved to lose this game. We couldnt adjust in the second half, but DO NOT make excuses for that BS. I wont say everyone, but the vast majority of those involved with that school lack any sort of class. That's those both on and off the court. Don't forget last year where the only chant their students could get together was "F**K YOU, AKRON clap clap, clap-clap-clap." We'll get em march 9th....to clinch the 1 spot.
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P1010008.JPGTwo Rowdies make it to the floor wearing Can't T-shirts and get Can't students, including three dressed as Teletubbies (what's with THAT?!?), to help them unfurl a sign directed at the Rowdies. Turns out the sign said "WE SUCK!" and the joke was once again on the dumba$$ Can't students ... Can't read, Can't write, Can't get-a-frickin'-CLUE!Truly priceless. There are better pics floating around out there but I thought I'd post mine. A few more to follow if this one works. Way to go Rowdies. Worth the price of admission.Here's one of a pissed-off Teletubby (this guy has two fingers that I know of - the middle finger on each hand - proof to follow) throwing the balled-up sign back towards the Rowdies in the upper level ...P1010009.JPGThe proof that I promised of a class-less Teletubby Can't fan showing us his two fingers ...P1010011.JPGThe best for last ... the two Rowdies who masqueraded as Can't students and got the Can't students to help proclaim to all: "WE SUCK!" Job well done boys! Willie and the rest of the Rowdies obviously TOTALLY approve!P1010012.JPGSorry for the poor-quality pics. Figured our smaller digital camera would be easier to carry and that was a mistake. Should have taken the newer one. Oh well ... hopefully some of the Rowdies who were snapping away will post a few. Sure wish Akron would have played a better game and given us the win. Way too many turnovers did us in.
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Barely anything was thrown the TV and Radio made it seem worse than it was.An older man threw something, no students.I'm sure we never use bad words either LOL
What game were you at?Many students were throwing things...seriously...how could you miss that???And we use bad words, just not in chants, and certainly not while an elderly woman is being treated with injuries due to a bottle thrown by a student. C-L-A-S-S-L-E-S-S
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I'll give props to Christian for yelling at the fans. As much as I hate Can't, their coach has a good head on his shoulders and seems like a stand-up guy.Let's run a quick parallel universe scenario. Say Milum, instead of throwing punches, pulls Akron players out of the fracas. Ham-N-Cheese makes his one of 2 free throws. Akron is now down by 5 points with 2 foul shots and the ball. Dials sinks both foul shots, and we now have 5 seconds to hit a 3 to send it to overtime. It's all wishful thinking...the way we played, we probably would have either missed the 3 or lost in OT.In Quade's shoes, I don't know what I would have done, but I was surprised he lost it like he did. He's never shown any tendencies like that before. I'd like to leave the thuggery to Can't State, but unfortunately, we were just as guilty tonight.

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I would've liked to see him back off...but if you have ever played a sport, you gotta stick up for your teammate. Either way, McNeese got a punch thrown at him or pushed or something, and I think it was better Milum stepping in than McNees (6'2"? generously...) against Q (6'10"). That could've been ugly. Face it, even if none of our players reacted, it still would've taken a miracle to pull it off. I just don't think it was smart to piss off the team that you just beat. Because now they have to come to OUR house against a team and its fan who are PISSED at that Kant team. I have a feeling we're gonna give it to them much like we did Miami. My two cents.

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As KD said in his radio interview, Quade was probably wrong, but was doing what he felt he needed to do in the heat of the moment. It's not as if he went in there and slugged someone. He was just letting him know "hey Ham-n-Cheese...don't go shoving our guys". I'm not really upset about that. Zippysgotagun...I like your scenario. But, I am not sure if ham-n-cheese would have gotten a techincal if that whole thing had not escalated.I still want to know who the THUG was from Can't who had to get restrained by the neck by the ref. From what I could see, Can't players were all jumping in, and Akron guys were being calm and trying to separate everyone. Which is about what I expect, considering the history of Can't and Akron athletes. akronzip12345....if Quade stepped on someone's ankle, it had to have happened when the thugs from Can't started fighting.....because....when he bumped chests with ham-n-cheese, he was FAR AWAY from any fans.

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I'll agree that it was more than likely a heat of the moment deal, but I'd like to see better heads on our players every now and again.For the record, I think both teams were guilty on the court, but I don't think I have ever heard an AK-Rowdy chant that contained "Fuck you (insert opposing player here)." That is inexcusable, and the day I hear a chant like that at the JAR is the day that I quit attending all Akron Athletics. There are plenty of ways to heckle opposing teams and fans without chanting profanity in unison. I can even handle a "Bullshit" chant about refs, but directing a F*** you at opposing players is ridiculous. I think our fans conducted themselves pretty well under the circumstances, and I can't wait to see what the Rowdies have planned for March 9. I just hope we don't stoop to the flushes' level.**EDIT**Skip Zip, the ref had already indicated the Tech on "Q" when Milum jumped in. (At least, I'm 90% certain he did...I might be wrong.)

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Agreed Zippysgotagun, I'd be 10x more upset if the Akron students acted that way. I was in with the Rowdies tonight and only remember one "Bullsh*t" chant. I don't much care for that, let alone the filth the kids dressed in piss colored shirts were using.

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Well it was something alright. A couple things I found funny...1) Cant's coach yelled at the students cause theyre dumbshits...see even he knows all the fucktards go to Can't State...2) Quade owned some fan haha...may not be by funny to others, but not much else to go on tonight. Truth of the matter is, I feel for McNees. He had that one game where he went 6-6 behind the arc, and after that game our expectations of his play went higher. Which is understandable, even I expected him to perform more after that, figured maybe that was his coming-out-of-the-shell game. But the truth, he's still young, and for him to be needed to step up in a big game like this....that's tough. His game probably isn't at that level. I'm not dissing ya Steve I have nothing but love for all the Zips, but he's still kind of a young kid. It's become apparent that from night to night we never know who is gonna step up, it's always someone different. While that's exciting, it's not good. It's almost like we depend on it. When Dials isn't on, someone else needs to step up...when J-Wood isn't on then were fucked. We don't have that somebody that we can count on yet night to night. Now don't get me wrong, a lot of guys stepped up the first half, but the second half was the like the first half of another game. We had to refind what worked, partly because those schmucks made adjustments. It's tough to watch, because we expect a lot out of these guys, but a lot of it is some just don't have that instinct yet, or the mindset of "shake it off, forget it, and move on". When we self destructed a little in the second half, we couldn't get calm and gain composure, some instinctively freaked out a little. Minus Dials trying to calm people down, some of the others were at a loss of what to do now. I want so much out of them, but as I recall on the events I remind myself theyre still young and learning. Now onto other parts of the game...WHAT IN THE HELL WERE THOSE REFFS DOING?!?!?!?! Dude there were better reffs when I played city league basketball as a kid. I mean our guys were getting mauled, we applied the same pressure and then we got called. Blamings the reffs is controversial, but after what happened with the NBA stuff you can't rule out college anymore either...we have no clue if that shit goes on in college. But i do know what I saw, which was a bunch of shit. Lastly, that assistant coach...tall guy with glasses...I like him he went out there after the fight and was talking to reff...obviously couldnt hera him but it looked like "Hey what the fuck man"...hes cool

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As KD said in his radio interview, Quade was probably wrong, but was doing what he felt he needed to do in the heat of the moment. It's not as if he went in there and slugged someone. He was just letting him know "hey Ham-n-Cheese...don't go shoving our guys". I'm not really upset about that. Zippysgotagun...I like your scenario. But, I am not sure if ham-n-cheese would have gotten a techincal if that whole thing had not escalated.I still want to know who the THUG was from Can't who had to get restrained by the neck by the ref. From what I could see, Can't players were all jumping in, and Akron guys were being calm and trying to separate everyone. Which is about what I expect, considering the history of Can't and Akron athletes. akronzip12345....if Quade stepped on someone's ankle, it had to have happened when the thugs from Can't started fighting.....because....when he bumped chests with ham-n-cheese, he was FAR AWAY from any fans.
The thug from Can't who had to be restrained by the ref was #11 Jordan Mincy who had to be restrained from attacking Dials. There's a picture of it up on ESPN and the caption gives his name. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncb/photos?photo...ameId=280232309
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