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kreed5120 last won the day on February 9

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  1. I hope nobody bet on Akron to cover the spread. That would require a monstrous 2nd half.
  2. Even before legal sports betting was a thing in Ohio I always felt the lines were useful. Particular when you might not be familiar with an opponent.
  3. A win against NIU and Akron will match the 2012-2013 teams 13-0 start to MAC play. That team won 19 in a row between OOC and MAC play.
  4. Hopefully not good enough that you placed any bets
  5. Nobody saw 8th seeded Kent making the Finals last year. Weird things happen in single elimination tournaments.
  6. Why would any of that happen? All that will happen is a more 18-14 power conference teams would get in.
  7. In hindsight NIU should have just kept Montgomery. Being a middle of the pack MAC program is their ceiling given how little support they get.
  8. Teams 7-9 still play one another. They can't all win out.
  9. I actually think Freeman leaving helped some of these guys develop. When you have a talent like Freeman it becomes easy at times to just run the offense through him and let him do his thing. With him gone we were forced to redevelop our offense and players were kind of just tossed off the boat and forced to either learn to swim or drown. Obviously with Freeman we would be a better team. I'm just not sure we would have seen our guards develop the way they have if he was still here.
  10. To toot my own horn I stated that WMU path to staying in the game was getting offensive rebounds, which they have been able to do. Usually the better team can pull away in the final 10 minutes. The longer WMU hangs around, the more they will have confidence they can win. Lets go on a run and put this game out of reach.
  11. Getting offensive boards is the one thing WMU is great at. Best in the MAC at offensive rebounding rate.
  12. WMU 10 offensive boards is allowing them to stay within striking distance. It would be nice to go on a run to put this game out of reach.
  13. I actually hadn't heard about the NIT bringing some auto-bids back. That's at least a positive over the disaster that it was for mid-majors last year.
  14. To clarify I was using Kenpom in my comparison. I'm not sure how to readily find previous years NET data. Kenpom makes it readily available on their main page so it's the tool I use when comparing years past. Especially since NET is only a few years old so even if you find the data, the look back isn't far. I don't think anyone here is downplaying a win streak.
  15. I feel Arth created a lot of problems for himself as well. He decided to bring in his equally, perhaps even more, inexperienced cronies. You had the blind leading the blind. If you're going to bring in an inexperienced FBS coach, you should at least pair him with a long-time FBS coordinator. Perhaps a guy that had a coaching stint of his own and can at least offer guidance on what not to do.
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