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UA Traditions


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Hey Fleming can you honestly say you respect the band what-so-ever? Na i didnt think so. You say i need a midol? Fine maybe i do but im finally tired of the band getting shit on so sorry for flying off the handle about something i feel strongly about.
Dude, chill out. As a musician myself, I can respect the band so how about you think about what you are going to say before you fly off the handle like a little kid. Jeff Hardy wouldn't be too pleased with how you are acting.
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Good topic, too bad someone had to ruin it. I for one am just as frustrated at the Akron fan base and their tendencies. It's easier to cheer for a team that wins all the time than have to answer why your team lost. IMO, that is the root of our issues. Start winning, and then things will change. As for the band, I have a lot of respect for those kids, they are out there every home game, in the good and bad weather and are usually the last ones in the stands.I for one am NOT going to have some Punk @$$ kid come in here and preach to me about the way things are done at Akron. There are MANY people on this board who were going to games when you were still crapping in your diaper, and they will still be going into game 5 years from now when the Zips are the last thing on your mind. There are people who post on this board who go to EVERY AKRON GAME, no matter where it is. Did you go to all the away games when you were in the band? Do you go to all the games now? I don't care if someone taught you the fight song. Some of us had to learn it before it was posted on the Internet for everyone to look up! You have issues dude!

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Sorry band dudes... you have no more claim to University traditions than any other Alum so relax. The official fight song can be found at UAkron.edu under the Athletics tab (not the Band site).As for the Band, I love the sound and dedication. Uniforms aren't bad either. Would love to see more drum and bugle corps in the pre-game parking lot. I would also like to see a better entrance into the new stadium. I don't like the milling around outside of the Rubber Bowl before the big entrance. The band should march in like a formittable army of soldiers. The old Director that recently passed away made the Band take on a Big Ten look (no not script Zip). I miss that.A couple of years ago I was at an OSU game, with my Big Ten family, and we stayed to watch the post game with about 10,000 others. As we we were leaving, courtesy moved us up against a wall as the OSU Band marched by only to the drums in a tight military formation to a full stop right in front of us. It was chilling. Again, Ohio's Pride isn't too shabby either, but some exciting game day traditions, other than the fine job of marching in while playing our fight song, would be nice.In 2009, I'd like to hear the band approaching the Stadium, marching only to drums from seemingly far off at the Stiles field house, with a pause at the Stadium entrance, in formation, and then enter the field to the 'Blue and Gold'. The post game exit could be the same, drums only, to the field house.

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Thanks zipseuph for the words to "Win for Akron"...You would think the lyrics would be written somewhere.As for the logo, I guess it will always be a matter of opinion...the "A head" looks much better TO ME than any other logo UA has ever had. I definitely prefer the true gold & blue as opposed to the yellow when I was a student.As far as the words to UA's fight song, it's nothing to get so worked up over. Not that it matters, but even the dreaded school in our state capital has issues with the words to it's fight song...I think I've seen at least 5 versions of "Across the Field" or "Fight the Team" or "Fight the Team Across the Field", or whatever it is officially entitled. My high school may have been small, but thank goodness it had its own original fight song rather than duplicating that one as numerous Ohio high schools do.

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I think it would be great for the Band to have a "Parade Route" prior to the games on the way to the stadium. At UofM, they march down the street towards the stadium and everyone lines up as the band goes by. I do have to say that the band marching into Ohio Stadium earlier this year was simply AMAZING! Here is what I envision for InfoCision. The band breaks into two groups well before the game. One group goes to the South Residence Hall Quad and the other Stages at Martin Fountain. They start playing the fight song, etc. to get the students out of their beds. The group from the south quad marches with students in tow towards the center of Campus where the two groups meet. The band then puts on a small pep rally for the students from the steps with John R. Buchtel overseeing the whole thing. This mass of students then moves East along Buchtel Common through the heart of Campus and down Union Street towards the Stadium. Immediately outside the front of the stadium they stop and play again for the mass of fans that is now gathering. They enter the stadium through the NW corner. I think the Parade thing MUST be done. Hell, I'll even stop tailgating early so I can follow the band on their route! Man, I'm getting pumped just thinking about it. When was the last time Akron had 35,000 people packed into the city for an event? Akron is gonna be rockin' like May Day in the early 90's come Sept. 19 2009! :rock:

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Regarding the correct words for the fight song - the band sings the old version where as the UofA promotes the newer version. "Zzzip! Zip go the Zippers" and saying "Akron U" is the older version. "Zzzip! Zip go the Zips" and saying "Akron true" is the newer, maybe politically correct (?), version. Saying one is right and one is wrong is much more confusing, however. I attended the university's 8th annual Akron Traditions where they welcomed new students at EJ Thomas Hall in August 2007, and in the program that was handed out they included the words to the The Akron Blue and Gold, Win for Akron and The Alma Mater. Interestingly enough, they used the older version of The Akron Blue and Gold that the band sings. So really, which one does the UofA want us to sing?? Personally, I like the timing better with the version the band sings, and obviously, I'm only here for the band, so that's the way I always sing it. No matter which way you prefer, it's all about singing from the top of the lungs like you mean it everytime it's played!!!

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I love the idea of a parade! I'm probably not gonna march again until 2009 myself (need some time to watch the games from a not so solber point of view :D )zipsriflelove your ideas but spliting the band in two halfs has one big problem in that we wouldn't have enough drumline to go around, but this still isn't an impossible or bad idea. it would be awsome if we could somehow sink up the two bands so that they are doing the exact same thing when they meet up in center campus can you imagine the two bands coming together from far off at the same time with the drumline at the exact same spot in the cadence!?!? that would be impossible to pull off but would still be cool.I agree with the point of the band not "milling" around outside the gates before pregame. I never liked it when we were doing it.I would love to see one new tradition happen (not band related) THE AK-RODIES NEED BEANIES!! you know like the one that zippy wears. I think it would be funny. one of those ideas thats just so bad it might be good.

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I think that since the following things are true, a new tradition should be to fly a mini-blimp over the new stadium every home opener1) we have a great engineering program2) we have the polymer program3) goodyear chose to build their new HQ in akronSo, every year, I think it would be a kewl to have project to build a new dirigible among the polymer and engineering students... perhaps they could attempt nifty stuff like solar power...

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I think the Parade thing MUST be done. Hell, I'll even stop tailgating early so I can follow the band on their route! Man, I'm getting pumped just thinking about it. When was the last time Akron had 35,000 people packed into the city for an event? Akron is gonna be rockin' like May Day in the early 90's come Sept. 19 2009! :rock:
Dude! You're giving me goose bumps just reading this!!! I'm so pumped for The Info to open RIGHT NOW!!!
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Speaking of traditions what ever happened to the annual Acme-Zip game? I used to really enjoy those. Skydivers delivering the game ball, Zippy led childrens parade, great UA marching band show at halftime, and fireworks after the game.http://www.uakron.edu/news/articles/uamain_29.php
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$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$When the community stopped supporting the game, Acme stopped underwriting the event. They tried to continue it with Giant Eagle sponsoring the game and tickets but that was unsuccessful.They might be a local company but it is still big business and when the costs outweigh the benefits, you cut your loses.

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$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$When the community stopped supporting the game, Acme stopped underwriting the event. They tried to continue it with Giant Eagle sponsoring the game and tickets but that was unsuccessful.They might be a local company but it is still big business and when the costs outweigh the benefits, you cut your loses.
I don't think that's entirely accurate. Acme was a force in the area from the early 1900's through the late 80's. Then competition rolled into town (Giant Eagle, Finast, etc) and Acme struggled. They're at least half the overall size they were 2 decades ago...probably a lot less.Acme cut their game sponsorship dollars heavily because they were watching their bottom line at the time. Giant Eagle out-bid them for the game sponsorship (which didn't take a whole heck of a lot).Other contributing factors (to the once-festive day's decay):Lazy UA promotions people who figured putting a schedule on a grocery bag was enough to sell out the Rubber Bowl Many bad teamsNo doors on the Rubber Bowl stalls
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Well, there are two major business presences in Akron that could sponsor a new thing like Acme did in the past. Goodyear and Summa. Goodyear is reportedly on a rocky standing with UA at the moment but Summa just made a major donation towards the stadium and would be an ideal candidate. They employ massive amounts of people in the area and are apparently on pretty good terms with UA athletics since they got to name our football field after them.

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I think the Parade thing MUST be done. Hell, I'll even stop tailgating early so I can follow the band on their route! Man, I'm getting pumped just thinking about it. When was the last time Akron had 35,000 people packed into the city for an event? Akron is gonna be rockin' like May Day in the early 90's come Sept. 19 2009! :rock:
Dude! You're giving me goose bumps just reading this!!! I'm so pumped for The Info to open RIGHT NOW!!!
Dang, now I'm thinking we should start this fall with a parade / pep rally on campus outside of InfoCision on Friday night or on Saturday morning before the band heads out to the RB. It would be cool to do even before the stadium is finished to start building the anticipation amongst the students and fans prior to the 2009 opening. It would also be a chance to experiment with different formats before settling on something long-term. In fact I think we should try some different ideas just to see what people like the best and see what sticks. Some type of blimp cruising high over the campus on game day would be great for drawing attention to the games. If it could carry a signboard there would also be adverti$ing/revenue possibilities.
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think that since the following things are true, a new tradition should be to fly a mini-blimp over the new stadium every home opener1) we have a great engineering program2) we have the polymer program3) goodyear chose to build their new HQ in akronSo, every year, I think it would be a kewl to have project to build a new dirigible among the polymer and engineering students... perhaps they could attempt nifty stuff like solar power...
I agree that there should be some type of student involvement. The blimp is a good idea. In fact, for Homecoming it would be cool if there was some type of contest by the students. In Houghton, Mi at Michigan Tech, they have Winter Carnival. Each Frat House, student organization, etc. makes huge ice sculptures and there is a big party. It is THE event of the year. I could see something like this for Homecoming, that would be cool.
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I think that since the following things are true, a new tradition should be to fly a mini-blimp over the new stadium every home opener1) we have a great engineering program2) we have the polymer program3) goodyear chose to build their new HQ in akronSo, every year, I think it would be a kewl to have project to build a new dirigible among the polymer and engineering students... perhaps they could attempt nifty stuff like solar power...
Good idea. I would like to add to it.They could name the dirigible the Hindenburg, float it with hydorgen in lieu of helium and after Zips wins they could have a post game bonfire over Kathryn Place by setting it on fire (Everything else has been set on fire on Kathryn Place, why not a blimp?). Talk about something that would bring nostalgia and connect the alumni to their days at UofA!A contest could happen each time awarding $500 to the best rendition of the phrase, "Oh the humanity".Just some random thoughts....feel free to add your own.
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I think that since the following things are true, a new tradition should be to fly a mini-blimp over the new stadium every home opener1) we have a great engineering program2) we have the polymer program3) goodyear chose to build their new HQ in akronSo, every year, I think it would be a kewl to have project to build a new dirigible among the polymer and engineering students... perhaps they could attempt nifty stuff like solar power...
Good idea. I would like to add to it.They could name the dirigible the Hindenburg, float it with hydorgen in lieu of helium and after Zips wins they could have a post game bonfire over Kathryn Place by setting it on fire (Everything else has been set on fire on Kathryn Place, why not a blimp?). Talk about something that would bring nostalgia and connect the alumni to their days at UofA!A contest could happen each time awarding $500 to the best rendition of the phrase, "Oh the humanity".Just some random thoughts....feel free to add your own.
Nice! Maybe they could have a contest to shoot it down instead? One shot for a dollar and 6 shots for a fin, all proceeds going to the general scholarship fund of course. They could name it, Which Zip can Zap the Zep?". Rifle team members, past and present, would NOT be eligible.
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A couple of last comments on our Band traditions:1) Our celebration song, Zip-pitty-do-da, is a good play on our name. I hate to admit it, but I like Can't's celebration song of 'In Heaven there is no beer, that's why we drink it here' It really gets their student body in a frenzy. Can we add another celebration song to our inventory - don't get rid of Zip-pitty-do-da because it has it's place, but we need a party song.2) Our call to arms song (not the punk rock band) - Eat-em-up-Zips is good, OSU's hang-on-sloopy is real good. Can we add anything else (something along a military line)? 3) This year, why not begin the Band's tradition of gathering away from the stadium (Rubber bowl this year - meet at Derby Downs) and marching to the gate, with drums only. Then, stay in formation, get your announcement, enter onto the field and play 'Blue and Gold'.4) Do we have to prance onto the field? - I don't remember the Band doing this 20 years ago. If everyone likes it OK, but I'm not real big on it.5) Flag people - I like that people get involved in the University, but I don't think flag twirlers add anything to the Band performance - maybe they should just border the sidelines when the Band is performing and be on the field when the team enters. 5) Keep the post game brief with an uplifting song if we lose and 'Blue and Gold' or 'Win For Akron' if we win, and then march back in formation to the staging area (away from the stadium), drums only. Massillon used to play a post game song at the end of a home loss tiltled something like 'Massillon Will Win Again' then they marched off to silence except for drum sticks clicking on the side of their drums. Impressive.Lastly, I have to make amends for giving Can't credit for a great celebration song. The worst band performance of all time at the Rubber Bowl was Can't State's at the Frozen Turkey Bowl in 2005. I heard a horn play every now and then during their performance and they we slipping all over the field. We did much better that day and looked great at the Motor City Bowl!

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1) Our celebration song Zip-pitty-do-da is a good play on our name. I hate to admit it, but I like Can't's celebration song of 'In Heaven there is no beer, that's why we drink it here' It really gets their student body in a frenzy. Can we add another celebration song to our inventory - don't get rid of Zip-pitty-do-da because it has it's place, but we need a party song.2) Our call to arms song (not the punk rock band) - Eat-em-up-Zips is good, OSU's hang-on-sloopy is real good. Can we add anything else (something along a military line)? 3) This year, why not begin the Band's tradition of gathering away from the stadium (Rubber bowl this year - meet at Derby Downs) and marching to the gate, with drums only. Then, stay in formation, get your announcement and enter the field and play 'Blue and Gold'.4) Do we have to prance onto the field? - I don't remember the Band doing this 20 years ago. If everyone likes it OK, but I'm not real big on it.5) Flag people - I like that get people involved in the University, but I don't think flag twirlers add anything to the band performance - maybe they should border the sidelines when the band is performing and be on the field when the team enters. 5) Keep the post game brief with an uplifting song if we loose and 'Blue and Gold' or 'Win One For Akron' if we win, and then march back in formation to the staging area, drums only. Massillon used to play a post game song at the end of a home loss tiltled something like 'Massillon Will Win Again' then they marched off to silence except for drum sticks clicking on the side of their drums. Impressive.
1) any suggestions for songs?2) a call to arms is only as good as the fans make it. the trick is finding something that the fans will rally around and thats easyer said than done. 3) not a bad idea4) I never looked at it as a prance and prance never came into my mind anytime I've ever seen it but then again I'll wait and see what everyone else has to say.5) I'll let you try and tell that the the flag corp. best of luck6) I'm not to big on taking ideas of high school bands. it's mostly a pride thing. further more I've been a fan of being the last people in the stands so that we canvgive all the other fans some music to leav to.love the suggestions if you guys have more keep them coming
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1) Our celebration song Zip-pitty-do-da is a good play on our name. I hate to admit it, but I like Can't's celebration song of 'In Heaven there is no beer, that's why we drink it here' It really gets their student body in a frenzy. Can we add another celebration song to our inventory - don't get rid of Zip-pitty-do-da because it has it's place, but we need a party song.2) Our call to arms song (not the punk rock band) - Eat-em-up-Zips is good, OSU's hang-on-sloopy is real good. Can we add anything else (something along a military line)? 3) This year, why not begin the Band's tradition of gathering away from the stadium (Rubber bowl this year - meet at Derby Downs) and marching to the gate, with drums only. Then, stay in formation, get your announcement and enter the field and play 'Blue and Gold'.4) Do we have to prance onto the field? - I don't remember the Band doing this 20 years ago. If everyone likes it OK, but I'm not real big on it.5) Flag people - I like that get people involved in the University, but I don't think flag twirlers add anything to the band performance - maybe they should border the sidelines when the band is performing and be on the field when the team enters. 5) Keep the post game brief with an uplifting song if we loose and 'Blue and Gold' or 'Win One For Akron' if we win, and then march back in formation to the staging area, drums only. Massillon used to play a post game song at the end of a home loss tiltled something like 'Massillon Will Win Again' then they marched off to silence except for drum sticks clicking on the side of their drums. Impressive.
1) any suggestions for songs?2) a call to arms is only as good as the fans make it. the trick is finding something that the fans will rally around and thats easyer said than done. 3) not a bad idea4) I never looked at it as a prance and prance never came into my mind anytime I've ever seen it but then again I'll wait and see what everyone else has to say.5) I'll let you try and tell that the the flag corp. best of luck6) I'm not to big on taking ideas of high school bands. it's mostly a pride thing. further more I've been a fan of being the last people in the stands so that we canvgive all the other fans some music to leav to.love the suggestions if you guys have more keep them coming
It might be a bit unusual, but how about Devo's "Whip It!" for a celebration/get Rowdie song? That has to be one of the most recognizable "Akron" songs ever.
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A couple of last comments on our Band traditions:1) Our celebration song, Zip-pitty-do-da, is a good play on our name. I hate to admit it, but I like Can't's celebration song of 'In Heaven there is no beer, that's why we drink it here' It really gets their student body in a frenzy. Can we add another celebration song to our inventory - don't get rid of Zip-pitty-do-da because it has it's place, but we need a party song.2) Our call to arms song (not the punk rock band) - Eat-em-up-Zips is good, OSU's hang-on-sloopy is real good. Can we add anything else (something along a military line)? 3) This year, why not begin the Band's tradition of gathering away from the stadium (Rubber bowl this year - meet at Derby Downs) and marching to the gate, with drums only. Then, stay in formation, get your announcement, enter onto the field and play 'Blue and Gold'.4) Do we have to prance onto the field? - I don't remember the Band doing this 20 years ago. If everyone likes it OK, but I'm not real big on it.5) Flag people - I like that get people involved in the University, but I don't think flag twirlers add anything to the Band performance - maybe they should just border the sidelines when the Band is performing and be on the field when the team enters. 5) Keep the post game brief with an uplifting song if we loose and 'Blue and Gold' or 'Win One For Akron' if we win, and then march back in formation to the staging area (away from the stadium), drums only. Massillon used to play a post game song at the end of a home loss tiltled something like 'Massillon Will Win Again' then they marched off to silence except for drum sticks clicking on the side of their drums. Impressive.Lastly, I have to make amends for giving Can't credit for a great celebration song The worst band performance of all time at the Rubber Bowl was Can't State's at the Frozen Turkey Bowl in 2005. I heard a horn play every now during their performance and they we slipping all over the field. We did much better that day and looked great at the Motor City Bowl!
Concerning points 2 & 5:#2 - "Eat 'em up, Eat 'em up, go Zips go" UGH!, I HATE that song! It literally embarrasses me. Whenever I bring friends to the game I always try to make smalltalk with them while the band is playing that stupid song so that my friends won't realize how painfully lame it is. Unfortunately, many of my friends are skeptical about coming to a Zips' football game in the first place. Then they hear that song and I just want to crawl under a bleacher! Unfortunately, Hang On Sloopy is terrific. We definitely need something, ANYTHING!, new.#5 - I'm with you on the whole flag girl thing. How LAME! They have no place on a university-level marching band. They're even considered to be rather LAME on the high school level - where the administration is just concerned with the respective kids' self esteem and with helping to give the kids an identity and sense of belonging by getting the kids involved in something. This isn't high school; this is grown up world now. It's just LAME. Get 'em outta here!MORE MILITARY MARCHES!!! COOL MILITARY DRUM CORPS RHYTHMS!!! Unfortunately, OSU's band also has probably the coolest drum corps rhythm I've ever heard. It probably has a name, I don't know, but they play it as they're marching in and then start off their fight song with it. I hate OSU but even I can't help but get goosebumps when I hear that!
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You might be able to convince someone in the band to focus more on a drumline in the field marching, but I doubt it, but you will not get any reception on dropping the color guard. Seems like everyone everywhere has a color guard and no one questions why

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Everyone in college sports steals from everyone else. Fear the Roo? Ripped off from Maryland. But depending upon who you listen to, Maryland ripped "Fear the Turtle" off from Disney's "Fear the Mouse" campaign from a few years earlier.Marshall fans have their "WE ARE....MARSHALL"...which is absolutely NOTHING like "WE ARE...PENN STATE"...or WE ARE...*insert any school here* :rolleyes: Some people say "Z-I....P-S" is a rip off of OSU's O-H...I-O. Big fat hairy deal...there's 546 other four-letter schools that did did the same thing before OSU.Which leads me to -Wisconsin does a super cool version of House of Pain's

that would be great for UA. It fits perfectly with the Kangaroo. It would be a slam-dunk success if the Zips leased this tradition from the Badgers.It's either that, or glom on to the old standby, "Hang on Zippy." IMO - OSU ruined that one when they stole it from the Zips back in the early 70's. Go with "Jump Around."
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